VOL. II, 1985
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England,
Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may
refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by
this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai- 600 080,
Volume II
QHD, VOL.II, NO.1, MARCH 1985 ................................................................................................................. 3
HOMOEPATHIC MEDICINE WITH HEPARIN AND VALIUM ............................................................. 5
CLINICAL CASES: AHMED N.CURRIM, PH.D., M.D. ................................................................................. 6
VISCUM ALBUM - BY DR.MED.HANS LEERS. ........................................................................................ 26
PERISCCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 28
QHD, VOL.II, NO.2, MARCH 1985 ............................................................................................................... 30
PAEDIATRIC CASES - DEAN CROTHERS, MD ........................................................................................ 31
ENURETICS AND THEIR PERSONALITIES - BY J. BARBANCEY ..................................................... 37
P E R I S C O P E ........................................................................................................................................ 43
THERAPHY OF DUPUYTREN WITH CINNABARIS ........................................................................... 44
BERBERIS - BY G. K.KELLER ................................................................................................................ 45
ANXIETY VIEWED FROM THE MIASM THEORY - BY.U.D. FISCHER ............................................. 46
QHD, VOL.II, NO.3, SEPTEMBER 1985 ...................................................................................................... 50
CASE REPORTS OF THE USE OF MEDORRHINUM IN THREE PATIENTS ..................................... 54
PULSATILLA AND THE EXAMINATION OF THE PATIENT ............................................................. 57
BERBERIS AGAIN ................................................................................................................................... 66
THE FOURTH CHRONIC DISEASE ....................................................................................................... 67
HAHNEMANN'S CONCEPTION OF CHRONIC DISEASES ................................................................. 68
P E R I S C O P E ........................................................................................................................................ 71
QHD, VOL.II, NO.4, DECEMBER 1985 ........................................................................................................ 74
EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM FOR FRACTURES ............................................................................. 75
A CASE OF ARNICA ................................................................................................................................ 84
VERIFICATIONS BY K.N.GYPSER. ........................................................................................................... 85
THREE CASES FROM THE FRENCH: ................................................................................................... 89
KALI BICHROMIOUM BY H.V.MÜLLER ................................................................................................. 91
A CASE OF HERPES ZOSTER NEURALGIA......................................................................................... 92
TREATMENT OF SUMMER DIARRHOEAS ......................................................................................... 94
ABROTANUM-BY L.GENT. .......................................................................................................................... 95
A DOG ....................................................................................................................................................... 96
GRAVIS -BY CLERBAUX ............................................................................................................................ 97
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM IN CHRONIC NASAL OBSTRUCTION .............................................. 98
THE SIMILLIMUM--SOME EXAMPLES ............................................................................................... 99
Year 1985
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1 QHD, Vol.II, No.1, March 1985
Dear Doctor,
The QUARTERLY HOMEOPATHIC DIGEST has entered into the second year. From
the letters received by me there appears to be no need for an apology for this venture. The
DIGEST has been very well received.
Some readers have suggested inclusion of certain specific diseases and their
Therapeutics; some have asked that the print be bolder; one has suggested more pages to suit the
The suggestions are all being carefully considered. I would like once again to point out
that the DIGEST is not to be considered as a Publication available for "sale". It is only a private
communication to a small number, hardly 100. Secondly, the articles are not at all less by any
account and even in comparison with the Journals published in commercial manner; let alone
translations from contemporary homeopathic literature. From the size and format of the last
number of the DIGEST it will be seen that if the same were to be published in the normal size
and print it would not be less than 30-pages or more. The print is deliberately kept small to
accommodate more material. Let me once again assure that the "subscription" covers only the
approximate actual cost of production, excluding the cost of the source journals, typing etc.
A few words about the contents of this number:
The risk of inter-action of the homoeopathic remedies with remedies given in
physiological doses (allopathic has been posed in the 'Editorial' of the JAIH; the clinical cases of
Dr.Currim point to the great role Homoeopathy can play in advanced pathology and forcefully
indicates the need for full-fledged hospitals.
Discussions of miasms by the mexican schools may please be read with earlier article or
Dr.Ortega {QHD.VOL.1 No.1} a symptom of nit-ac., in the low grade in the Repertory has been
verified by the clinical case of Dr.Weber study of IPECAC. by its characteristics would stimulate
us to study other remedies also in that method so that the peculiarities of the remedies can be
fixed in the memory.
The article by Dr.Hans LEERS on Viscum Album gives us a great remedy/disease, viz.,
Extrasystoles and Viscum album. Please note in the repertory under relevant rubrics.
Verifications may please be communicated to the undersigned.
Clinical use of potencies, is well worth discussion. This time PERISCOPE reveals a more
wonderful field.
Altogether a great adventure.
With fraternal Greetings,
Volume II
March 1985.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Vol.II, No.1, March 1985
1. Letter from the Editor
2. Homoeopathic medicine with Heparin and Valium
3. Clinical Cases - Dr.Ahmod Currim
4. Clinical use of potencies by Dr.Dorothy J.Cooper,
5. A Clinical Confirmation of Earlier Proving of Nit-ac. by Dr.W.Weber
6. Characteristics of Homoeopathic Medicine - Ipecacuanha
7. Viscum album by Dr.Hans Leers
8. Periscope
Year 1985
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Knowing homoeopathy well enough to effect a cure or a significant improvement is
power, but how to exercise this in such a way as to minimize abuse? Sometimes are not so. An
example: A homoeopath received a telephone call from an old patient from 1000 miles away.
She was calling for a friend presently in a hospital critically ill with deep vein thrombosis of the
lower extremities (clots in the veins of the legs ) at least one of which had broken loose and
lodged in the lung (pulmonary embolus) causing extensive damage. At the time of the telephone
call of the patient had been on Heparin (an anti - coagulant) for 3 days. The problem was
Heparin did not see, to be working. Fresh clots, many of them, were forming daily in the legs and
she was in danger of repeated pulmonary emboli. Situation was life threatening. Could
homoeopathy help in this case?
How to prescribe? On what basis? The homoeopath could not talk to the patient
personally or over telephone. All he knew was that the patient had deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
and at least one pulmonary embolus and in grave danger. He said "give Hamamelis". "30th
potency 3 times a day. And keep me posted".
This homoeopath had been taught that Hamamelis was useful in deep vein thrombosis.
He had however, never prescribed Hamamelis before. He had no clue if it would interact with
Three days went by and the telephone rang. The patient had improved dramatically;
within 12 hours of the first dose of Hamamelis she experienced an increase in general wellbeing
and the pains in her legs (from the DVT) had decreased. On the third day of Hamamelis a repeat
lung scan was done which showed an almost complete resolution of the embolus which a few
days prior to Hamamelis had occupied 35% of one lung. The doctors were talking about letting
her go home in a few days.
The next day the patient had taken a turn for the worse. During the night she had bled
extensively, both haemoptysis and haematemesis. She was in intensive care. By this time
Heparin had been stopped.
"Good God:" thought the Homoeopath. "What have I done? The Hamamelis acted
curatively, but how could her physician have known? Naturally, he kept her on Heparin which
had contributed or possibly even caused her to bleed."
It was revealed later that the patient had been given Valium the day previous to the big
bleeding. Later that day, therefore, she started to bleed; she had had a seizure before she started
to bleed. She remembered being given Valium months earlier and having a seizure at that time.
Presumably, she was highly allergic to Valium. The Valium had triggered a seizure which in turn
triggered the bleeding episode (given the fact she was still an Heparin).
HOMOEOPATHY, December 1983; Slightly condensed by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for
private circulation only]
Volume II
1.2 CLINICAL CASES: Ahmed N.Currim, Ph.d., M.D.
Perhaps some readers wonder from time to time what it would be like if homoeopathic
physicians had their own hospitals? Would our medicines be efficacious in the area of serious
pathology? Ahmed Currim is now finishing a residency in Family Medicine in a large
metropolitan hospital. The cases he presents here were all seen in hospital. Most of the patients
received their homoeopathic remedies surreptiously, i.e., they never knew they got them. The
cases speak for themselves.
Case 1: J.C., a 52 year old white male factory worker, came in with a chief complaint of sudden
sharp left shoulder pain which occurred while watching T.V. Pain developed suddenly, was
excruciating and travelled along the sternal border and down the back. No radiation along either
arm. Patient had severe shortness of breath with the pains. Pain travelled also to the left border of
the rib cage and was agg. on taking a deep breath. Rushed to the Emergency Room
Denied having chills, fever, cough, ulcer disease, gall bladder disease, heart disease.
No allergies. On no medications. Review of systems was unremarkable.
Past medical history:
H/o of chronic diarrhoea for 5 to 6 yrs, but never saw his doctor. Forced him out of bed
early morning: had much discomfort all through the morning "with abdominal rumbling and
flatus. Stools watery, brown.
Social history:
Smoked cigarettes 1½ packs per day for 36 yrs. Alcohol--four to five beers per day
Factory worker.
Physical Exam.:
Pulse: 130/respiration -16/B. P. 130 palpable. This middle aged male, thin and small, was
observed moaning from the pain in his chest.
Excoriation be scrotum and thigh and on scrotum itself.
No breath sounds in lt.lung. Rt.lung normal.
hard and distended.
Enormous red mass protruding out of sneak denoting a complete prolapsed of rectum.
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Lt. pneumothorax almost complete (80-90%) with shift of mediastinum
Lab data Diagnosis:
Left. Pneumothorax.
Treated by surgeon with chest tube and suction (via pump).
Homoeopathic aspect of the case:
Symptoms elicited for selection of homoeopathic remedy were as follows:
Chronic diarrhoea:
Worse morn. on awaking, forcing, him to bathroom. Patient indifferent about his
appearance and health. Sticks feet out from covers at night. Desire for beer. Excoriation of
Sulphur 50M. One dose.
Follow Up:
The diarrhoea improved within three days and ceased within seven. By the tenth hospital day, his
abdominal discomfort had markedly improved. A surgical consult vas obtained on the rectal prolapse. The
patient was told to return in four to eight weeks, as surgery was not immediately required. Two weeks
after admission, the chest tube was removed and he was discharged. Seven weeks later he astounded his
doctor as the rectal prolapse had totally retracted. Bowel movements were normal. He no longer craved
beer and had stopped drinking it. He had also stopped smoking.
The above case shows the beginnings of a true cure. His perverted cravings for beer and smoking
had vanished, and all symptoms associated with gastro-intestinal tract had disappeared.
Case 2: R.L., a 45 yr.old white male business executive, had severe epigastric pain. He had had recurrent
attacks of pancreatitis since 1959 and had undergone heroic treatments. In 1959 his sphincter of Oddi was
removed. Later scar tissues occurred, requiring further surgery in 1963 when he received a
sphincteroplasty and cholecystectomy. In 1975 he was readmitted for sever abdominal pain. At that time a
radiological study showed a stone in his pancreatic duct. Apparently the x-ray procedure wedged the
stone further into the duct, resulting in his worst attach of pancreatitis. His amylase soared to 7,000 and he
nearly died. He was re-operated a month later. In 1978 and again in 1980, he had further sever attacks of
pancreatitis. In the last one, two large pancreatic abscesses were surgically drained and a partial
pancreatectomy performed.
Despite extensive medical studies during each hospitalization, no cause of his pancreatitis had
been found, and he was labeled “Idiopathic pancreatitis.”
Volume II
On this admission he was complaining of severe abdominal pain in bands”. The pain throbbed
and was worse lying on his lt. side, better in the knee-elbow position.
He took Tagamet from Feb.1978 to Feb.1980, when soreness of the breasts developed
and be stopped the drug. Allergic to Pencillin. Currently on pancrease, 3 tablets with meals.
Family history:
Father a borderline diabetic. An aunt died of leukemia.:
Social history:
Patient stopped alcohol in 1959.
Physical Exam:
Pulse -86/ Respiratiooon-14/BP -100/70 /Afebrile.
Macular rash on forehead secondary to hair dye.
Epigastric tenderness extending to rt. side. Bowel sounds present. Numerous scars from
old surgeries.
Rectal exam:
Lab data:
Diagnosis and treatment: Recurrent Pancreatitis. He was treated with naso-gastro-suction.
NPO, intravenous fluids and intramuscular Demerol for pain as needed. Homoeopathic aspect of
the case:
No remedy was obvious form the above symptom picture. I had seen this patient only a
few weeks earlier, and despite careful questioning of him and his family had obtained noting
other than common symptoms of pain. Two days after admission, the patient became feverish (T-
101*) and complained of pain in the lt. kidney region which was relieved on passing urine.
Amylase was 3600 (slightly less than admission). Patient felt sick. Naso-gastric suction had
some bloody material. On the single modality of kidney pain better from urination (see Kent's
Repertory pages 663 and 898) he was given: Prescription:
Lycopodium 1M, one dose.
Follow up:
Year 1985
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Next day: metamorphosis, Patient was vastly improved. Abdominal pain had vanished.
He did not request Demerol. No fever He was sitting up doing his office work.
By day four two days after Lycopodium the amylase was 650 He was on clear fluids and
doing well.
He was discharged on day seven with normal chemistries and advised to have a total
pancreatectomy "to put an end to your misery.”
Question: Would Lycopodium be this man's constitutional medicine and cure his
idiopathic pancreatitis?
This case shows the value of single modality (which might have been dismissed as
trivial) in selecting the correct remedy.
Case 3: E.D., an 80 yr. old white woman came in with the chief complaint of melena and a
previous history of hiatus hernia, heartburn water brash and belching after eating. One week
prior to admission she had an episode of epigastric pain. The day of admission she fainted
following a bowel movement in which she passed fresh blood with many clots. In the Emergency
Room she’d passed a tarry stool and was hypotensive. She was on no medications. Denied using
aspirin and did not smoke or drink.
Physical Exam:
Pulse 96/Respiration 18/BP 80/40 / Afebrile.
Pale; Eyes: conjunctivae pale; lungs; clear;
Regular rhythm. No murmurs. No S3,or S4 sounds.
Soft nontender with bowel sounds present. No masses or organomegaly.
Black stool strongly guaiac positive.
Lab. data:
WBC-8.2/2 stabs/63 poly/2 eos/2 30 lymphs Hgh-10.1M/MCV-88
Electrolytes: Normal, BUN-37/ creatinine-0.8
Volume II
Diagnosis and treatment: Upper GI bleed. She was given intravenous fluids and cimetidine 300
mg 16th IV.She was placed NPO and serial Hgh and Hot were drawn until stable. Bp became
normal and she was placed on clear fluids. There was no more bleeding.
Homoeopathic aspect of the case:
She complained of excessive flatulence, easy satiety and was worse from cabbage and
Lycopodium 10M, one dose.
Follow up:
Within two days she felt greatly relieved of her gastric symptoms. "Never in my life have
I felt so much at ease." she said.
Six days after admission, endoscopy was performed and a small lesion was found on the
lesser curvature of the stomach. The cancer was biopsied and histology showed adenocarcinoma.
The cancer was the obvious explanation of her GI bleed, and she was advised to have surgery to
remove it. During the subsequent week, while awaiting sugery, she remained well. There was no
flatulence, she ate well and experienced no discomfort. There was no easy satiety, she underwent
a gastrectomy, recovered easily and was discharged. The surgeon said he believed the procedure
would be "curative"
This case shows the value of the constitutional remedy in malignancy. One is tempted to
ask if the remedy alone could have cured her malignancy.
Case 4: I.H., a 48 yr. old white male lawyer suffered very severe chest pain radiating to the lt.
shoulder and lt. arm. There was dizziness, but no nausea vomiting or shortness of breath. He did
recall having epigastric and substernal pain one day prior to admission.
Physical Exam:
Pulse 76 and slightly irregular / Respirations-18/ BP.140/100;
Neck: No JVD
Chest: Lungs clear;
Heart: 83 gallop, regular rhythm; Extremities: no oedema.
Lab. data and EKG:
ST elevation in the anterior chest leads consistent with anterior wall myocardial
infarction. Blood work on admission was normal except for elevated WBC with normal
differential. On the second day of hospitalization, the following blood chemistries
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revealed:CPK-1655(nbormal-50); CPKMB was positive for myocardial infraction. LDH-543
(normal-150 GOT -275 (NORMAL-20). These studies confirmed the diagnosis of a myocardial
infarction which was very severe.
Hospital course:
He was admitted to CCU. He developed lidocaine resistant PVC’s which improved on
Pronestyl. On the third day, he developed a severe pleuritic chest pain worse on breathing or
movement. It feels like I have- bronchitis,” he said. No friction audible. He was given Demerol
75 mg. on four occasions. Very restless.
On the 4th day, he was thought to have pericarditis secondary to the MI, despite the absence of a
pericardial friction rub. He was placed on the following medications, aspirin, Demerol, Isordil nd
Homoeoeopathic aspect of the cases:
On the night of his 4th day in the hospital, he came under my care, as I was on call. The
patent spoke several times about wanting to go home, and he seemed concerned bout various
business problems. To me there seemed to be going on than simply a heart attack. Prescription;
Bryonia IM, one dose.
Follow up:
He slept for 1½- hr, immediately following the remedy. He experienced pain at 10.50
P.M.-He asked for Demerol only twice more, at 10.50 P.M AND 4.00 A.M. Then his pain
decreased rapidly and he improved.
On the 6th day, he experienced no pain and needed no Demerol. On the 8th day he said
wanted “to change his life style and not worry so much about business.”
Until day 14 he did well with steady improvement. Then he developed a low grade temperature,
rt.chest pain, rales in the rt.base and shortness of breath. Dressler’s Syndrome was diagnosed,
and the patient was restarted on aspirin. In addition he was placed on Valium and anti—tussives.
On the day 21 he developed pleural effusions and his heart was found to be enlarged. An
echocardiogram revealed a pericardial effusion. He was thought to be in congestive heart failure
and digitalized and placed lasix. He was finally discharged on day 27 with a severely injured
heart muscle.
Bryonia might vey well have cured his Dressler’s Syndrome, as the symptoms calling for
Bryonia had reappeared.
It is noteworthy that Bryonia is listed in bold type in Kent’s Repertory under CHEST, Dropsy.
The patient’s change in attitude toward his business affairs following Bryonia was remarkable
and indicated the prescription had been on the mark. Using Bryonia in a myocardial infarction
Volume II
seems unlikely, but the symptoms arc the true guides to the remedy and not the pathological
diagnosis. It should be noted, however, that Kent lists Bryonia under pericarditis in the Repertory
on page 835.
December 1985; for private communication only; extracted by Dr. K. S. Srinivsan, Madras]
(Comment by Dr.K.S.S. the 4 cases of highly educative value. The working of the high potency
medicine in gross pathology have been demonstrated. After reading the cases please read the
opening paragraph of the article, particularly Homoeopathy teachers and homoeopathy doctors
attached to Homoeopathy hospitals)
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I should like to share with you some of the general principles which our senior
homoeopathic physicians, German, American and English have given to us, I found so much
material about so many outstanding homoeopathic practitioners, and in many cases articles about
the preparation and use of a wide range of potencies, that this final list has had to be highly
Hahnemann himself commenced by using up to the 30th potency, although after his death
sixth edition of the Organon (1921) referred to his use of potencies up to 1M. Boenninghausen,
thought to be Hahnemann's most brilliant pupil, was using 200 and 1M potency by the 1880 and
he quotes the 5th edition of the Organon as speaking of the effect of the 200th potency as
"bordering on the marvelous'
Burridge in Liverpool in 1868 was using 200 and 1M. Dr.Thomas Skinner a well-known
gynaecologist, at one time private in 1876 as a result of a dramatic cure from his own
incapacitating illness by a ‘few doses Sulphur 1M" prepared for him by Dr.Boericke of
Philadelphia. From this time on (until 1903) he practiced homoeopathy in Scotland using
potencies certainly as high as “the 150,000th centesimal attenuation"
Richard Hughes (1836-1902) recorded in the last quarter of the 19th century how high the
potencies of remedies used in America were -- e.g. 200 and up to 10 millionths being made
(10,000,000). He stated, however that in England the “medium dilutions" by which he meant
the12th to the 3rd' chiefly in use" with the 30th "being pretty frequently administered", but added
that "a tendency soon displayed itself to descend rather than ascend the scale". Of himself he said
“the great majority of us continue to use in conjunction with the lower dilutions (as from 3
downwards) the higher ones of the scale from 6 upwards)" At that stage he evidently saw
difference in use of potency as very much the choice of the individual physician, discussed and
written about with illustrative statistics, but not necessarily a topic for contention (Hughes’
Manual of Therapeutics according to the method of Hahnemann published 1877).
Dr.George Royal, having, retired after 30 years as Professor of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica at the State University of Iowa, wrote his Homoeopathic practice of Medicine
(published 1923) in which he referred to many remedies familiar to us today, as well as
unfamiliar ones, and advised the use of them in variety of potencies from 3x to the thousandth.
As far as my study has gone he appears to have used the 3rd and 6th to the 30th potencies more
frequently than the higher ones. In contrast to many contemporaries he normally states the
potency and dose he used and advised.
The highest potencies of 10M and over were not brought to England until just before the
First World War when Sir John Wier, Dr.Fergiewoods and Dr.Borland returned after a period of
study with Kent in America. I understand these highest potencies are still made in America and
by a single bottle technique.
In 1982 we are again in a position to see that all potencies have their place, and it may be
that some physicians become more discerning or more proficient in using certain potencies.
Volume II
Potencies available: I am quite glad to have the opportunity to thaw your attention to the limitless
variations in use of potencies in homoeopathic treatment, as I believe we Should view the subject
not as a battlefield but as a launching—pad for exploration into new fields of success in our
MOTHER TINCTURE Crataegus, Sabal.
Tenth potencies
1X near to mother tincture, rare in use but useful, e.g. Crataegus. (Useful in clinic where no
3X rare in use; examples,
Arsen.iod. in hay fever.
Hepar sulphur for promotion formation of pus.
Bryonia (one family 3 generations all sensitive known as
the"headache" remedy causing headache, but invaluable for typical
Bry.cough in 3x).
4X rare in use e.g. Acid phos. as tonic.
6X the commonest of the tenth potencies. Schuessler Tissue Remedies,"Phosphorine"--
9X unique value in at least the remedy Nux vom., but is difficult to make.
Hundredth potencies
6c commonly the lowest used, safest, no reaction normally; occasionally some rare patient better
on higher potency. Arnica, Arsen.alb, Belladonna, Calc.carb, Causticum etc. etc.
Hamamelis used in vein thrombosis.
Rhus tox. (Blackie) 3 notes for restlessness. Home remedies best.
12c Constitutional -- always safe. Some of our greatest forerunners for example Sir John Weir
frequently began with 12c especially with sensitive patients e.g. Lycopodium.
30c Medium --very useful follow-up potency and very much used in acute and constitutional
situations. e.g. Apis mel (stings), Nat.mur., Cantharis.
Hamamelis in haemmorhage. (as contrasted with 6c potency for vein thrombosis ).
Rhus tox. --muscle tension (note all potencies have their use)
200c- The most difficult of all to use. If it is right a very good result; if the wrong potency a very
bad aggravation. e.g. Calc.phos- knees; Graphities- scar tissue.Drosera for cramp; Psor- hay
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fever. But in a Lycopodium constitution can get a very severe reaction. Sulphur --specific in
dental sepsis
500c- Rare. Use in constitutional, i.e. a specific potency.
Thousandth Potencies:
1M Easiest, safest and gentlest of all higher potences,e.g
Gelsemium in flu
Hepar sulph to abort abscess; cf.3x to promote pus
Lycopodum and Phosphorus in pneumonia-safe to start with
in acute infection.
Any constitution safe but not always necessarily the best in IM.
10M e.g.
Arnica--injury and operation
Rhus tox: relaxation, preceding osteopathic treatment 3 doses 12 hourly, second 1-2 hours
Hours immediately preceding manipulation –but the number of doses given has to be watched--
6 maximum at any one time.
In acute disease eg: Phosphorus in pneumonia (Lycopodium)
Arsen.alb., Nux vom.(Dr.Blakie) acute onset sore throat with shivering influenza; pneumonia.
Constitutional-frequency worked up to.
50M Rare in use - constitutional.
CM usually follows when lower potencies cease to work, in both acute and constitutional
prescribing, eg.when 10M ceases to give relief e.g. Rhus tox CM Severe acute rheumatism of
hands, 3 doses 2 hourly repeated once (1982) in 15 years (Blackie).
Some practitioners find it invaluable as a first prescription in acute severe diarrhoea and
vomiting of Arsen.alb, type. I have found a 6c very frequently repeated in the early stages
dramatically effective.
M.M-When remedy is working (acute medicine usually) but not holding and no change of
remedy is indicated.e.g.Rhus tox.,Calc.Carb.
Rarely found necessary.
2MM Rare in use (America), constitutional. I have talked about ascending potencies but I believe
Dr.Margaret Tyler would drop her potency when a patient ceased to respond (cf.skinner)
Volume II
Here we must pause and consider “plussing”. A remedy can be plussed very readily. Basically
one is altering the potency of each of 3 or 4 consecutive doses by an unknown degree aid thus
obtaining a slightly different stimulus to the body in each dose. To do this one can dissolve the
potentised tablet, succus; add a fraction of another potentized tablet, and succuss again. Part of
this dose is given as the second dose and the remainder treated the same way for the third dose.
Simple but effective. It has been difficult to decide which remedies to talk about from the point
of view of potency. You will have noticed that certain remedies have been referred to in a
number of potencies according to different areas of usefulness. I have deliberately chosen them
to demonstrate the value of the same remedy in different potencies.
For example:
I. Arnica-—acute physical or mental “bruising” use low or high.
II. Nux vom.—-works on all systems——in different potencies from 9x to MM.
III.Rhus tox.—all potencies varying as to whether the condition is chronic, acute, or an acute
exacerbation on chronic, or indeed a virus infection of the skin such as herpes zoster.
In considering the principles for use of the various potencies, we see that, generally speaking, the
vegetative side of the body, for example skin, alimentary tract, respond best to the low potencies.
In problems relating to the central nervous system either immediately or eventually the highest
potencies will be required. Other systems vary, needing potencies the extremes.
In acute illness either a low or high potency may be required, depending on the nature of
the disease, the severity of the illness, and the capacity of the patient to respond.
In chronic illness one usually begins with a low potency, rising gradual1y to higher ones
as necessary——in these cases it is a wise rule never to start high.
In constitutional problems I usually find that I start with a lower fairly low potency—say
12-and if necessary work up to the very highest, even MM, but much depends on the type; for
example in the more sensitive patient, such as Lycopodium, Sepia, Silica, I would proceed with
caution from low to high.. In the heavy slow type, such as Calcarea carb, it is possible to start as
high as 1M or 10M. Of course, since in homoeopathy the central consideration is the patient
rather than the disease,there are exceptions to every rule.
Some drugs work on different system in different potencies; and some patients react
differently from others to different potencies.
There is a good deal of evidence to suggest that, if one gets a brilliant result with a 10M,
one would have achieved the same result with a 6c potency, perhaps given at a different interval;
and one always has to remember that the body can become accustomed to a potency, or even a
drug stimulus. This is what leads me to favor the course of getting as far as possible with a low
potency, so that there is still -a complete armory of higher potencies to turn to if, or when, the
Year 1985
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patient no longer responds to a potency. Having said this, I must add that there are some
fulminating illnesses, where one feels diffident in starting "low" in this case 1M is usually safe in
any remedy. I have never seen reported, or heard of, bad reactions to a 1M in a serious ill patient.
On the other hand 1M is not always the best potency.
It is therefore cir that we must accept patients vary in their reaction to carefully chosen
remedies and as good Physician we must learn to judge the Patient as well as the Potency.
A salutary reminder of the power of homeopathic remedies is the experience of a patient
who came to me four years ago. A well-meaning person deeply interested in homoeopathy,
having read an article in a BJH of the 1930s on Aluminium poisoning, had advised her to take
Alumina 200. The result was not only an immediate severe reaction to the remedy but also a
greatly increased degree of sensitivity of the patient to aluminum in genere1, cooking utensils,
foil, milk tops, etc. and it took 1 year of careful prescribing to get her sufficiently fit to take
Alumina, and two year before she was well in herself and able to live a more normal life.
Homoeopathy is not an esoteric philosophy, but the application of a principle in the
practice of medicine. Although any lay person who so desires may begin to learn the rudiments
of first-aid and early homoeopathic treatment it belongs to the homoeopathic physician alone to
study the disease process and the patient as a whole as affected by that process and to find, the
remedy required by the patient at that time true similimum - in the right potency to effect a cure,
or, as Hering puts it:
“No one can be a successful disciple of Hahnemann, who is not well versed, as
Hahnemann himself was, in the learning of the medical schools and it would be just as
impossible for him to act Judiciously without a knowledge of anatomy, physiology,
pathology, surgery, and materia medica, together with chemistry and botany, as for a
man, ignorant of navigation and seamanship, to carry a vessel with safety into port.”
(The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician, Constantin Hering.)
[From the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOUNAL, Vol .72, No 1, Jan 1983. Condensed by
Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras. For private communication only]
Volume II
by Dr. W.Weber
HISTORY OF THE AILMENT: Since 20 years: Record card; collected papers and
Homoeopathic records about a man 57 years; Railway driver. Active member of Sports club.
1962 65: Occasional ailments of digestive tract and joints; Intercostal neuralgia of left thorax.
Therapy: palliative.
1971: Reports of a specialist in an internist hospital:
“....... Patient complains of a ‘fluttering’ in the heart region, sine long time. However, the
examination revealed nothing pathological. The complaint was the left chest muscles with
fibrillations. The left M. Pectoralis was painful to pressure. Prospects for medicinal treatment did
not appear good.”
1971 - 1978: Only small number of sporadic entries. January 1979: The patient came with
massive complaints and afflictions. The pains and spasms in the left chest was getting worser and
worser despite intensive treatment by general practitioners and specialists over years. Only some
amelioration. But he cannot do without a large quantity of sedative tablets. Valium helps at times
for some hours. While he had no confidence in Homoeopathy from what others said, he drifted
away from here, but now returned for treatment.
According to Organon paragraph 83 brief extract: “The most troublesome ailment is
the heart. If I am moving about much, then I do not notice it at all. Strangely the sufferings are
during rest. Then it begins to flutter, spasmodic, in the left chest. I have the sensation as if it is in
the ribs. Cannot tolerate any pressure there. The condition is aggravated; the heart region
becomes hot. Becomes fiery. Begins to burn. Then it begins to boom in the heart region. The
spasm gets lesser and slackens rhythmically. These troubles began 15 years before and
aggravated continually. I become nervous and get excited for everything. It becomes worse
during, if I my attention is not distracted. For this suffering, I begin to press the chest as when
one presses the cheek when suffering from toothache. A feeling of pressure as from a weight on
the chest which I would like to fling away. I sleep on the left side. I am unable to sleep because
of the pains and fluttering. The pains become unbearable if I turn in the bed. Throw away the
weight on the chest, only then rest. These attacks come day and nights, but not when occupied
and in sleep. Valium has always helped me. These accursed pains; no one has freed me from.
The pain is worse so that I have to loosen the braces. The attacks come from every least upset, of
any kind, ‘whether anger, joy or uncertainty.”
SUMMARY OF THE PREVIOUS HISTORY: The patient further reported of frequent
and unceasing colds. From every cold he caught, he will have catarrh, throat pains and cough.
Sexual intercourse is exceptional. On the one hand he feared of failure and on the other
hand the wife could not tolerate his holding of the chest always. He lies in bed often with pains
in the calf and coldness of the thighs. He also has a very sensitive vertebral column. He had been
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treated for it by an Orthopaedician without any relief. Almost with every lifting and carrying he
had lumbago. He suffered much with headache.
ARRANGEMENT OF SYMPTOMS for the determination of Similarity. The page numbers of
the Repertory have been given for quick reference:
I. Striking and peculiar symptoms are not available.
II. Clearly observed mental symptoms:
(1) Irritable, Fury, (p.7O)
(2) Excitement over trifles (p.41)
(3) Consolation agg. The irritability (p.59)
III. General Symptoms:
1. Tendency to catching colds. (p.906)
2. Draft air agg. (p.1344)
3. Lifting and carrying causes lumbar pains (p.906)
4. Sleeplessness with shocks and throbbing in body (p.1254)
5. Sexdrive decreased (p.711)
IV. Cause is unknown.
V. Accompanying symptoms absent.
VI. Local symptoms
(1)Spasms of chest muscles (p.880)
(2) Headache from cold (p.138)
(3) Coldness of thigh (p.961)
The choice of Similie: Ranking these 11 symptoms in their arrangement pointed Nitrium acidum
with 11/20 marks. In the second place Sepia came with wider difference, 6/16.
Progress of the case:
15-1-1979: For the presenting complaints: Nux Vomica: abuse of Psychopharms, irritability etc.
on 15-1; 19-1; 22-1; 29-1; the proceedings were noted.
23-2-1979: Restlessness and chest spasms were perhaps reduced minimally only.
7-3-1979: In 14 clays, one week went off very well. But the incredible restlessness has returned
Volume II
7-3-1979: 1 dose of NIT.AC.
21-3-1979: There were good days and. bad. The spasms were bearable.
4-4-1979: The spasm in chest appeared twice a week. It is bearable.
18-4-1979: Again it is worse in the chest, but subdued. The Colds particularly have been
18-4-1979: 2. A dose of NIT.AC.
2-5-1979: The last 14 days were not so good. It was indeed better before that. Again chest spasm
Whole day with bad temper.
16-5-1979: It was very good for weak. Since 4 days maddening, unbearable pains in pectoralis,
burning, heat and spasmodic pains. The sleep is very poor.
3. One dose of NIT.AC.
In muscle it is as if a thick furuncle about to burst out.
30-5-1979 In the meantime feverish cold without medicine.
13-6-1979: Nothing particular. The jerking, itching and burning in the chest increased. Heavy
cough and cold. Sleep bad and. restless.
4. a dose of NIT.AC.
23-7-1979: Since 3 days after a vacation again. Incredible pain in the heart region. palpitation, as
when an ulcer throbs.
8-8-1979: 5. a dose of NIT. AC
29-8-1979: Cough, Coryza, expectoration, were all gone during the whole summer. Only poor
sleep on account of chest spasms.
3-10-1979: Relatively not bad these days. But in intervals it appears to be fully virulent. The
heart is very bad every 14 days. When I have these difficulties, least touch is troublesome.
6. A dose of NIT.AC.
17-10-1979: I am in satisfactory condition.
6-11-1979: Since a few days again the old fuss in the chest with sleep disturbances.A cold for a
20-11-1979: In the chest a riot as if a swarm of bees.
7. A dose of NIT.AC.
4-12-1979: I feel tired ad fagged out.
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18-12-1979: I am well with regard to my chest.
8-1-1980: The attacks are week and rare.
21-1-1980: I am well
8. A dose of NIT.AC.
29-1-1980: well
3-5. The patient appeared after 3 months and said: “Why should a healthy man call on the
physician?” However, disorders set in again. Now again a lengthy discussion. The patient made
enquiries about the specia1ity of homoeopathic procedure. Apparently he understood
HAHNEMANNIAN concept of individuality and he cheered up. Deeply moved he explained: ‘‘I
will say something which I had not told any other doctor since I was in the military hospital. It
will only make all laughs at it. I have or rather had, a foot sweat, wetting. Give me your
The verification: In Kent’s Repertory, p.1183, is found the symptom “Perspiration, foot, left”
with two remedies; Nitric acidum and Chamomilla, Nit.ac. is to be elevated to the second grade
now, The patient remained the entire year 1980 free from ailments and also from his otherwise
usual colds. The symptom in Kent’s comes from HAHNEMANI’S “Chronic Diseases”, II
Edition (1836), Vol.IV under Nitricum Acidum, Symptom No.1135:
“Perspiration of left foot”.
I. The history and address of the patient are available for demonstration to the interested.
II. The medical history establishes corroboration of symptom for Nit.ac.: ‘Aversion to strong
smelling cheese’, as BARTHEL has mentioned in Synthetic Repertory (Vol.II p.216) with
III. Potencies between M and CM were given. In occasional prescription for placebo, Avena
Sativa, Passiflora inc. and Valeriana were alternated.
Volume II
HAHNEMANN,S: Organon, VI Edn. Richard HAEHL, 1921
The Chronic Disease, I Edition 1826,
II Edition 1838
Kent’s Repertory, Heidelberg. 1971
BARTHEL, H. KLUNKUR, W: Synthetic Repertory
Heidelberg (1977 — 1978)
Year 1985
23 / 101
According to paragraph 153 of VI Edition of the ‘Organan of Medicine", the striking, peculiar,
unusual, singular (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the disease are to be most solely kept in
view; because it is these symptoms which above all must correspond; if it is to be the one most
suitable for cure.
1. KENT, J.T: Repertory of the homoeopathic Materia Medic, 6th Edition, Ehrharz &
Karl,Chicago (1957)
1-16. BARTHEL, H., KLUNKER, W.: Synthetic Repertory.
2., revised and enlarged edition, Karl F.Haug, Heidelberg (1982).
17. ALLEN, H.C.: Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons, 8th edition, Boericke &Taf
el, Philadelphia (1950)
18. ALLEN H.C.: The Materia Medica of the Nosodes. Sett Dey & Co., Calcutta (1942)
19. LIPPE, A.von: Key Notes & Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica,
Salzer & Co., Ca1cutta.
20. NASH, E.B.: Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics
2nd Edition, M. Bhattacharyya & Co. Calcutta (1962)
21. BOGER, C.M.: A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 6th enlarged Edition,
Salzer &Co. Calcutta.
22. HUTCHISON, J.W.: Seven—hundred Red Line Symptoms. Ehrhart & Karl,
Chicago (1924)
Kunzli (15) has identified with a red mark the remedies and symptoms especially these are
proved in his practice; these are identified with the numbers 1+ 15.
Psora (7)
Diseases of infants (13), OF CHILDREN. Ailments during pregnancy, in childbed.
Epileptic attacks with bluish face; with screaming (2).
Haemorrhages from all the body outlets; BRIGHT RED (2—4,
6, 8, 17, 19—21); blood clots (3, 14, 17, 21)
Volume II
Foamy discharges from mucous membranes (21).
Hard discharges from the Canthi (1+15)
Fermented stool (1 + 15)
Perspiration HOT, COLD, odor pungent or sour, staining the clothes yellow (1, 7)
Moaning in sleep; eyes open (1 + 15)
AILMENTS FROM ANGER, suppressed anger (2, 12); Arsen., Peruvian bark, CHININ.
Copper fumes agg., Narcotics agg.
headache (20); with sunken eyes, blue rings, pale face, twitching of face and lips (20)
Dyspnoea accompany most of the ailments(21); during menses;
during haemorrhages (20).
1. Symptoms, striking as such:
Sees a red halo (1 + 15)
Sneezing paroxysms (1 + 15)
2. by Modalities:
Vomiting of mucous, food, from coughing (1 + 15).Vomiting in whooping cough (15)
Weakness after menses unrelated to loss of blood.
Abdominal pain in pregnancy (1 + 15)
Diarrhoea from emotional excitement (2), during teething (1+15)
Ineffectual urging f or urination
Cough during teething (7 + 15)
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Joint pains only in chill stage. Chill stage not better in open warmth; agg. by warm covering;
Damp weather amel. (2, 7)/Damp-warm weather agg. Ailments in sultry weather.
3. By Localisation:
One side of the face pale/another red, ONE COLD/ANOTHER HOT.
Biliary colic (1 + 15)
One hand cold/another hot. One foot cold/another hot.
Right side.
4. By Sensations: No symptoms
5. By Extension:
Headache extends to tongue; to root of tooth (15).
Cutting in abdomen from left to right; in uterus (21)
Change of side from left to right (7)
6. By Beginning and End: No symptoms
7. By combination of contrary Symptoms:
Heat on head with cold hands, feet. IN CHILL STAGE WARMTH IS NOT TOLERATED.
Face is red in chill stage, pale during hot stage.
Want of vital heat, but warmth agg. (7)
8. By Periodicity:
ailments at the same hour (6, 17); every second day (6,7,17)
Agg. in winter (1, 7)
9. By absence of expected Symptoms:
Clean tongue in stomach symptoms (17, 19, 20)
Rattling respiration without expectoration (21)
Fever without chill, thirstless in fever (1 + 15)
[From the DEUTSCHES JOURNAL FOR HOMEOPATHIE, Band 1, 2.Quartal, 1982;
Translated from the German by Dr.K.S. Sririvasan, Madras, for private communication only]
Volume II
1.6 VISCUM ALBUM - by Dr.med.Hans LEERS.
A 71 year old man complained on 1.8.1972 about sensation of creeping of lower legs,
nightly, so that he could not rest his legs quietly. He was robust, red and full-blooded, walked
energetically and spoke very loud. To further questions, he told of heat-waves (flushing) from
the feet up to the head with head ache, heart oppression and vertigo by movement. All
ameliorated by cold washings and in the fresh air, after perspiration also. The blood-pressure was
consistent with his age, pulse 90, and there were Extra systoles.
For securing the remedy diagnosis I chose the following repertory cards: (the leading
symptoms are emphasized)
Formication (S)
Legs restless nights (S)
Extra systoles (V)
Face red (M)
Heart oppression (M)
Headache cold air am.(V)
Head ache warmth (V)
Sensation of vigorousness (V)
Air, fresh, am. (V)
Plethora (V)
Pulse fast (s)
Perspiration am. (M)
Vertigo movement (V)
Vertigo better out of doors (5)
Ebullitions upwards (M)
These gave as the only remedy, Viscum album. Besides “Ectrasystoies” all the other
rubrics are found in ‘Kent’. But Viscum is not included in any of the rubrics in
it. It was not at that e time proved, but it is found in the Index. I have supplemented the
indications from the above mentioned sources.
With the D6 a quick amelioration came. I will be going higher now.
Year 1985
27 / 101
(V): Voisin
(M): Mezger.
ARZNEIPOTEZIERUNG, Band 17, 1973—-Jan./Feb.1973; Translated from the German
Dr.K.S. Srinivasan, Madras; for private circulation only.- Dr.HANS LEERS has published a
book of ‘rare symptoms’ which have been helpful in his practice. The sources besides Kent,
include the above cited German authors as also Zincke, Voegeli, Gagliardi, Ga1lavardin, Dewey,
Nash, Farrington, Jahr and other sources. He has also brought a card repertory à1d the above
case is to demonstrate the use of the Card repertory—-K.S.S]
Volume II
A number of papers, on and about Homoeopathy appear in medical Journals all over the
world. Most of the papers remain unknown to Homoeopaths. We are attempting to give a list of
such papers that have appeared in non-homoeopathic journals. As and when our resources
permit, we will provide the readers with excerpts of these papers or even the full papers. The
abbreviations used are standard and are intelligible to the suppliers of Xerox copies or
microfilms or microfiche. These can be obtained from Indian National Scientific Documentation
Centre (INSDOC), 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi—110067 or
U.M.I. c/a Allied Publishers P. Ltd. 13/14, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-119002, or their branches
at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. Addresses of foreign sources will be supplied on request.
Further enquiries regarding these papers may be addressed to Dr. G.S.Hehr, 120/22,
Purani Abadi, Sri Ganganagar—335001 under intimation the Editor, Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras.
The information in this has been culled from INDEX MEDICUS Vol. 1 and 2 (1960, 1961)
1. DEWENTER W: (Experiences from practice with homoeopathic prescriptions); Deutsch Med
J 11: 475—9 5 Oct.1960 (German)
2. HOFF F: Splendour and misery of Therapy, with remarks on homoeopathy; Deutsch Med
Wschr 86: 1017-28
26 May 1961 (German)
3. KRATZER N: The evaluation of homoeopathy on the basis of physical chemistry;
Z Ges Inn Med 15: 927—32
1 Oct. 1960 (German)
4. LENDLE L: On the problem of the “Scientific Value” of homoeopathy and its ‘Theory of
Similarity”; Med Welt 12: 592—3 25 March 1961 (German)
5.. LEMAY P: Sainte-Beuve confides in a homoeopathist; Progr Med (Par) 87:393—4 10
Nov.1939 (French)
6. MOESSINGER P: Is the homoeopathic statement on the similarity valid? ; Med Welt
3 Sep 1960 (German)
7. MOESSINGER P: On the problem of the scientific value of homoeopathy; Med Welt 12:593-
25 Mar 1961 (German)
8. PROKOP L: A critical comment on homoeopathy; Deutsch Med J 11:479-82
5 Oct 1960 (German)
Year 1985
29 / 101
9. PROKOP O: Remarks on the statement of Dr.Stengel; Z Aerztl Fortbild 55:45-6
1 Jan.1961 (German)
10. SCHOELER H: Homoeopathy and science; Med. Welt 7:368-73
13 Feb 1960 (German)
11. SCHOELER H & MARTINI P: Homoeopathy and science; Med Welt 22:1218-20
28 May 1960 (German.)
12. STORCH H: Thoughts on Homoeopathy; Deutsch Gesundh 15:1032-3
12 May 1960 (German)
13. STORCH H: Thoughts about Homoeopathy; Deutsch Gesundh
15:1985—87 29 Sep.1960 (German)
14. WURMSER L: Methods of research applicable to controls in homoeopathy; Prod Pharm 15:
54- 9 (Feb 60) (French)
15:10- 4 (Jan 60) (French)
15. WURMSER L: Problems presented by homoeopathy to the pharmaceutical industry; Prod
Pharm 15:101-9 (May ‘60) (French)
16. ZHURAVLEV Kla: Results of treatment of dermatosis with homoeopathic preparations;
Vestn.Derm Vener
35:29—33 (Jan.’61) (Russian)
Volume II
2 QHD, Vol.II, No.2, March 1985
Dear Doctor,
The avowed purpose of the DIGEST is renaissance of classical homoeopathy by bringing to light
the important literary works being published in the world of homoeopathy, which would enthuse
Clinical verification of a symptom in low grade has been reported in the NIT.AC. case in Vol.II,
No.1/1985. The relevance and value of the prover’s as well as the patient’s expressions for
choice of remedy have been explained in the articles on CAUSTICUM, Vol.I, No.1/84, NUX
VOMICA, Vol.I, No.2/84, IGNATIA Vol.I, No.3/84. The cure of chronic bowel diseases, have
been well documented in the case Reports in Vol.I, No.2/84. The justification and need for full-
fledged homoeopathic hospitals where even advanced pathology can be treated by homoeopathy
has been brought in Dr.Currim’s case reports in Vol.II, No.1/85. Multiple Sclerosis, in Vol.I,
No.2/84 is a testimony to homoeopathy’s efficiency in such incapacitating diseases. VISCUM
ALBUM is relevant in extrasystole’ —— vide Vol.II, No.1/85. The symptoms and rubrics may
be added to the Repertory and Materia Medica. Characteristics of IPECACUANHA, drawn from
22 sources makes it an up-to-date and thorough study--Vol.II, No.1/85. The current number will
be found equally interesting.
Re-provings of some remedies have been done in the USA and Germany in the recent past which
confirm many of the earlier provings--DIOSCOREA, DIOSGENIN, BERBERIS, GLONOIN.
These will be given in the ensuing numbers of the DIGEST.
Which other homoeopathic Journal provide such selected and useful studies? None, to the best of
my knowledge, except our DIGEST, a NON-COMMERCIAL VENTURE, meant for those in
pursuit of excellence in knowledge and practice. Shouldn’t YOU support such a venture?
June 1985
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Year 1985
31 / 101
2.1 PAEDIATRIC CASES - Dean Crothers, MD
Homoeopathy reaps some of its greatest rewards in the treatment of children. It is
immensely satisfying to see how their future brightness and its possibilities open up for them
when the correct remedy is prescribed. The following three paediatric cases were chosen using a
computerized data collection system.
As a general rule, adult are more difficult to treat than children. An important part of the
information that homoeopathic physicians use in deciding upon a remedy comes from direct
observation of the child’s responses to the doctor and child’s interactions with his parents. The
remainder must be obtained from the parents’ observations of the child-and from the parents’
knowledge of the child’s past medical history. Physical examination is important, not only for
arriving at a diagnosis, but also for helping the physician chooses the correct remedy. The
homoeopathic medical practice encompasses the evaluation and treatment of the whole person,
mentally, emotionally, and physically and is much more than simply choosing a homoeopathic
remedy based on the patient’s symptoms. The following is a case in point:
Case 1: Pamela, a 2 yr. old girl, had problems with slow growth since age 1. At that time she had
a poor appetite for solid foods. Her parents discontinued milk but growth did not change. At 21
months wheat was removed from her diet. A blood test for allergies (the RAST test) was
performed. It showed multiple food allergies. All foods which had tested positive were
eliminated from her diet, but her growth rate remained well below normal. At this visit she was
below the 10th percentile for height. Her parents forced her to eat a diet of rice, barley,
buckwheat, fish and vegetables. She was obstinate (1). Her hair was thin and dry (1). She was a
cuddly loving child who was a little slower to learn than her other three siblings. Tended to cling
to mother a lot until a few months earlier, and was still shy around her grandparents. Irritable and
contrary if not fed immediately upon becoming hungry (2). Her mother always carried food for
her to nibble on. The mother was observed to be quite nervous and shy. Desired peanut butter (1)
and salad dressing (1). Desired things she could not have. Wanted meat and chicken but was not
allowed to eat them. Seldom got colds or flu.
Pamela was considered to be a relatively healthy child suffering from malnutrition. Her
symptoms at the first visit were physiological reactions to a poor diet lacking in essential
nutrients. These were not the symptoms of an unhealthy defense mechanism. Her symptoms
were not unusual, nor did they present a clear picture of a remedy. Parents were instructed to
forget Pamela’s food allergies and her allergy diet and to let her eat any nutritious food she
wanted, thus removing an obstacle to cure. No remedy was prescribed. Seen again one month
Doing fine on a normal diet. No problems at all. She had gained a pound in the past six
weeks and was growing out of her clothes. Desired bread and peanut butter. Desired sweets (2)
which she sneaked surreptitiously. Formerly tired by 10 a.m. she now had good energy all
morning long. No longer needed to be fed with such urgency and her mother no longer felt a
need to carry food for her. Less fussy and more active.
With obvious improvement from her broader diet, there was no need to prescribe a
remedy at that time. Asked to return in three months, which she did, with following report:
Volume II
A head cold began soon after the last visit and lasted 2 weeks. Her mother became
worried and took her to an allopathic doctor. Otitis media was diagnosed and given
erythromycin. She did not improve and the antibiotic was repeated, and then changed to
amoxicillin, which was repeated, and finally she developed a severe case of urticaria with
swollen ankles and feet to the extent that she was unable to walk for three days. Approximately
six weeks later she again developed fever and was again amoxicillin by an allopathic doctor.
Two weeks later her mother gave her erythrornycin for a fever without consulting a doctor.
She was now irritable (2), weepy and constantly fussy (2). She was unusually tired,
though still more active than she had been before her allergy diet was discontinued. She now
weighed 26 pounds, a gain of two pounds in the past month. Her attention span was short and she
never wandered far from her mother. There was much whining (2). She awoke at 3 or 4 a.m.
wanting something to eat. Desired cooked cereal. Fearful if alone. She complained about redness
around her anus. Ask for things but when they were offered she would refuse them. She wept
easily if reprimanded (2) but easily consoled. She constantly wanted her mother’s attention (2).
Cheerful on waking (2).
Here we see the development of an acute illness which had been treated with repeated
doses of antibiotics. Pamela’s defence mechanism was overwhelmed by the allopathic drugs.
This suppression resulted in the development of symptoms on the emotional level, a clear
indication of a declining state of health.
Her irritability, whining and sensitivity with fear of being alone, weeping easily yet easily
consoled and waking each morning in a cheerful mood led to thoughts of Pulsatilla.
Her desire for sweets and ice cream added some confidence to the prescription.
Pulsatilla 200, one dose, was prescribed. She returned six weeks later:
Much better. She did have two upper respiratory infections since the last visit, but had
been fine since then. She was much less irritable and more cheerful. There had been a few spells
of irritableness in the past week. She still weighed 26 pounds. Though no longer whining, she
was fussy in the afternoon unless given something to eat. Her stools had become loose with
undigested food particles. She was much less demanding of her mother's attention. She was
waking at dawn hungry and fussy. She refused to play until she ate something, but a very small
amount of food satisfied her. (1) Desired sweets (2). Physical examination was normal, including
inspection of her ears.
We can see that after the remedy she was able to recover from two episodes of fever
without the use of antibiotics. Her emotional health improved a great deal. There had been some
interesting changes in her symptomatology. In particular, her desire for sweets had increased and
she now had easy satiety and digestive symptoms. This should make one consider Lycopodium
as a possible remedy to follow the positive response to Pulsatilla. At this time it was felt best to
wait for a clearer and stronger indication for a remedy. No remedy was prescribed. She returned
two weeks later.
For the past two weeks she had had diarrhoea with four stools per day. The stools were
loose and contained particles of undigested food (1). She awoke crying with hunger and
Year 1985
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frequently with an urge to stool four or five hours after going to sleep (2). Her mood was better.
Easy satiety during the day (1) but she ate larger amounts during the night and at breakfast.
Desired sweets (3). Would cry for sweets. She took a morning and an afternoon nap each day.
Her legs were restless during wakeful period at night (1). Fearful when alone (3) to cling tightly
to her mother (2). She was so fearful at church one morning when her mother left her in the
nursery that she wet her pants.
A new remedy picture had fully appeared, with a predominance of physical symptoms.
She had intestinal distress, easy satiety and for of being alone, with a greatly increased desire for
sweets. These symptoms made it easy to prescribe Lycopodium. A single dose of the 30th
potency was prescribed.
Next visit, one month later:
Her bowels cleared up. She no longer awoke hungry at night. Desired sweets (1) and milk (1).
The easy satiety had diminished. No longer clinging to her mother. Able to play alone outside
and enjoy herself. In general, much happier. She did not fill up as easily when eating. She had
not been clinging to her mother. Better at playing alone. Happier.
Obviously there was no reason to prescribe another remedy at that time. She had
improved on all levels. She continued to do very well for the next 3 months. She then had a
return of the irritability and whining and general unhappiness during a period of relative chaos.
The family was staying with first one set of relatives and then another during the process of
moving out of their old home and into a new one. The relapse was not complete, so it was felt
best to wait until the family had resettled before considering another prescription.
Case 2: Tina was a 4 yr. old girl who lived with her father and grandparents. Her grandmother,
who was her primary parent, brought her to the office for treatment of alopecia. Her parents
separated four years earlier and she had not seen her mother for eight months. Four months ago
the family had moved to a distant city. Her hair began to fall out three months ago, one month
after the move. Bald spots the size of a quarter had appeared the on the top of her head and on
the occiput. Two months ago she had been treated with cortisone topically. At this first interview
she was fearful lest I give her an injection. Refused to talk, although she apparently talked quite a
lot at home. She was self-conscious (2) and shy around stranger. She reacted with belligerence
when complimented by a stranger. If she were to take a fall or hurt herself, she would blame the
nearest person. She was unfriendly towards strangers (2). (She was unfriendly toward me and
acted sulkily. Said she did not like me). She was contrary (2) and had a fiery temper (2) Never
complained of having nothing to do. She was mischievous (1) but kind to younger children. She
was not friendly to people outside the family. Fear of the dark (1) Sensitive to teasing (2). Fear of
thunderstorms (1).
Though Tina's chief complaint was her loss of hair, the area of greatest limitation was on
the emotional level. Her belligerence and nastiness, together with the unusual presenting
symptom of hair falling out in spots, led to the prescription of Hew Sulphur 200. A single dose
was given. Her grandmother brought her back six weeks later with the following report:
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Her hair began growing back two weeks after the remedy. Others have observed that her
temper was less fiery and that her behavior was pleasant. Still shy (2). Still unable to be with
strangers, though not sneering at them any longer. Getting along better with her playmates.
Contrary (1). (She liked me that day) She was happier and no longer mischievous. Occasional
enuresis. Fear of the dark.
There can be no doubt that she was better in every way. This was a truly curative
response to the remedy. The child was brought again after 6 months as scheduled.
After the last visit, her hair grew back completely, but it began falling out again two
months ago. A bald patch on the vertex size of a quarter. Temperament was no longer fiery. Was
very outspoken, saying whatever was on her mind. She liked to interact with people(1). Enuresis
nightly. Less shy.
Although she was improved emotionally, there was a definite relapse of her physical
complaints over the past 2 months. A single dose of Hep.sul.1M was prescribed.
Her grandmother telephoned one month later that Tina's hair stopped falling out
immediately after the remedy and began growing back within a few weeks. She had enuresis
nearly every night but had not in the past two days.
The next case illustrates the value of unusual symptoms in choosing a remedy.
Case 3: Patty, a 5 yrs. She was seen for warts. She had 21 on her hands, mostly on her fingers,
plus four small ones around her mouth. Cryosurgery had been tried, but the warts only grew
larger. They appeared two years earlier. Her mother had had numerous warts, approximately 50,
when she was a child. The child also complained of frequent stomach aches. During the first four
years of her life, she suffered from severe constipation, often passing no stool for up to five days
at a time. She had pneumonia at age 7 days and twice more before age 6 months. Earlier she had
leg cramps so painful that she would awake screaming at night. The previous winter she had
otitis media six times, for which she received antibiotics. At the first visit she had a thick, yellow
nasal discharge (2) and her nose was usually stuffy during the winter (1). Her hair fell out when
brushed. She was imaginative and never at a loss for things to do. Fearful the house would catch
fire(2) and became angry if her mother left the kitchen without turning off the electric range. She
awoke at night and came to sleep in her parents' bed. At the office, she was alert, talkative and
open. Desired sweets (3) but they would cause her attention span to lessen. If something upset
her, she wanted to run away. Restless in bed. Some days she loved eggs and someday she hated
them. Generally averse to eggs (1). Desired pasta (2) cheese (2) and ice cream (2).
From age 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 she had a crusty eczema behind her ears and in the creases of her
elbows and knees. The eruptions cracked and tended to bleed. This eruption had decreased over
the past year.
Patty had very little that limited her on the emotional level. Her fear of a house fire was
the only significant emotional symptom presented. The center of gravity of her symptomatology
was on the physical level, and predominantly on its outermost layer, the skin. She complained of
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warts, leg cramps, nasal discharge, and she had a history of eczema and constipation. On seeing
these symptoms in a fairly healthy child with a desire for sweets, pasta (or "farinaceous" as it is
listed in Kent's Repertory, cheese and ice cream, one's thoughts go toward Calcarea carbonica. in
this case, the 200th potency was prescribed, in a single dose.
She returned one month later:
Three weeks ago her eczema reappeared behind both knees, worse on the left side. A few
days later it appeared behind her ears. Stomach pains had been occurring at night, in the morning
before and after eating, with no particular pattern. The pain lasted anywhere from a few minutes
up to hours. Stuffy nose with much thick, green discharge (2) over the past three weeks. Warts
were unchanged. She continued to be nervous at times. Desire for sweets had increased for 3
weeks after the remedy and than decreased. Fearful of a fire (2). Sticky, stringy nasal discharge
(2). Hair was not falling out as much on brushing. Desired pasta (2) and cheese (2) . There was
thick yellow discharge from the eczema behind the ear. The discharge formed a crust, which
when exposed a sticky fluid. She slept sprawled out on her back. Worse becoming cold (1).
Worse heat and cold (2).
The changes seen after Calc. were not what one would expect from a correct prescription.
There was no real improvement in her health. Case was carefully restudied. The strong and
peculiar symptoms of the case were the warts around her mouth, the large number of warts on
the hands, the thick, stringy nasal discharge, and the presence of eczema behind her ears and in
the bends of her elbows and knees. The totality of these symptoms suggested Psorinum, and a
single dose of the 200
potency was prescribed. She returned one month later.
A week after the Psorinum, the stomach pains diminished markedly. The eczema behind
her ear worsened for a few days and then cleared up within three weeks. Some redness remained
behind the knees. No changes in the warts. The leg pains were better. No constipation. Desired
sweets (2). Nose congested without discharge. Fearful of fire (2). Worse from heat and cold (2).
She responded to the remedy with an intensification of the skin symptoms behind the left
ear. This was a healing crisis. As the ear eruption cleared up, a similar condition, which also had
been present in the past, reappeared behind her knees. The change in location of the eczema was
from a higher on the body to a lower one, following Hering's law of cure. The stomach and leg
pains improved after the remedy, but the warts remained unchanged. This curative was allowed
to continue without interference. She returned two months later:
Following the last visit she was noted to be very jittery for 3 weeks. The eczema spread under
her left arm and down her left side. Then her warts became bright red. Her desire for sweets
steadily increased. One night, the eczema on her arms and in the bends of her joints disappeared.
The redness of the warts subsided and all but three warts disappeared. "She's a new kid:" said her
parents. Still complained of an occasional stomach ache. Desired sweets. Would now eat eggs.
Less jittery. No longer fearful of fire. No nasal stuffiness or discharge. No ear infections this
winter compared to the previous winter when she had six. Worse from heat and cold (2).
Again, no remedy because she had continued to show obvious improvement.
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She returned 3 months later with a four-week history of occasional mild stomach aches.
Intermittent leg cramps. Some moist, scaly redness behind her ears. Mother reported some
nervousness. Nose was fine and no warts at all. No remedy.
She returned in another 3 months with a relapse of her eczema behind her ears. Nasal
discharge, thick and yellow (2) had also returned. Leg pains on exertion (2). Aversion to eggs
Because of the relapse with no significant change in her symptomatology from that of the
first visit, Psorinum 1M was prescribed. There was no further follow up as of this date.
The preceding cases were chosen, not only because they presented problems in
management and in prescribing, but also because they illustrate some of the fundamental
principles of homoeopathy. These principles were discovered through careful study of patients
treated and cured by homoeopathic prescriptions. Through the continued study of cured cases
comes an expanded knowledge of the remedies and how they work, as well as insights into
human physiology and psychology. We can easily appreciate the need for thoughtful analysis of
the case before the prescription. Let us not forget the value of equally thoughtful analysis after
the prescription.
No.1, March, 1984; slightly condensed; by Dr. K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private
communication only.]
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Enuresis is the involuntary passage of urine which persists often after the age of 3 years
or which reappears after the third year. Etymologically it means the "in situ" expulsion of urine
without regard to place or time. Simply stated it is the nightly wetting (involuntarily, functional)
which occurs often in young boys and girls. Its development, modalities and cure are extremely
variable and it generally disappears during puberty, but sometimes it remains in the crucial 14--
15 years. In girls menstruation is not the 'physiologic substitution', the incontinence may even
become aggravated and cause despair.
ETIOLOGY: Enuresis must be considered in 3 ways: Organic (very often a thorough systematic
examination is neglected), Educational and Emotional; the last two ate intimately connected with
each other.
Organic causes may be general or of local nature.
GENERAL CAUSES: The incontinence may be one of the symptoms of general retarded
development with which the defects of co-ordination, alertness and control as also a more or less
emphasized mental retardation will be associated.
The persisting or re-occurring incontinence is almost always an accompanying
phenomenon of early symptoms of Schizophrenia.
It can be only symptom of Epilepsy which may occur without genuine convulsions. This
has to be considered before going into the aspect of psycho-analysis of the symptoms.
It may be met with in young hepatics; mostly the wetting occurs irregularly in the early
morning hours and in about one or two days leads to acetonaemic crisis.
It occurs almost always with children suffering from parasites.
LOCAL CAUSES: With reference to the number of Enuretics, are rather rare. Vertebral
anomalies, either deformities (spina bifida) or dislocations, particularly L4 and L5.
Anatomic anomalies of the uro-genital tracts. Hypo-and Epis- padic, Congenital stricture
of urethra.
Inflammation in urinary tract: Pyelitis, Colibacillus, inflammation of the adjacent parts
like vulvovaginitis. Enuresis, as accompaniment of cryptoorchism and Phimosis is so very rare
as to be taken as significant.
In all these enuresis is a symptom, sometimes during the day, mostly at night; it has an
echo in the mind which masks the organic cause or makes us overlook it. However, only
treatment of the cause can ensure the cure.
Besides the clearly defined organic diseases, there are physiological deficiency states
suspected to be cause for the enuresis, despite psychogenic influence. We will come to that
through some cases of certain types of enuretics.
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EDUCATIONAL CAUSES: These arise from a deficient or excessive education of cleanliness.
Neglect associated with certain social handicaps (deprivation) in slums and poverty and lack of
sanitary installations complemented by mental indifference.
Indulgence and weakness of the teachers favour quasilate development, to which utmost
tolerance is shown and the training of the sphincter remains in infant state for long.
Lack of funds due to which training in cleanliness is neglected; and it is why a part of the
overall indifference. Also lack of love.
The excessive measures like large grants and too much attention have their own dangers.
A too early and too strong lessons of cleanliness with absolute imperatives, combined
with a type of affected blackmail.
Exaggerated demands are made, that the child should like her mother, the surroundings
etc. Or pressurise the child hard to behave like grown-ups.
Compel or hardly concealed tyranny by over-care and formalisation in good conduct.
Manifest obsession of ideas of hygiene with matching accompanying fear of bacilli,
diseases and dirt. Consequently a neurotic upbringing (education).
CAUSES IN THE EMOTIONAL REALM: These are very often ultimately, partly or the
only, causes; classical psychology teaches us so. The official medicine, however, in cases
psychosomatic clearly differentiate the mental from the organic although they are intertwined
like the warp and woof.
Why is the persisting wetting or the reoccurrence of wetting after a gap of years,
considered as an indication of emotional conflicts? Through what obscure mechanism is the
emotional distress expressed in involuntary denial of the already learned control or in the
persisting infant state? That is the problem of psychogenesis. However, the genesis is certainly
variable according to the origin of the conflict, but the response is stereotype: bed-wetting. In the
overwhelming large number of cases the sleep is a first class excuse.
Such a relation is in everyway significant for the blocking of the mental-emotional
development; or entirely a regression under the influence of an emotional trauma. Right often it
is a jealousy against a brother or sister; indeed an act of vengeance - not even always involuntary
- as answer to hostile attitudes in the surroundings.
Finally the close relationship between the sexuality and enuresis must be stressed. Common is
the awakening of the erogenous zones in the phallic region. Just as the urethral pleasure
sensation; the accompanying fantasies excited by fear or pleasure and association with
castrations and other complexes, ENGLISH and PEARSON TRAMER and others, particularly
ALLENDY speak about the pseudo-sexual significance of the enuresis. They explain thereby the
appearance in youths, where excitement in the genitals like urinary region refers to the same end
organ. It is certain that enuresis and masturbation coincide frequently or alternate; the first
prepares the ground for the other at the time of the puberty.
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After these general considerations which have an excellent place in child psychiatry or
neurologic dissertations a series of advices like "not to dramatise","to improve the bonds of trust"
and "the child should not be humiliated for the wetting' (one can only stress all these educative
measures). After all these there are enuretic children of certain types (there is no single specific
type) who come for considerations of the clinic and homoeopathy-these two belong inseparably
To conclude, we recall the remedies, which frequently enable us to cure our sick young.
Case1: A demineralised lymphatic: Christoph Gr, 8 years is 'dry' over the day, wets almost every
night. Never was his bed dry for ten consecutive days. Neither the exact hour nor the other times
of his enuresis could be discovered; all therapeutic methods failed.
He is blonde, blue-eyed and with bright skin, has a large cranium and projecting
forehead. Born 3 weeks ahead of the term. Weaning difficulties. Appetite remained poor after
weaning except in small phases. Hardly had he reached 6 yrs., than he began to suffer from the
following diseases; German measles, lung, congestion and a whole lot of infections. A 'cold'
alternated with the others.
The examination revealed: no lymph nodes in throat fingernails spotted white; thin
thorax. He chills easily, sweats a lot at nights particularly on head and forehead, A gentle child;
affectionate, absentminded, full of fantasies; seemingly ' pig-headed and least encouraged. His
intelligence is active. Of course he worked hard in the school and therefore he got tired quickly.
His bed-wetting burt him although his parents did not rebuke him; the surrounding is indulgent
and sympathetic and- sincerely attempted to find out the conflict responsible for the enuresis.
Without searching long, I decided to give him Sulphur iodatum, and three doses of
Silicea C9, C15 and C30. Within two weeks the bed-wetting disappeared including what till
now was during the New moon time, which corroborated the choice of the remedy. Silicea C30,
repeated three times during the New moon, cured.
Case 2: Enuresis from adipose genital dystrophy: Hubert D, at 12 years has imposing
size, 158 cm. tall, and 60 kg.weight. He wears the trousers of a 16 year old and his thigh is so
tight in it as if stuffed. Dry hair, shining face, red ears and cheek, a plump behind. Hubert may be
the pride of his father if he had not two weaknesses, which humiliated him. He urinated in bed
persistently and has ridiculously poorly developed sex organs. As a matter of fact BABINSK-
FROELICH syndrome can co-exist with enuresis, whereby the day-night rhythm of urine
production becomes inverse; less during day, excess during night, along with abnormally deep
Barium carbonicum, Testes equi, Sulphur and potency of his own urine brought about the
disappearance of the enuresis, and promoted the development of the genitals. Of course the
overweight was not reduced, because it was supported by the sumptuously rich food habits of the
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Case 3: Psychomotoric instability: Patrick M, 9 yrs. lives since 1962 in Bordeaux. One
June day he arrived with his parents, 2 brothers, 5 sisters, a grand-mother, some cousins and a
number of country people--all equally enthralled and wonderstruck to find north of the
Meditarranean’s sun and blue sky. Patrick is a brown box with black eyes, lusterless skin, active
and cunning, continuously in motion and wet every night. Upto 6 years he suffered from severe
terrors in bed during the nights and also from nightmarish dreams. He played so much enthralled,
that it made him "forget in his pants", and brought him the anger of the mother and bad abuses,
which he took with a laughing calmness. Despite his brave talk he was timid. During his entire
childhood he has been under much emotional tension and since then anxiety in darkness,
becomes restless and as soon as he lies down compensates with much excitement. Despite all
precautionary measures he floods his bed. When his mother wakes him up at midnight, he is wet
through and through. Treatment with Causticum, Agaricus and Luesinum cured the enuresis, but
the instability remained.
Here are some more emotional crises:
Case 4: Poor adaptation in the school: Natalie P. attended the primary school in a suburb with
good results where she was a 'big shot’. Then she came to the 6th class. She had to wake up
before 6 a.m. and returned home very late because of the great distance; moreover, the country-
girls ejected her quickly in the new class, as also by the teaching methods and the work rhythm.
There were break-downs, the elder brothers ridiculed her and the father considered her lazy and
remonstrated. Failures and penalties accumulated so much that an irregular nightly incontinence
began in the 11 yr. old girl, although she had been dry throughout the earlier childhood years.
Natalie is a brunette, delicate stature; her facial expression is uncommunicative, her
attitude indicated distrust, she mixed with great difficulty. Sepia brought about amelioration, but
after a change of school the bed-wetting did not occur. Subsequently her capabilities came into
alignment and she was more at home, and there was reasonable distance to the school and a
normal family life was made possible.
Case 5: Frustration in relationship with the mother:
Veronique F., 7 yr. old, is a blonde, bright-skinned girl timid and somewhat peevish. Her
bed-wetting was persistent, irregular and not at any fixed hour. Ferrum moderated the enuresis,
but did not cure, just as little as Plantago. She is a gentle affectionate child, a good student, and
with whom her environment also is happy, as the grandmother told me. The mother was
employed as an assistant in a business establishment.
During the next visit I put Veronique in the adjoining room to play freely and let the
grandmother talk. I gathered that, practically alone she has brought up the grand daughter as her
only daughter Veronique's mother, has not developed any particular motherliness. She is a very
scrupulous, modestly egoistic young woman, rather coquettish, but cold who has never fondled
her daughter, The grandmother who has not read FREUD, gave her own thoughts, about the
cause for the child's state. I do of course, what I can madam, DOCTOR, but I am not the mother;
in my view the child is in want of love," That was very intelligent at the same time it pointed to
the remedy: Pulsatilla cured her, including her enuresis.
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Case 6: Reactive enuresis: Thierry N.., 7 yrs. a blonde boy, with lusterless skin and with
somewhat uncommunicative facial features. He was sent to me because of poor performance at
school and he straightaway told with communicable sincerity; "I do not like school".
Nevertheless Thierry is a child who despite his small age has higher intelligence. On the
other hand he is proud and attempted continuously to showoff in advantageous light. His contact
with other children were always superficial; he played less, so as to rest more, Nothing was
known about disciplinary difficulties in the school but at home he is in perpetual revolt, full of
opposition. Only by systematic questionings I learnt about his enuresis.
It is worthwhile to observe and listen to Thierry's parents. The father is an engineer,
graduate of a famous University. He put the others on strong discipline and wanted obedience to
the dot. Unfortunately the children did not heed him and no sooner his back is turned they
reacted hectically, screaming pell-mell, excited. They make such a noise that the family was
given notice repeatedly to vacate the house for various reasons they have changed house 12
times in 5 years! As for Thierry's mother: her intelligence is much limited, fully submissive to
her husband and so she was not capable of any authority over child. She gets merged with
material needs of the children and the household. She is not at all concerned that her children
need something more essential than eating to satiety, trim dressing, clean under-clothes and
school materials. Her husband has not told her anything about it.
The tests revealed that Thierry has a severe aggressive component and a high mark of
frustrations, which entirely fitted the psychological observations: seemingly the poor school
experience as also the bedwetting as a kind of revenge, at the same time an insistence of her
autonomy and her protest against a system of upbringing which excited repugnance.
The homoeopathic examination revealed further, pale skin, hollow eyes, slight
inflammation of margin of eye-lids; long limbs of Phosphorous type, a thin chest with slightly
projecting tummy. While examining the genital my attention was drawn to the strange conduct of
the boy; a mixture of silly laughter and pleasure and from that moment he endeavored openly to
display his charms, although up to now he appeared sad. In soft tone and very suggestive
gestures the mother winked her eyes at me and gave me to understand that in her opinion the
child was in contact with his genitals often. He got Staphisagria. After that I advised that he be
put in school boarding, so as to bring, about some stability in his condition. For a year everything
was well, the work and character--one can describe it as a wonder. Thierry came to his home
next year during the holidays for 3 months and after that; his old character disturbances
reappeared, as also bed-wetting a couple of times. Again consulted, gave again Stahysagria and
recommended that he be sent to the boarding school again. During this occasion I learnt that the
residence had changed for the 13
One can multiply these examples and particular observations on analysis of the growing
children, specially the enuretic at the puberty stage. They are very complex and it is a delicate
task, the anamnesis of the objective symptoms, the separation of the reliable symptoms from
those which sentimentality and fantasy might have added.
Later enuresis is noticed (during the years.13--15), in many homosexuals. Here on the
one hand those chains of Fixation incidents which retain the libido in an infantile state which
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remain over the puberty stage, its dynamism is not invested in at fruitful way. Such homosexuals
are almost exclusively 'Paedaphils' and have significant place in the part of school organisations,
the educational and recreational activities for the youths. At the bottom they are narcissistic and
pursue in the boy their on desires of their own SELF ("I") permanently adolescent; they think
that by that way they can avoid what they fear most: the ageing.
Finally to complete this sketch of the personalities of the enuretic, usefulness of some
remedies with comparative grade with hints on their indications:
Remedies for bed-wetting in the first part of the night:
KRECSOTE: has often irritation in the region of perinaeum. This could cause irritation of the
bladder and thus be the origin of the modality: urination while dreaming of urinating.
SEPIA: Wets as soon as falls asleep
CAUSTICUM: general aggravation during; evening twilight, by lying down; fear of darkness,
and being alone-wants a light. Despite intact innervation, the sphincter control is weak.
Remedies in involuntary nightly Pollakisuria: Conscientious children, perhaps most of them,
urinate in their bed in the course of the night.
CINA: In worms infection. The child has hollow eyes and spasms; it is sullen and refuses - as in
CHAMOMILLA - every thing offered.
PLANTAGO: has in its picture particularly copious urine and suits children who excrete less
during daytime, take precautionary measures in the evening but still pass urine in bed at night.
EQUISETUM: has copious passing of weak urine or acidic urine with mucous mixed,
accompanied by pressing pain in the upper part of the right ureter.
ACID BENZOICUM: Has heavy (like horse's) smelling urine which stains the under clothes;
sometimes the wetting occurs soon in the beginning of the night.
Finally, all the remedies relating to demineralisation, are to be thought of: Calcium
phosphoricum, Calcium carbonicum, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum and the well known Sulphur,
Lycopodium and Thuja,
A small poor child, a distressing burden of the housewife, often neglects the enuresis in
the hope: that it abates over the years - and without it being a severe ailment must be understood
clearly as to what it actually is: an indication of stagnation, failure or regression - often the
neurological development, almost always the psycho-emotional development.
ARZNEIPOTENZIERUNG, Band 25/1981, Heft 4, Jul.Aug. translated from German by
Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private communication only.]
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2.3 P E R I S C O P E
[A number of papers, on and about Homoeopathy appear in medical Journals all over the world.
Most of the papers remain unknown to many homoeopaths. We are attempting to give a list of
such papers that have appeared in the non-homoeopathic journals. Further enquiries regarding
these papers may be addressed to Dr.G.S.Hehr, 120/22, Purani Abadi, Sri Ganganagar--335 001,
Rajasthan, under intimation to the Editor, Dr. K.S.Srinivasan, Madras. The following lists have
been culled from the INDEX MEDICUS, 1962 and 1963]
Source: Index Medicus, Vol.3, 1962.
1.RITTER, H.: Dosage as a pragmatic argument in homoeopathy--with a contribution to its
interpretation as a stimulation therapy--, Hippokrates, 32, 15 Sep. 61 (German)
2. LEITO, J.A.: PADERO V and homoeopathy, J.Soc.Cienc. Med Lisboa, 126:235-54, May 62
Source:Index Medicus, Vol.4, 1963.
3. BERNARD, H: Therapeutics imitating nature, Folia Clin Int (Barc), 13: 274-8, May 63
4. LEESER, O: On criticism on the "Text book of Homoeopathy", Med Welt, 49:2634-5, 8 Dec
62 (German)
5. PIJCK, J: Determination of metals in homoeopathic preparations by radioactivation analysis,
J.Pharm Beig. 17: 203-9, Jul-Aug 62 (French)
6. RANDONE M: Homoeopathy & Hahnemann, Minerva Med 53: 1090-2, 1 Sept.62 (Italian)
Volume II
Since many years I have observed that after the taking of Cinnabaris D4, normal
callosities of the hands can become soft clearly and surprisingly. Then I gathered a hint about 1--
2 years ago from professional literature about a coincidence of inflammation of appendix area
and Dupuytren's disease. As the homoeopathic Mercurius is often indicated in inflammation of
the colon, the idea suggested, that by a link between colitis and Dupuytren Quicksilver
preparation may be useful in the latter-mentioned disease. Interestingly KENT mentions
Mercurius in II Grade, in ‘Contractions'. According to wedepohl, Berlin- Hermsdorf, Dupuytren
is a syphilitic symptom to which Mercurius belonged.
Till now I have, in course of time, treated two patients.
A 33 yrs. man with Dupuytren contraction of the little finger since 2--3 years received 3
times daily 1 tabl. Cinnabaris D4; a 30 yrs. woman with Dupuytren since a year 3 times daily 1
tabl. Cinnabaris D6.
Both, after 3 months brought about a softening of the hardness of the tendons.
Further experiments, particularly whether Graphites as a complementary remedy can
improve the therapeutic success are essential.
(Dirk Arncoen, Practising Physician, Homoeopthy, Birkenstrasse 3, 1000 Berlin 21)
[From ALLGEMEINE HOMEÖOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, 4/1982; translated from the German
by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private communication only]
In Dupuytren's contraction - Guaiacum D4 has repeatedly been the proven remedy with be
regularity. The remedy is given, according; to classical Homoeopathy, with corresponding
indications and I have seen every time a corresponding retrogressive metamorphosis of the
[Dr.med.Manfred Freiherr von UNGERN,-STERNBERG, Detmold. From the ALLGEMEINE
'HOMÖOEOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, 4/1982; Translated from the German by Dr.
K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras; for private communication only]
Year 1985
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On March 4, 1975 Mrs.S.A. Complained: "I am suffering from severe, vicious cough. It
is actually a dry cough, with always irritates the throat-pit it is just like a pressure there as when I
take in least air. It is worse in the evening and when I go into fresh air and come into warm
room. Besides, in the left upper jaw such peculiar pains extending to the ear and temple, no the
nose is paining when I blow my nose. Sensations as if there is a blister there, as when it bubbles
up or something like that, as if something sticky is there and dose not pass through and forms an
air blister something fluent and sticky through which a small quantity of air comes through”.
After some fruitless attempts with Pulsatilla, Bryonia and Lachesis on 10th April she
reported again of cough. It is always worse in the evenings, she said: "I am terribly tired if I work
even a little, or move I then gasp, I have the feeling that everything in the lower chest is pressed
together and constricted; raising my arms to wash the hair is such a strain that I get breathing
The symptom, dyspnoea from raising the arms was found in the Repertory to indicate
Berberis: "drawing pain in the chest and oppression of respiration, from raising the arms". The
significance of the sensations in the head, the air-blister in the nose with the sticky flow were all
now clear. Berberis has proved these sensations different locations (parts) the best narrations are
as follows: "About fifteen bubbling stitches in left ear from without inward, finally a continuous
stitching, then changing pressure with sensation as if the ear is stopped." -- "Severe bubbling, as
if a water bottle was being emptied or as if air was pressing upon flesh in the outer margin of the
right shoulder blade near the arm-pit particularly in the forepart, not painful, as if something
alive therein, and would force it's way out." and “painless bubblings in the muscles of the inner
right thigh as if air current as thick as a finger or just such a thick worm forced itself through the
FARRINGTON bubbling under the skin" gives it as a sensory disturbance. It therefore
remains only to be clarified that dry skin has come out in the Berberis proving and polyps of
vocal cords and sinusitis have been cured by this medicine.
ARZNEIPOTENZIERUNG ,Band 25/1981,Heft4,JUL,/Aug,; translated from the German by
Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN Madras, for private circulation only.]
Volume II
Para 204 of Organon VI edition:
Apart from all the chronic troubles, complaints, and diseases arising from a prolonged
unhealthy way of living (par.77) and the innumerable chronic medicinal diseases (par.74) arising
from the unwise, persistent, violent, and pernicious treatment that the old school employs, often
even for minor complaints most chronic diseases develop from these three chronic miasms:
internal syphilis internal sycosis but most of all and to a disproportionate extent, internal psora.
Each of these miasms has already occupied the entire organism and permeated all its
parts before the appearance of the primary, vicarious local symptom (the scabies eruption in
psora, the chancre or inguinal bubo in syphilis, and the fig-warts in sycosis), which prevents its
full manifestation.
If these miasms are by external means deprived of the vicarious local symptoms that allay
the general internal malady, sooner or later the characteristics diseases that the Creator of nature
has decreed for each of them must inevitably develop and manifest fully and thus spread all the
nameless misery, the incredible multitude of chronic diseases, which have plagued the human
race for hundreds and thousands of years.
None of them would have manifested themselves to often if physicians had wisely
endeavored to cure those three miasms fundamentally and to extinguish them in the organism
exclusively by the internal use of homoeopathic medicines appropriate to each without disturbing
their external symptoms through topical treatment
(foot-note, par, 282)."
Hahnemann found in the course of his homoeopathic medical activity and-research, three
miasms or chronic diseases, which underlie all our known ailments. He designated these: Sycosis
and Syphilis, corresponding to the three basic tendencies, ‘manifestations and development
forms in the sense of: Less (subnormal functioning, deficiency and inhibitions); of Excess
(abnormal functioning and exceeding boundaries); and of Destructive (destruction and
perversion). All mental and physical symptoms can be arranged in this classification, wherein
naturally different types of miasmetically mixed forms are met with.
One of the most fundamental psychosomatic symptom, if not perhaps the most important, is
Here it is attempted to clarify this mental symptom in the view of the Miasms theory
without laying any claim of completeness.
If we were to classify it on constitutional pathology, the Anxiety is clearly a psoric
symptom. It is the consequence of the very first feeling with which the individual person actually
becomes aware of. (see p.204 ORTEGA) The foetus lives in the uterus as in a paradise, so to
speak. It is then suddenly thrown into the cold and strange world and must "toil" continuously, to
breathe, to digest, briefly to survive. All these, including the aggression in the world in which it
has been born beginning from the circumstances of birth and annoying stresses and strains, for
that matter its incapacity, weakness, fainting and his total "being at the mercy" produce in him a
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primitive anxiety which ultimately brings about Anxiety. This basic Anxiety develops according
to the miasmatic predisposition of the individual, his development and the many life strains, and
so on, in different directions.
When the anxiety of psoric, it then expresses itself in the following manner, for example
(I take here as basis the homoeopathic anti-psoric Calcium carobonicum which exhibits
approximately 80% psora, 13% Syphilis, 7% Sycosis). The Psoric has anxiety from waking up,
at times after midnight or evening. His anxiety is accompanied by palpitation and trembling. He
goes out of the house in the morning with anxiety and on the way worries about his work or
school, whether his colleagues would accept him today, whether he would be successful in his
work, whether he would pass in his examination, and so on. If he had already begun his work,
then there are much less problems. This is a typical Psora symptom, difficulties at the
commencement, anxiety to begin something, fear of failure and inhibitions. A further
characteristic. Fears that, those around him may notice his nervousness. Further typical
symptom: he has the fear that he may go mad, or that an injustice may be done to him or that he
may receive a bad news. Anxiety after nausea, during sleep, anxiety with fear of death, and so
on. A further characteristic of psora which besides being the state of inferiority complex brings
out the deficiency state clearly, is the lack of self-confidence; desire for company, agg. by being
alone and tendency to melancholy. He becomes sad easily, especially when he is alone and
always with the fear that something terrible could happen.
To sum up: The Psoric's general basic state is his Anxiety which is seldom for anything
particular, but more of a permanent insecurity which has its origin in his birth and extend
through his life as a red-line, to fear of death. But in all his weakness and insignificance the
Psoric does not lose his hope in God and in an everlasting life after death and if not in God then
in something else upon which he fasten his hope when in anxiety.
If the basic anxiety is influenced by Sycosis, the picture becomes more concrete.
Following the classification of sycosis as over function, over-flow, proliferation, instability,
restlessness, etc., etc. The sycotic Fear (Assignment: Psora = 'Fear and Syphilis= panic anxiety)
is a fear of something wholly definite, that could harm him. Above all, the accompanying
phenomenon of the Fear make it Sycotic: The fear drives us away from the person or the objects
from which the fear comes, tempts us to disconnect ourselves from it, sometimes it paralyses us,
which is a form of disconnection, as these represent a sudden inhibition. In any case, the fear
leads to Flight in someway or other, which perhaps is typically Fear in general.
A variant of Fear is the severe terror. Persons who get scared easily are disposed to be
terrified. When these are not profound, the fear remains for something concrete. The last
symptom is of course Sycotic, but in many case, provided with small portion of Psora also,
which works as hindrance. If Psora dominates, Fear is not at all expressed first, but the individual
remains in a state of anxiety.
The above mentioned fear conditions for something particular is found in the drug picture
of the major Homoeosycosis, Pulsatilla and Thuja. Here belong among others fear of being
mentally ill, of ghosts and specters, in crowd, of persons approaching him, that a misfortune may
befall him, and fear of death.
Volume II
Naturally, we find much of the above states of fear in Psoric also although altogether
diffused and not so concrete. .One of the substantial difference lies in the reaction of the
individual for the fear/-experience of fear caused by anxiety. While the Psoric is inclined to abide
motionless in his anxiety, the sycotic tries to find a possibility of Flight.
Altogether the life of the Sycotic is restless. He comes out with a thousand ambitious
projects until he becomes weakened mentally and physically. Till his death he tries to wrench out
of life everything conceivably possible.
In the gradation of symptoms, anxiety follows fear of panic anxiety, the panic terror of
the syphilitic. Typical of this condition is that the individual is so much confused and besides
himself that he can neither consider the consequence of what in his crazy anxiety he does. Blind
and without listening to anyone serious situations, road without having it can only become panic.
Men who in jump through window or who run across the foresight so that he will meet with an
accident or to die which may not occur if he only stays in his place, who rush in panic in an
unforeseen incident in a stadium full of people, and tramples upon whatever in the way and ride
Dr.ORTEGA clarifies that such syphilitic states with mental precipitations as normal
interruptions of mental activity, that is, a kind of disintegration of continuous brain functions in
these moments of destruction and perversion seized mind and spirit of the syphilitic men.
In the Materia Medica of our major Homoeosyphilitics, we find in Mercurius, this panic
anxiety, the fear in its greatest ascendance, the panic, This permeates the individual more and
more until it totally occupies and separates him from the rest and from every help until in mute
cry he attempts to "erupt", because what is actually necessary is to cry loudly. Who can help him
in this restless, unbearable loneliness of his innermost? (see ORTEGA p.230). Further, a great
internal anxiety with fear of loss of understanding exists. The syphilitic has a feeling as though
he has perpetrated a crime, Which drives him from one place to another in restless panic, with an
"unexplainable but unbearable feeling of an internal malaise which holds him in perpetual
anxiety". (HAHNEMANN; Compare ORTEGA = loc sit). He thinks that he is undergoing
martydrom, without being able to explain what exactly he feels. Further: anxiety state, much
restlessness, nightly aggravations, thinks he must die. All these hallucinations of true dementia
accompany (see also Arsenicum album).
The life of the syphilitic moves in extreme. Sadness leads to depression, joy leads to
"nervous breakdown", Fear leads to exhaustion of body and mind, suicide or at least suicidal
To elucidate these three gradations of anxiety once again, an example (see ORTEGA =
p.253). Let us take the exit of a public building on fire. When a Psoric is confronted with such a
threatening danger, his inhibition makes him paralysed. After allowing some time to pass he
overcomes his anxiety to such an extent that he can slowly begin to think. It is also as if his will
opposes every action of his. He will search for a safe exit and runaway. He will hope that
someone will come to his help and perhaps he will also call for help, more often in silent prayer
than a loud cry. As a last resort he will decide to listen to his impulses.
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The sycotic, on the contrary will rush to the exit at the first cry of fire, his sudden fear
makes him run away according to his impulse. He will plunge through the window or through
the flames if he thinks he can find his rescue, even abandoning his wife. If he reflects for a
moment he will look for his children and his belongings and rescue them also. It may also
happen that he may perish because of his sycotic excitement. One can see this as: his fear was so
much, the escape so hopeless that his escape lay only in death.
The Syphilitic will quickly go into panic. The threatening danger puts him in panicky
despair because of his aggressive action. For example, if he has loved one with him, he may in
his craziness sacrifice that person and then immolate himself. It can also happen that he may
seize him and meet with certain death.
I hope that with these comments the different miasmatic gradation of Anxiety has been
put forth to differentiate them. To understand these in their depth and accept them, it is
absolutely necessary to be able to perceive all the underlying constitutional pathology of every
person. The true homoeopath and physician can arrange in correct order the ailment, mode of
life, mental state etc. of his patiently if he is able to perceive what underlies and what we
designate as Miasm, Diathesis or Constitutional pathology. The practicability of that has been
given to us by HAHNAMANN in his Organon and Chronic diseases. It is now entrusted to us to
present these knowledge and experiences of Hahnemann on the basis of our knowledge.
HAHNEMANN S: Organon (VI Edn.)
Die Chronische Krankheiten (The Chronic Diseases)
KENT J.T: Repertory. Materia Medica
KENT J.T: Homoeopathic Philosophy
ORTEGA P.S: Apuntes sobre los Miasmas, MexiKo, 1977
(Notes on the Miasms or Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases)
[From Zeitschrift fur Klassische Homoopathie and Arzneipotenzierung Band 25/1981 - Jan. Feb.
1981. Translated from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras.]
Volume II
3 QHD, Vol.II, No.3, September 1985
Dear Doctor,
The contents of the DIGEST are generally planned in such a way that it contains
something of the three branches of Homoeotherapeutics, viz. the theory, the materia medica and
therapeutics including repertorisation. Some materials valuable in each of these branches are
In the current number will be found: the therapeutical use of a much less-used remedy
CALADIUM SEGUINUM; for fevers in late a.n. or peak in a.n. with a definite am. after sleep;
Four case reports on Medorrhinum in which one of the key-note was amelioration at sea-
side. In the Kent's Rep. the remedy is still found only in the lowest grade and in the Synthetic
Repertory in the second grade. Med. deserves to be up-graded; a study of the drug Pulsatilla in
detail. This article also shows how similar remedies should be compared to arrive at the subtle
differences for selection of the simillimum; additional verified symptoms of Berberis vulg. not
available in the Eycyclopaedia or Guiding Symptoms. These clinical symptoms may be jotted
down is he Materia Medica for our own verification. This article may be read with BERBERIS
in the Qrly.Hom.DIGEST, Vol.II, No.2/85.
Two thought-provoking articles on Hahnemann's Chronic diseases; may be read with
Ortega's in the Qrly.Hom.DIGEST, Vol.I, No.1/1984 and Fischer's in Vol.II, No.2/1985;
'Periscope' contains not merely bibliography but valuable abstracts; it should stimulate
September 1985
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66th Street,
Korattur, Madras-600 080.
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Robinson, MD
In a 6 week period from mid-October to early December 1982 I treated 4 different
patients with Caladium seguinum with excellent results. Caladium is a little used remedy and I
had never heard any of my teachers or colleagues even speak of it. Successful prescription of
Caladium attests to the methodology of classical homoeopathy. Using the methods--repertory,
materia medica--we can achieve the results which delight our teachers, draw the admiration of
our colleagues and the gratitude of our patients.
Case 1: Woman 35 yrs. low grade fever the past 3 weeks. 10 days earlier had given Penicillin for
a week, no improvement. Fever tended to rise late afternoon and evening. Her physical energy
was very low and worsened as the day progressed. Worst time 9 to 11 p.m. (she was a musician
and normally worked until 2 a.m.) No chills, but sweated on exertion which was unusual for her.
Food desires and aversions: unremarkable. Amoebiasis in 1977-78. Since the onset of the fever,
she had been experiencing mild dizziness. Her lower lip tended to crack in the center. Stool
lienteric. When the fever first commenced, she had had some urinary irritability-"a little burning"
It had disappeared. She said it was hard to wake in the morning but there was no fever then. It
began around 2 p.m. She was not restless, but had noticed an increase in irritability. With fever
she felt heat inside her head, especially her forehead. Hands and feet had been unusually cold
since the fever started. Mentally she said she felt "spacey and disconnected and foregetful with
trouble concentrating". The illness had made her depressed. She said, because it forced her to sit
around as exercise was difficult. She wanted a bit of extra attention and affection since becoming
ill. Felt markedly better after sleep, including a nap.
Though Sepia was a possibility, I was struck forcibly by one salient symptom: The strong
general improvement following sleep and the temporary disappearance of fever following sleep.
Kent Rep. p.1290, FEVER, sleep am. Also read Kent's Lectures.
She was given Caladium 1M and reported feeling much better, though not well, in two
days. Within 3 to 4 days she reported, "Fever is definitely gone". Fourth day felt "great", overdid
and relapsed slightly. At one week, though better in general, still felt "spaced out with difficulty
concentrating". She received Caladium 10M and within 2 days felt completely well.
Case 2: Boy, 11 yrs. Ill with fever for 5 days. Occurred daily and reached 103° to 104° around 7
to 8 P.M. He had low energy and stayed in bed. Cough agg. by pressure on the trachea at the
sternal notch. Cough worse inspiration and worse in cool air. Increased belching for 5 days,
worse after eating or drinking. Mostly because of cough, received Rumex; no effect. As the fever
persisted, was given a series of remedies (Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Gelsemium and Sulphur)
all with no effect. Typically felt better in the morning, temp. was then lower and tended to climb
in the afternoon and evening; following Caladium 1M, his appetite began to improve and he
started eating huge meals (he had lost 9 lbs.). Fever declined and ceased and his energy gradually
began to increase. 5 days after the Caladium 1M he was given Caladium 10M and went to
complete recovery within 2 days. (The Caladium 10M was not probably necessary, but it did not
interfere in any way.)
Volume II
Case 3: Woman, 29 yrs. graduate student under constitutional treatment for 4 months when she
came down with viral illness. First 4 days she had "a high fever" day and night, much nasal
discharge and great weakness. Thereafter fever came daily at 8 P.M. and disappeared by the time
she awoke next morning. So weak and unable to concentrate that she asked for two incompletes
at the University. She informed me of her situation a full three weeks after its onset and received
Caladium 200, one dose, based on the nature of her fever and the mental symptoms. Four days
later, her recovery had been dramatically swift and complete.
Above 3 cases were similar: prolonged fever with late a.n. or evening exacerbations with
a definite improvement following a night's sleep. In virtually no other aspects, except for the
mental haziness and lowered concentration, did these cases correspond to the amount of
Caladium found in Kent's Lectures or Boericke's M.M. Nonetheless this one keynote symptom,
so strong in Caladium enabled the choice to be made. In the final case, though the etiology and
many symptoms are completely different, certain key symptoms are the same.
Case 4: Woman, 38 yrs. was stung or bitten on her right elbow by a furry caterpillar-like
creature six weeks earlier. Shortly thereafter, whole right arm swelled and she became febrile.
Pain extended, elbow in both directions to her hand and shoulder. Later left shoulder became
painful. Corticosteroids decreased the swelling and pain somewhat. When she spoke to me she
said that pain was better from warmth and worse from motion. Felt chilly. Most significant, she
had undergone a personality metamorphosis.
Whereas before the insect sting she had been a vigorous, enthusiastic, hard-working woman, she
now described herself as someone "who has lost all enthusiasm. I've quit my job--yet financially
I need to work. I should be worried that I'm not working but I'm not. Become indifferent to
everything, including my family."
Immediately after the sting, the fever was continuous, lasting all day every day for 10
days. Then it only appeared in the evening around 5 to 6 p.m. Currently, it was occurring 3 to 4
times a week in the evening. She complained of an inability to think clearly. Also thinking tired
her. "I don't want to be bothered by anything," Though memory was intact, her family has been
describing her as "strange" and "almost depressed." "My daughter says sometimes I have trouble
holding a conversation," she said. She had a strong desire to be left alone. Thirsty, I drink all
day". No preference far hot or cold drinks though she liked lemon juice in water in morning.
More belching and flatus than usual. Though when well her sex desire was high, currently it was
nil. She felt some better after sleeping, but had difficulty getting going in the morning. She was
mailed Caladium 200 and told to take a dose a day until she noted a change and then to call me.
After the second dose she rang to say, "I feel something has started to change. I'm no longer
chilly or hot or sweating. My enthusiasm is coming back. I'm not indifferent at all." That very
day she had walked into an attorney's office "and got hired on the spot. Before that people
wouldn't even interview me."
Not only was her fever gone, but there was no longer any disorientation and her thinking
was normal. "1 can think without becoming tired," she said, "and I no longer want to be alone.
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My sex desire has returned. My appetite has improved." The belching however remained.
Caladium was, of course, discontinued.
Her extreme indifference to her family, her job and life in general, plus her desire for
lemon juice suggest Sepia. But Caladium is ranked higher in Kent's Repertory under SKIN,
stings, insects. And, of course, Caladium is better known for the particular fever pattern that she
Summary: Caladium should be considered when there is a long-lasting fever (5 or more days),
with a late afternoon or evening peak (sometimes the fever will begin at that time) aid a strong
decline in the fever after sleep. Mental symptoms include unclear, hazy thinking, a kind of
"spaciness", and indifference to people and pursuits which normally are of great interest.
March, 1983; slightly condensed by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras. For private communication
Volume II
C.O.Kennedy,FF Hom, and M.H.Jenkins, FF Hom, MRCP -- Research Unit. The Royal London
Homoeopathic Hospital.
The erythroderma syndrome is a serious dermatological complication which may occur
as a result of a reaction to drugs such as sodium aurothiomalate (Myocrisin), or as s generalized
spreading of a pre-existing dermatitis such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis. It may also occur in
association with a lymphoma or leukaemia or as a manifestation of internal malignancy. A
primary idiopathic form, pityriasis rubra, is also described.
Whatever its cause, exfoliative dermatitis presents with a generalized erythmatous scaling
eruption involving the whole skin surface. Itching is a variable symptom. Patients with this
syndrome may develop a negative nitrogen balance, oedema and hvpoalbuminaemia together
with a loss of muscle mass.
Prognosis is variable. In one study, approximately 60% of patients with erythroderma
recovered in 8-10 months, about 30% died and the remaining 10% were left with persistent skin
`disease unresponsive to treatment. The prognosis of the idiopathic type is the worst, the disease
usually progressing to a fatal termination in two or three years.
Case reports:
Patient 1: B.S. Aged 35. Female: This patient presented in OPD in July 1978 with an 18 yr.
history of psoriasis. Previous treatments had included Betnovate, dithranol, and methotrexata. At
that time she had typical psoriatic lesions on the scalp and elbows and psoriac nail involvement.
The local symptoms she described were that the lesions were very itchy, tended to be worse in
cold weather, and were markedly improved by sea bathing. Hot sunny weather had on different
occasions both relieved and aggravated 'the skin condition. The first homoeopathic prescription
was for Staphysagria 200, one dose followed by placebo. This was prescribed on the mental
symptoms of a marked intolerance of injustice and a tendency to throw things when angry. Ung.
emulsificans was prescribed. There was an initial slight improvement and placebo therapy was
continued. However the patient was admitted from Out Patient in October 1978 with generalized
erythroderma which had started on her return from a seaside holiday in Spain. During her
holiday the psoriasis had totally cleared. There was no obvious factor to precipitate
erythroderma. Initial treatment with Apis 30 followed by Apis 200 and Hamamelis ointment had
little efect. A single dose of Medorrhinum 30 given on the third day of admission also had little
or no effect.
On the 5th Day of her admission she was given 4 doses of Medorrhinum 10M and began
to improve almost immediately. The Hamamelis Ointment was continued. The Medorrhinum
10M one dose was repeated 2 weeks later.
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The patient was discharged home and remained well until 4 months later when her
psoriasis began to break out again. Treatment was therefore recommenced.
Patient 2: N.C.Aged 57. Female: This-patient had an 18 years history of rheumatoid arthritis. For
the last 3 yrs. she had been having sodium aurothiomalate (Myocriain), injections 10 g. monthly
which had controlled her arthritis. She was admitted with a two-week history of rapidly
progressive exfoliative dermatitis which started on the trunk and spread to involve the whole
body including the scalp. She had not had any previous skin, renal body including or
haematological evidence of gold toxicity. A skin biopsy showed a non specific picture of a
dermatitis with hyperkeratosis and sub epithelial infiltration, mainly mononuclear but with a few
eosionophils. Haemoglobin full blood count, ESR urea and electrolytes, liver function test and
skin swabs were all normal, she was initially treated with Sulphur 6 qds for 1 week and then
Aurum 30 qds for 4 days without benefit. She was extremely anxious, irritable, worse from heat
and gave a history of a general feeling of well-being while at the seaside. On this basis she was
given Medorrhinum 30 tds for 1 week, with some improvement of the skin on the trunk but the
face was still severely involved. One month after admission she was given a single dose of
Medorrhinum 200. This was associated with a marked, steady improvement. She was discharged
two weeks later with the skin in reasonably good condition. The only topical skin application
used was Ung. emulsificans.
Patient 3: D.A. Aged 28. Female: This patient was admitted to the hospital in August 1978. She
had asthma and eczema since early childhood. She is known to be sensitive to house dust and cat
fur. She also suffers from hay fever. Seven months before admission she, of her own accord,
stopped her topical steroid (Betnovate). Her eczema initially became markedly worse but then
improved considerably whilst taking a seaside holiday in Italy. On returning to this country her
eczema became steadily worse until it involved the whole skin. She was seen by a homoeopathic
physician and given one dose of Sulphur30, which coincided with an aggravation of the
situation. On admission to hospital she was given 3 doses of Medorrhinum 10M with dramatic
improvement in the appearance of the Skin over the next 3 days. The itching of the skin was
however not relieved. This symptom was partially relieved by Phosphorus 6x tds and Phenergan
25 mg. nocte. Calendula cream was used topically. One week later the skin was almost normal
but still somewhat itchy. She was then given 3 doses of House dust 200, and discharged.
Her improvement has been maintained for 7 months.
Patient 4: G.R.Aged 26. Female: This patient had a history of eczema and asthma since infancy.
These had in recent years been controlled with Betnovate and a Ventolin inhaler respectively.
She had however stopped using the topical steroids for several months during which time her
eczema had become considerably worse. She had been on a large number of homoeopathic
remedies (from a lay practitioner) but to no avail. There were also considerable psychosexual
and depressive elements underlying the illness. She had made at least two suicide attempts. Both
her father and her brother had committed suicide. Her mother and maternal grandmother had
eczema and asthma. In addition she had had amenorrhea for 6 years associated with marked
breast enlargement.
Volume II
On admission the skin lesions involved the face, neck and upper chest and upper arms;
she also had a stye on the right upper eye lid. Investigation revealed that she suffers from
porphyria of the coproporphyria type. She was also found to have an abnormally raised plasma
prolactin level. Plasma testosterone levels were normally.She was treated with Medorrhinum
10M (3doses) with rapid initial improvement of her skin condition. This was repeated two weeks
later when she did not appear to be improving any further and there was again a further
improvement in the skin condition. Shortly after this she had a normal period, the first for 6
years. Another repetition of the Medorrhinum 10M had no effect and the treatment was changed
to Sepia 12 b.d, with sustained improvement.
When seen one month later she was well, her skin was clear and she was on no treatment.
Discussion: Medorrhinum is usually used in the higher potencies. In these cases there was no
evidence of any aggravation of the skin with the high potencies used. The main indication: a
general symptom of feeling much better by the seaside, or local skin condition improved at
seaside. Other features for Medorrhinum present in these four cases: particularly intolerance of
heat of bed, marked desire for sweets in patients 1 and 4 and salt craving in patient 3. Two, 3 and
4 had associated asthma and eczema.
[From the British Homoepathic Journal, Vol.69, No.2 April 1980) for private communication
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by .G.v.Keller.
To compare the sickness of the individual person with the particular medicine to enable to make
a homoeopathic remedy diagnosis, we must allow the patient to talk, we 'must listen patiently
and our questions should only be so as to bring about a thorough and full case record. Therefore
spontaneous statements of the patient which deviate from main topic are welcome.
In homoeopathic examination of the patient we await patiently for a detailed, unusual,
away-from-the-normal account of the subjective sensations. We need exactly those symptoms
which deviate from the normal, the changing subjective, which frequently are hinted at by the
patient in passing and which we cannot gauge. We do not want to classify but only want to
recognise the similarity.
The son is similar to the father not because both have noses 5 cm. long or both have
particularly same number of eyelashes. The similarity cannot be measured, but one must allow
the live representatives live it, so as to perceive it. It therefore depends as to how one observes,
hears, perceives or recognises the similarities. To perceive a similarity there must be two images
which can be compared with each other the disease picture or rather the sensations of the patient
before us and, the image of the remedy which we have in our mind. Both the pictures are placed
beside each other and compared, the similarity 'strikes us', that is, it comes towards us. Not that
we decide for ourselves about the similarity but the similarity is present before us, so to say.
PULSATILLA: SLEEP SYMPTOMS: I would like to demonstrate first the difference in sleep
between Nux vomica and Pulsatilla, for which I must use the tape-recordings of a lady patient of
mine. Recall H.C.Allen's reference to sleep symptom of Pulsatilla in his Key Notes: "Wide
awake in the evening, does not want to go to bed; the first sleep is restless, sound sleep when it is
time to get up; awakes languid, unrefreshed." We establish the main difference between the two
medicines by the clear differential indication that whereas Pulsatilla cannot go to sleep in the
evening Nux vomica cannot-keep awake in the evening. We must be able to classify our cases by
this difference.
Now we will see what our patient says about her sleep and consider which one out of the
two remedies is to be prescribed. Allow me to unroll the case from behind because I will
demonstrate something very definite. The patient had spoken earlier of other symptoms which
suggested both the remedies Nux vomica and Pulsatilla. I now attempted to draw conclusion by
putting questions about the sleep symptoms and temperature symptoms.
--Do you sleep well at nights?
No, not that. I sleep up to 12 and then it is restless....It will then be, I awake at 1 then doze a
little, then it is 2, then 3 and then it is awfully restless, after 12. Before 12, I have slept often if I
had gone to bed by 9, up to 12. Then it begins mostly after 12 that I am restless and I am awake.
--Could you then go to sleep in the mornings again, when you must have got up?
There have been some days, that I have again caught sleep.
Volume II
We have said earlier, that Pulsatilla cannot sleep in the evenings, while Nux vomica
cannot keep awake in the evening. If it is seen that the patient has been revealed differently, then
would Nux vomica be chosen. She can go to sleep at 9 p.m. Yes. Therefore I asked another
question to help decides choice of the remedy.
--Do you become chill easily, or do you feel warm easily?
No, but then I rather quickly become cold but with my job as post-woman, I cannot say
specifically that I am chilly.
. . . . but quickly.
--If there is a draft?
But I get easily chilled.
--If there is a draft in the room?
I do not want it. But otherwise I can tolerate warmth; before I was a post-woman, I was always
in the field in Agriculture exposed to the heat; it has never mattered to me.
Here, Nux vomica appears to be the choice, when the picture is depicted so clearly in
black and white. She chills easily, worse in draft and she can tolerate warmth. So I gave her Nux
vomica but without success, perhaps as you would have already foreseen. Because, it does make
a difference whether a person could not keep awake in his chair or as the patient said: "I sleep
well between 9-12, then my sleep is restless" There is no definite similarity between Nux vomica
and the patient.
It is of course not simply so, that Pulsatilla always slept badly in the evenings and that
Nux vomica always slept good in the evenings. Our remedies cannot be laid down so. It is also
not so, that a specific medicine either has a definite symptom or does not have. It does not matter
if Pullsatilla does not have sleepiness in the evening. It is more a question how the accessory
details of such a symptom is related, how the patient and prover have expressed, by which closer
particulars of the symptom can. It become distinguishable between one and another. How is, the
sleepiness by evening of Pulsatilla and how is it of Nux vomica. The question: has Pulsatilla,
sleepiness in the evening or not? therefore goes astray often.
I will now bring it further clearer by a tape recordings of other patients. The above cited
lady patient also belongs to it.
She said that the goes to bed-at 9, awakes after 3 or 4 hours and then sleeps restlessly. If we take
the other patients for this purpose we come to the following with regard to the sleep course for
Very tired in the evenings, so that he went to sleep in the chair. When he then goes to the
bed, he has difficulties in going to sleep. He then sleeps for about 4 hours, awakes around 3
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o'clock and then can again sleep only poorly, the sleep then is restless. Then in the mornings he
is tired.
In the evening I fall asleep in the chair because of weariness and then when I go to bed, I have
difficulty in falling asleep.
Around 7, 8 o'clock in the evening, it is alright, at 10 o'clock also.
I could go to sleep; then again I wake up, 3 o'clock. Early in morning I was tired. Most of the
days I could sleep only for 4 hours. I awake with back-ache, I then get up and move around.
Only 4 hour’s actual sleep. I sleep restlessly; I roll about in the bed. After three hours I awake
Always I wake up around 2 or 2.30.
From 3 to 5 o'clock I stroll about in my room.
Now some more relevant proving symptoms. "He was not able to ward off the sleep in
the evening, without however, being weary." "He cannot sleep long in bed in the evenings and
wakes up at usual time, without being able to go to sleep again." "After lying down in the
evening, he slept for an hour and half without dreams, but then he woke up and remained awake
till pearly morning and then he must always change his position." "She jumped out of bed
frequently, because she felt better so." "In the morning, the longer he lies in bed, so much more
exhausted he becomes and so much longer he wants to lie down”.
Earlier while the patient's replies to the questions helped select two possible remedies
now you have to allow the patient's words help to decide. Before the questions, I had imagined a
particular picture and what I wanted to hear in that connection. Whereas now you have heard the
"4 hours" and "restless sleep". And are therefore clear about the similarity with the live
symptom. Naturally it is the deciding one: As much alive a symptom before us is, as much often
we have heard it from the patient, described by the patient, or as it forms part of a patient so
much easy it is for us to arrive at the similarity. So it strikes us that our patient first referred to,
slept well between 9-12, 4 hours duration, and that her sleep was thereafter restless. I did not
know before this symptom of Pulsatilla and could not therefore immediately recognise how close
the similarity is.
It was in the same way with the other Pulsatilla symptom, which this patient had, I did
not know it either, when it came to me for the first time. It is the stomach-heart symptom, which
can be summarized so:
A sensation of rapid palpitation or irregular flutterings in the stomach region, associated
with a pressure or pull, which was experienced more while lying on the left side.
The proving symptoms are: "A tension in the stomach and heart region extending up in to
the breasts." "Jerks from stomach upwards to the throat." "The pulsation of the veins was felt in
the epigastrium." "When he lied on the left side, he complained of very rapid palpitation." Now
let us allow our first patient to speak again.
Volume II
--So, palpitation?
Yes, irregularly, you know, I observe it when I feel the pulse, that is as if it is suspended and then
again it starts.
-- Yes, and do you also have internal restlessness?
Yes. Such a true restlessness, it comes as if it came up from down and then it goes up to the
-- Trembling also? What is it which trembles or vibrates?
Yes, I do not know at all, it is all in there, so, so there, simply in this area.
--In the stomach?
There, over all and then from down up. So one can say that the heart palpitates more there
-- And what ascends from below?
It is like a ….it is like as if it is a wave, or so, so . . I cannot exactly . . . .
Ha, not exactly heat, but a sort of pressure, so, so.
--A pressure?
A pressure .c... I don't know...I cannot describe it exactly.
--And it goes upward?
And once I felt it in my head, you know as if the pressure came with speed and it is...
--like a blow you have said.
Ha, not exactly like a blow, but .simply, like a tension. I cannot describe so exactly how the
speed is, so. . so like a jerk, yes a jerk!
--A jerk, more in the head purely . . . .
It comes from there, as if from below up, as if to the heart it came, simply from below up, I feel
it so.
--Can you lie on the left side? ,
No . . . No . . .
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Because, it becomes then restless, then it 'palpitates always, it is always there below, you know,
more, you know, my heart must actually beat more above, no?
--And it is aggravated when you lie on the left?
Not always, but I simply cannot endure at all on the left and I simply don't feel well by that.
Have you observed that the patient replied to the question as to why she could not lie on
the left side, with a reply 'question, she said, that something was not aright, my heart must beat
naturally much above? I will come to it once again later.
Now a second lady patient.
What else is it, I don't know, Yes, sometimes during the nights I have it so in heart, how could I
say it?
--What do you have there, in your heart?
Palpitation, too bad and I cannot remain on the left side. I must then get up and walk about or…
--It becomes then better?
It becomes better slowly. I always think that I may have spasms of the stomach, but basically
seen there is nothing wrong with the stomach.
--You have to move about? Get up and move about? Because of the palpitation?
Yes, then it oppresses so. And doctor, I have experienced it already, it pulls up, up to the cheek
bones, that I think, my God, it cannot be so.
--Yes, what sort of sensation in the heart?
A pressure, a severe pressure, as if I have cramps in the stomach, but I know that is not from the
--And therefore you cannot lie on the left side? Do you get palpitation because of that?
Yes, palpitation.
--Does it then beat faster?
Yes. Fast and severe, so . . . so . . .
--Or do you have the sensation, as if it has stopped beating? No, simply accelerated so - right -
You have now heard all the components including the irregularity of the palpitation.
From, the patient whom we have already heard on the sleep symptoms, the sensation of pressure
is missing:
Volume II
Now I have rather heart irregularities, palpitations. Mainly on lying on the left-side. Also
heart pains. In the evenings, when I rest, it frequently fails, almost every fourth beat fails. I
experience it from below up. The stoppage of the heart I feel there in the abdomen on the left
From the following, the "from below up" is missing: Troublesome oppressions in
stomach. I have the sensation that the heart is plainly beating in the stomach and fear grips me
naturally. Then sometimes I have slight disturbances of heart rhythms, which makes one, think
for a moment, that it won’t work anymore.
Now comes another patient who has this aggravation only of heart-stomach sensation.
Only aggravation, means' that the general condition is ameliorated while solitary physical
ailment which was there earlier or has been experienced once before, is now felt more strongly.
By the Pulsatilla LM potency dilution this was rectified, easily.
Yes, I have such a curious aggravation. . . Yes, I don't know whether it is related to
Pulsatilla, I consider it simply as grotesque, but, since I took it, and practically a day there-after, I
have such a tension in the midriff region, what sometimes seems to be a pulsation, and yes, I
have only the feeling that it is pulsating - it does not pulsate. Such a fluttering . . . Yes, this
fluttering I have by going to sleep and otherwise it is a tension, a pressure from in, and, but ...and
to describe it: it is . . . not a feeling that there is something inside, but as though it is just below
the skin.
--Fluttering . . . and a tension?
Yes, the pain is like a tension, and otherwise it is a fluttering.
--As if there is something alive?
Yes, Yes, and indeed approximately double so fast like a heart-beat, no?
This patient, whom we have earlier once heard with regard to sleep symptoms, describes
the pressure differently from the first patient. And here the sensation of from below up is absent.
The symptom has also not been completely described in the same way, it cannot also be
definitely laid down, it depends upon patient to patient and even in the same patient subjected to
continuous changes. And of course, you see or hear the similarity which binds all these patients
and provers, while you have not any pre-conceived criterion but only confront the disease picture
or sensations picture with what you have in memory about the other patients.
Also the art, how the physician interrogates the patient and above all, how he reacts to the
answer, is important. I have previously drawn your attention, as my first patient did not answer
my question but gave an account of the sensation which did not have anything to do with the
question. So sometimes often noteworthy comes to us, such spontaneous utterances are more
important than what will be answered pointedly to the question. We welcome such spontaneous
statements. To me a reply to the point is often totally unimportant. I may not know anything at
all, what I ask, but the questions serve mainly to keep the patient narrating voluntarily and also to
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prompt him to state further symptoms. I do not await the pointed answers to the questions; but
rather observe the reaction of the patient and also whether he cannot be induced to go off the
track and narrate spontaneous symptoms which will be interesting to me. What the patient
answers specifically to the question is mostly common and obvious.
PULSATILLA: THE MENTAL STATE: To conclude the discussion, I will now say that earlier
I have lead this last sail lady patient and her answers directed me to give Pulsatilla. It is on the
mental and temperamental symptoms.
In his Foreword to Pulsatilla Hahnemann has given hints about the mental state of the
Pulsatilla patient whom we come across frequently and who need this remedy. Among other
things, he said, that Pulsatilia, will be helpful if in appropriate diseases, a mild, yielding, good-
natured and shy temperament is found to be conjointly existing. When consequently we go
through the proving symptoms, we wonder that the words "mild", "yielding" "good-
temperament"and"shy" do not come up. But listen to the proving symptoms, which holds true to
our last tape-record case:
“Worry over her house-hold matters.” Restless mental state as if not thought of her duties
sufficiently properly" "He will now want to this, now that, and when some work is given to him,
he will not do it". Can we not see in these symptoms a similarity to lack of achievement of
success, just as the yielding " and "mild"? The Pulsatilla patient can poorly oppose external
influences, he even becomes diverted form his emotions so much, can put up opposition so
poorly that he yields. The will to hold on is too weak, the patient displays very poor strength to
the harshness of the external world and to contradict. So you see that the mental state which has
been pictured in the Foreword as the normal state to an extent, finds its agreement with the
proving symptoms which now portrays the disease state.
The prover exaggerates trifling matters or begins to do this or that work, without
completing anything, submits meekly against his own emotion, pliable, yielding, and mild.
Likewise in the following portrayal the patient is too yielding and too mild perhaps also too shy
and too good-natured against the external world when he allowed himself to be chosen in two
identical Governing bodies against his will and against his better understanding.
Hear this patient and keep in mind what you have heard above about Pulsatilla, so that
you can oppose the two impressions against each other and compare them. I think, it will not be
difficult for you to perceive the similarity if you pay attention closely.
--How are you?
Awful, awful, awful, I am breaking down.
--Nervous breakdown...
Yes, of course, yes. Again I am going to pieces, I observe it,
I know it, since I was once under neurologic treatment, and-
I have taken too much load.
Volume II
--With what, what is your job?
Earlier, I was a freelance, lived largely from translation. I have 700 pages now before me,
which all must be completed by March end, which is not -possible to be accomplished. And it is
serious, I know it, I have this work-load since long. I have very much committed in my
professional organisation, I have been chosen in the Governing body and now have also to join
the Governing body of my translators' association from the beginning of April, it is all dreadful. I
do not work at one thing at a time. I have my translations lying on the writing table and I work
half-an-hour and then it occurs to me: my God, I must do that, and that and that. My wife has
observed it since two weeks and said that I am madly aggressive. That is true, I am exceedingly
--When you are spoken to, or when you…
No, when I get excited over something, and it may be something wholly trivial, may be petty,
and I go over. Only as a funny, example: A drain in the kitchen was to be repaired, and the
Plumber has fixed it wrongly. If only I had had a bit of control, I would have called him this
morning, but my wife made a scene yesterday! I was so upset, I began to scream, because I do
not any more see through, also practically I leave big things but take up with trifles.
--Yes. Then I will give you Pulsatilla for a few days. Hope it helps you! If it does not help come
next week beginning once again.
Yes, yes, 5 days off! Commencement of next week!
--What, 5 days off again, are you going away?
No, no, no (begins to cry and to laugh) I am . . . . I must write everyday 20 pages, the mountain
will become larger! Since you say if it does not help! - Excuse me that I react so fervently, but - I
- cannot afford it! It must help!
--And you cannot remain so?
Yes. That is my problem. I remain seated on my bottom, and I do something else, but my table is
full of papers.
Can you perhaps point out what would have occurred without knowledge of Pulsatilla
mental state? Is not one tempted to exclude, Pulsatilla because the patient is aggressive, reacts
extraordinarily harshly and his wife creates scene?
We may have fixed standards like: “Pulsatilla in mild - Nux vomica is aggressive.'' To
some extent we would have picked up from our books an account of the aggressiveness of Nux
vomica. We would not have, if we had not earlier grasped the entire mental state of Pulsatilla,
heard of the Similarity as we have now noted by hearing to the tape-recording. Only when two
pictures are available "can we compare with each other, and choose the similar remedy.
So you see, the success in examination of the patient, with the aim of finding out a
homoeopathic remedy depends upon two things, namely:
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1. On our knowledge of the medicine, and
2. On our capacity to listen to, that is to give up our acquired ideas about examination of the
patient according to the allopathic methods.
For homoeopathic examination of the patient our thoughts must be in an entirely different
direction. We hold on to what we have learnt about the medicines in the course of our life, during
the course of our examination of the patient so that it may agree with it, can react,
understandingly discuss, when we hear from the patient something similar. One must, for that, be
absorbent, receptive. This process of observing the similarity some colleagues call as intuition.
But it is only a sort of intuition, which is based on hard work. Because, one must on one side
work with his memory efficiency every day, to keep it alive and active and on the other must
continuously develop capability to absorb what are new, the receptivity, and use that gift on
Jan/Feb.; translated from the German and slightly condensed by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras;
for private communication only]
Volume II
by G.v.Keller
Materia Medica:
The patient (woman) who mentioned earlier of "bubbling" (1) said something further which I
have met with earlier often, in BERBERIS patients: "I like to have high collars, I like to have a
collar, if I have something warm here around the throat". And BLACKIE who published in 1978
(2) a study of BERBERIS had this experience, she wrote about BERBERIS patients: "One came
across often a cold sensation in the neck. The patients complained about a cold sensation in the
upper half of the shoulders, also in the neck." A proving symptom for this need of warmth in the
neck is not known, also about the cold knees, which DESCHFRE mentioned in 1890 (3) as
characteristic symptom for BERBERIS, of course, after extensive clinical experiences
particularly in cases of "general muscular rheumatism", whereas he was often disappointed with
the symptom "kidney pains from urate stones". Cold knee had not been spoken of in the proving,
but on the contrary of cold sensations in small spots in the thighs. In the literature are found two
case reports of TALCOTT--1897 (4) in which two patients complained besides their main
troubles, of cold knees. One had "eczema intertrigo and alternate rheumatic pains", the other had
"backache and pains in the ureter downwards". One of my BERBERIS patient reported in winter
1971-75, of cold knees in the following manner: "If I watch T.V. for an hour, my feet become
icy cold. The knees also are icy cold and despite having a warm water bag I cannot go to sleep
then. I always have cold feet and cold knee. I have such a cold knee that I cannot at all go to
sleep at night. I may keep a boiling hot water-bag on my feet and they may not be warm".
1. v. Keller, G.; Berberis. Zeitschrift fur klassische HomÖopathie 25 (1981), H.4 (See
QRLY.HOM.DIGEST Vol.II, No.2/1985)
2. Blackie, M.G.: Harnmittel. Zeitschrift fur klassische Homeopathie 23 (1979) 137.
3. Deschere, M.: The North Am. J1. of Homoeopathy 38 (1890) 263.
4. Talcott, W.S.: The North Am. Jl. of homoeopathy 46 (1897) 266 and Transactions of
the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York(1898) 115.
ARZNEIPOTENZIERUNG, Band 25/1981 Ht.5; Translated from the German by Dr. K. S.
Srinivasan, Madras; for private communication only)
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by Van Wasserhoven
(La quatrieme maldie chronique,L'Homeopathica Francaise 68 (1980) 575--588)
HAHNEMANN did not hold that his comments on the chronic diseases are final. In
recent years ORTEGA has given a new interpretation of the three miasms and directions for their
treatment. But neither HAHNEMANN nor ORTEGA have depicted the fourth miasm although it
certainly is responsible for most of the failure of homoeopathic treatment. VAN WASSER
HOVEN' called it as Intoxication and meant the consequences of years long allopathic or
homoeopathic suppression, and medicament poisoning. What during HAHNEMANN's time was
not possible because of the compactness of physician is today the rule rather and many patients
come to homoeopathic practicioner now in this state.
VAN WASSERHOVEN adheres to HAHNEMANN 's view of the fundamental role of
choice of medicine and gives his suggestions for treatment of the fourth miasm only for the cases
where the well-chosen remedy failed, "are blocked." Therefore the individualisation of the
blocade is to be considered. About the practicability of the treatment have been proposed: first
hygiene and Diet (Movement, avoidance of nervous excitement and spices as also nutritional
adjuvants). Then in specific cases anti-doting is possible by ascending potencies of the medicines
suitable for removal of the toxins, for example, of an antibiotic or a vaccine serum, can be
established. Particular attention must be paid to the blockade of destruction of the hormonal
balance by yearlong use of the Pill or other hormonal doses. Here the biological fixing of
hormones are necessary and with deeper centesimal potencies as may be called for, the
correction of the offending hormone operated upon. Finally, after the removal of the intoxication
medicament crisis if the simillimum is not found out, may be first palliated, not by the same
continuance of the allopathic palliation but through the medicine in the forefront like Histamin
9CH in Asthma or with the lesser known remedies in the Materia Medica which suit the
symptom picture. Mostly in such diseases there may be more or less severe tissue destruction and
organ insufficiencies, where-fore homoeopathy is not to be renounced if suitable therapy is
available in recognizing the fourth miasm as the exciting factor. Then we have the best outlook
not only for finding out the simillimum for cure or palliation but actually see it work. In the
context of such a necessary branch the author visualises a great possibility for development of
[From "Zeitchrift for Klassische Homooeopathie and Arzneipotenzierung" Band 25/1981 - Jan.
Feb. 1981. Translated from the German and slightly condensed by Dr.K.S. Srinivasan, Madras.]
Volume II
(Les Annales Homoeopaathiques Francaises (1980) H.5, 5--24.)
This widely dealt study puts forth an analysis of Hahnehann' s conception of the
MIASMS, particularly Psora with on one side by the establishment by suitable experiments in
the light of the current Medicine, and on the other by the works of the Latin american School on
the Psora and Miasms theory.
HAHNEMANN has, as against the antique and his contempory theories about the chronic
diseases, anticipating Pasteur, placed in the foreground the causative agent and not the terrain.
As the understanding in his time was, HAHNEMANNS considered under miasms an infection
by exhalations, whereby Sycosis and Syphilis were, in his view venereal infections. Under Psora
he understood a skin contact with the Psora miasm and affections of the skin and mucous
membranes and alternating with internal diseases. The problem of Chronic diseases engaged the
consideration of HAHNEMANN because the medicines chosen for the many recurring chronic
diseases worked only superficially. His observations led him to postulate that an external,
material agent, a chronic infection capable of kindling was responsible for the chronic diseases
just as in the case of the acute diseases. Only that, in the case of the chronic miasmatic affection
it persisted life-long. The extreme frequency of the Itch in the beginning of the 19th century and
its extraordinary contagious nature, further the observation of the 'suppressed itch' convinced
HAHNEMANN of its causal role in the development of most (7/8 ) chronic diseases. For this
infection, contact with one suffering from the 'itch disease' is obligatory. The development is
executed as follows: Infection -- diffusion of the “internal Psora" -- eruption ("external Psora") --
suppression of the eruption --- Manifestation of the 'Internal Psora” into countless forms,
corresponding to the individual constitution" and the life situations. Although HAHNEMANN
conceded the possibility of infection at birth, he spoke nothing actually of inheritance. Again the
conception of infection did not only remain established, but, HAHNEMANN thought of
Psorinum which is a dynamisation of the psoric miasm and he spoke of the parasitic nature of the
miasms in the organism. It is derived from review of HAHNEMANN's description of the
pathology of Psora. HAHENEMAN claimed as Curable with his 48 anti-psoric medicines, by
choosing by exact individual aspects, the manifold manifestations of psora which could not be
covered by the orthodox Nosology.
Antipsorics are medicines whose symptoms fluctuations between skin and internal organs
and psyche are characteristic. Accordingly the history of the Patient with all the recurring
ailments individualising the patient must be included, besides the persisting conditions and all
the skin manifestations and parasites. HAHNEMANN does not give every characteristic mental
symptoms of Psora in its latent state, but on the other hand he brought into prominence the
uniform mental irregularities. The manifestations are caused by external reasons.
HAHNEMANN reckoned as Psora the lack of reaction to the well-selected similie indicated by
the acute state. The short acting remedies in the treatment of chronic diseases must be followed
by antipsorics suitable to the individual patient on the basis of the anamnesis and constitutional
peculiarities. The change of remedies should be in conformity with change of symptoms.
Sulphur is indeed the main remedy for Psora, especially in the course of Exanthema, but does not
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suffice for cure where no eruption is encountered. (It is not clear to me as to how DEMARQUE
thought that HAHANEMANN has in view a sequence for all the 48 remedies and draws the
conclusion there from that HAHNEMANN has in his practice anticipated the French pluralism,
The presentation of the development of Psora theory by NURE and GRTESSELICH, are
also thouroughly handled. The latter wanted, after the collapse of the Itch theory, the connection
of Homoeopathy to the (orthodox school's) causal research. As against it DEMARQUE perceives
another, a disastrous development of the psora theory which lost all the connection with every
pathologic factor conceived by HAHNEANN and deteriorated into bare Nominalism. KENT
offered the best example for that: the Miasms are inter-courses between the moral rules and
consequences of the original sin as the first true disease of the mankind. Since years the pupils of
KENT, PASCHERO and ORTEGA representing the Organisation "Free University of Samuel
Hahnemann", in Naples, have spread worldwide an esoteric Psychosomatic theory about the
origin and therapy of chronic diseases. This was defended in Europe by. IMERECHTS and
found favour particularly in Italy and India. As these doctrines was on a belief plane and could
not be verified, a scientific rebuttal was unsuccessful. Although nothing of the initial Psora
theory of HAHNEMANN remained they are considered as its pure expression. The observations
of HAHNEMANN have been replaced by empty concepts. Even though somatopsychic and
psychosomatic alternating connections are well known, a full reduction of every aetiology into a
mental (psychic) is not justifiable. According to the Mexican school Psora subsists in a psychic-
physical Insufficiency, which leads to nutritive disturbances; the sycotic on its part is an excess
of psychic reactions and excessive egocentric and extends up to papillomatous proliferations and
to Cancer. The Syphilis shows destructive tendencies, cruelty, impulse to murder., suicidal
impulses as also destructive organic changes. In these conceptions the miasms do not anymore
have any connections with the Treponema, the Gonococcus or a skin eruption. PASCHERO's
system is a remarkable amalgamation of KENT's with the psychoanalysis. The true meaning of
life is Love. From blocked love springs existential anxiety. Syphilis is the denial of action and
the flight from danger which because of inability to fight ends in suicide. In sycosis hypertrophy
as compensations of the feelings of abandonment of self-approval and self-preservation.
DEMARQUE emphasizes with irony the fundamental difference between the obvious
presentation of HAHNEMANN and the baseless speculations of the- new Miasms theory.
In consideration of the immunobiological, genetic and bio-chemical knowledge about the
terrain which are possible today, the authenticity of the conclusion that the Psora is a unifactoral
cause of most of the chronic diseases would be disputed. In place of this theory, the study of the
general reaction of the patient from immunobiological viewpoint should be replaced. If the old
terms are to be retained then their exact clinical extent must be specified. So, Psora could be
understood as for example, periodic, relapsing, alternating and lack of reaction to the remedy
chosen on the basis of the indicated state. The action range of the antipsorics should likewise be
analysed so that the biological and immunological equivalents of their characteristic course are
sought for in the future research of universities. Thereby an effective contribution for under-
standing the clinical-therapeutic facts so excellently written by HAHNEMANN in the "Chronic
diseases" in 1828 would be attained.
Volume II
[From "Zeitchrift fur Klassische Homöooeopathie und Arzneipotenzierung" Band 25/1981 - Jan.
Feb. 1981. Translated from the German and slightly condensed by Dr.K. S. Srinivasan, Madras.
For private communication only.]
Year 1985
71 / 101
3.7 P E R I S C O P E
[A number of papers on and about Homoeopathy appear in medical journals all over the world.
We are attempting to give a list of such papers that have appeared in the non-homoeopathic
journals. We are also including matters of 'general medical interest relevant to homoeopathy. The
compilation and abstract drawn are by Dr.G.S.HEHR, MBBS, DPM, FIPS, 120/22, Purani
Abadi, Sri Ganganagar, PIN.335001. Further enquiries on these may be addressed to Dr.G.S.
HEHR under intimation to the editor, Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Madras--
600 080]
A. Bibliography:
1. Ziegler, E: On the problem of supportive homoeopathic treatment of the ear-nose-throat
diseases. H.N.O. Wegweiser fur Fachaerztliche Praxis, Berlin. 11.351-2, Dec.1963(German)
2.Hodges, P.C.:Homoeopathy and S.Hahnemann. Post Graduate Medicine, Minneapolis. 35:
666- 8 June, 1964.
3. Haller Jr. J.S.: Aconite: A case study in doctrinal conflict and the meaning of scientific
meaning. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine, Nov.1960 (9) 888-904
(Source for 1, 2 and 3 Index Medicus Volume 5, 1964)
4. A Link between diet and cancer of the ovary? International Journal of Cancer Vol.23, 5, 559-
562, 1984.
5. Could breast feeding protect against diabetes? Lancet, Nov.20, 1984.
6. How the West keeps the Third World hungry? Quarterly Review of the Soil Association,
7. Women with premonitions have more children. Journal of the Society for psychical research,
52, 796.
8. Smoke gets into your gut: British Med. Journal, 1984, Vol.289, 660.
9. Are people who use alternative medicines 'weird'? the Choice, Vol.10, No.2, 1984.
10. Could Sony have the answer to stressful jogging? Medical Self-care, 1984.
B. Some Abstracts:
11. Aluminium toxicity: It is caused by cooking in aluminium pans. This comes about because
the forms cooked in aluminium pans become potentized. People can suffer homoeopathic
proving and can become very ill. Stop using aluminium and take Lycopodium in potency
(American Homoeopathy, Vol.1, No.5, December 1984)
12. Bio-energetic regulatory medicine: a conceptual crisis for conventional medicine? BERM
combines acupuncture and homoeopathy. Electrical impedance between two acupuncture points
is noted and then the selected remedy is inserted in series in the electrical circuit. Subsequent
Volume II
changes in impedance readings have diagnostic and therapeutic significance. The test measures
the activity or the functions of the living body, whereas all conventional tools including CT scan
(computerized axial tomograph) and NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance) visualize the structure
only (perhaps the only exception may be PET or positron emission tomography--Compiler). By
the time a disease reaches a stage at which it can be diagnosed by these gadgets it is already very
nearly incurable. The present state of affairs in the medicine is comparable to that of science
before the advent of modern physics, which now points to a unified as opposed to a fragmented
world-view. Even in the physical world the very act of observation changes the observed
(Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty/indeterminacy principle, Einstein-Rosen-Podolosky equation--
Compiler). Living systems appear to display certain physical features at macroscopical level,
which normally are only found in the non-living world at a quantum level. Alternative medicine
has a view of the living body which is very much similar to the view of the universe as portrayed
by modern physicians. It takes psycho-kinetic elements into consideration, i.e. it heeds both
consciousness and the soma. Dr.Julian Kenyon MD, MB, ChB. Compiler’s note : It is by
recourse to such facts that homoeopathy will be explained and not by interpolation of untenable
hypotheses and by use of ill-defined or undefined concepts, viz., "vital-force/principle" or by
saying that potentization liberates nuclear energy, a statement that totally ignores Einstein's
famous equation, E=mc
, according to which energy liberated would be proportional to its mass
and would not be specific for any particular substance as a homoeo potencies are).
(Source for 4 to 12. The Alternative Medicine Digest, Feb.85)
13. Quantum Physics and the Philosophy of Medicine:
Philosophy is how humans see themselves and the philosophy of medicine means most
commonly physicians' estimate of them-selves and their professional activity. For centuries
religion has influenced it. Ever since the time science became an oracle, medicine has been
suspended between 'reductionism' and 'humanistic psychology'. But the science's very demand
for and insistence on intellectual integrity has remorselessly demolished Democritean
mechanistic model because it did not fit the experimental data. At this point math became
difficult and models unvisualizable. Consequently biology, medicine and psychology lost contact
with physics, Both biology with its incorporation of 'time-arrow' and 'historical evolutionary
model's; and neurology with its attempts to explain mind, have Newtonian models that are
outdated. For the physicist, space-time exists en bloc. Its most plausible mathematical models are
non-Democritean. Certain conclusions are thrust upon us: (i) The observer and the observed
interact; (ii) The progress in physics now depends upon 'parasitic-analysis' of the observing
system; (iii) The observed, or real, world is a highly transformed are artefact on which we
impose our philosophical biases; and (iv) After shaking and filtering it our self-estimate will be
no less ego-syntonic than Sartrian absurdity.
In the world of Physicists there are no 'things'; Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky effect, means, perhaps,
particles are not separate objects, free-will is an illusion, time divides at each of our choices. All
our concepts of ourselves are facing extinction and demolishing of scientific dogmas is
wounding indeed. Nature is odder than we can think
Year 1985
73 / 101
(JBS Haldane). Medical thinkers are not bringing these news to their fields leave aside
incorporating them into their thinking. Medicine always acquires the colour of its time, and to do
so it needs to keep a constant finger on science at large.
(Source: The Scientific and Medical Network, Sept.1985)
(Compiler's Note: We need some scientific philosophy of this sort and not the pseudo-philosophy
of a Kent, who was ostensibly of Hahnemannian thinking, but did much to subvert his teachings)
[Xerox copies of Nos.4 to 10 can be made available on receipt of crossed IPO, @ Rs..5/- for
each item, drawn in favour of Dr.G.S.HEHR, Sri Ganganagar--335001. For 12 & 13 charges are
Rs.10/- each. This money is requested so as to cover the cost of Xeroxing and postage; for details
on 1 to 3 please send self-addressed and stamped envelope; No.11 is complete]
C.NEws: Dr.Alain Jolivet, of France has developed a new technique for transferring pharmaco-
dynamic agents optically. A nearly parallel beam of ordinary light is sent through the transparent
cavity of an operating continuous flow dynamizor. After passing through the cavity the beam is
focused by an optical arrangement onto a volume of carrier material, water or pilules, which is
contained in a hermetically sealed transparent flask. After a few minutes' exposure the inert
substance carrier acquires the pharmaco-dynamic properties of the dynamised medicinal
substance. Now it acts in the same way as the original substance. (For details please write
to:Dr.Alain Jolivet, 86 Avenue Saint-Barthelemy, 06100 N I C E, France .Telephone No. 93-984
Volume II
4 QHD, Vol.II, No.4, December 1985
Dear Doctor,
One more year comes to an end. Has it been a significant year for homoeopathy in India?
Has there been any original proving or re-proving, original publications etc.? Have we been able
to convince the Authorities that in its health plans homoeopathy deserves a better status? In
short, what special achievement have we made during 1985? To the best of our knowledge
NONE. On the contrary professional Associations have split themselves apart; and it was
reported that the Indian homoeopaths with qualifications in homoeopathy have been denied
voting rights by the LIGA!
Let us, members of the DIGEST, resolve that in the coming year, we will do something;
like treatment of the mentally retarded children, the Spastics, the Schizophrenics. Homoeopathy
is so rich in mental symptoms and it is surprising that we have not taken it up in right earnest for
treatment of mental illnesses. A special and thorough study of the homoeopathic remedies in
mental retardation or manic depressive syndromes may be made first. Let us come together in
this. I invite your reaction.
Yours sincerely,
P.S.: Those who have not sent their contributions to the previous numbers are reminded to remit, same
along with this number's. For 1986, the cost may go up because of increasing in printing and stationary;
etc. However, you are requested to send in your contribution at Rs.40/- per year for 1986. The DIGEST
cannot keep itself afloat if contributions are not sent promptly. I would like to remind that the DIGEST is
a personal SERVICE on mutual basis and NOT a Journal marketed.
Year 1985
75 / 101
[From the Editorial of the Journal of the American Inst. of Homoeopathy, Vol.77, No.1, March
In early October in Phoenix in 1979 I was lecturing on "Eup.perf." to a group of health
professionals. I kept emphasising how the pains of a x Eup.perf. case of flu were se deep that it
felt almost as if the bones themselves were broken. If a flu victim complains that his bones feel
like they have been fractured, I said, then one really ought to consider Eup perf.
When I returned to Phoenix a month later I was surprised to learn that one of the students
said he had used Eup.perf. quite effectively in a case of actual bone fracture. The patient, he said,
had been in a car accident and had sustained a fracture of one of the bones of his leg. He was in
great pain. Recalling my lectures, the physician gave the man a dose of Eup.perf. Within
minutes, he said, the pain diminished markedly.
I was puzzled, I said to the student that I had never suggested that Eup.perf. was
effective in lessening the pain of fractures. Rather, I had spoken of how the Eup perf. Pain in
influenza was so deep that to the patient needing Eup perf. It felt as though the bones were
broken. The student, naturally, was undaunted. He had gotten a good result with it in an actual
fracture in spite of misunderstanding me.
A year or two later, when someone called me and asked if I had a homoeopathic remedy
for the pain of a bone fracture I decided to try Eup.perf. The effect was outstanding: the pain
relief was quick and profound. I began to treat every case of bone fracture with Eup.perf. In
every instance, the patient got relief. I remember one particularly difficult case: a middle-aged
woman with a long history of repeated fractures of the tibia suffered yet another fracture of the
same bone. This one was a compound fracture. She was in great pain. Demerol was given but no
relief. I was called and started her on Eup.perf. 30 p.r.n. It acted, but within a day the relief was
minimal. So I upped the potency to the 200
and she again gained relief. After a few more days,
Eup.perf.200 was no longer helping, so I moved higher. To 1M then 10M, 50M and finally CM
all of them p.r.n. It was several weeks before the healing was sufficiently advanced so that she
no longer needed Eup perf. But she was delighted, as it was by far the most pain-free fracture she
had ever had.
As I acquired more experience with Eup.perf. as a remedy for the pain of bone fracture, I
began to recommend its use to other homoeopaths. All feedback has been positive, i.e. Eup.perf.
relieves the pain of a fracture. So what started out as a matter of simple serendipity now needs
more serious attention. We may have, in Eupatorium perfoliatum a major medicine for the relief
of pain affecting the periosteum (which contains the pain fibers of bone).
[Slightly condensed by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private communication only.--We may
add Eup.perf. to the Kent's Rep. under GENERALITIES at page No.1369, Col.I under
INJURIES, bones; page 1378, Col. I PAIN, bones, periosteum; page 1378, Co1.II PAIN, bones,
broken, as if bones. Readers are requested to please furnish clinical results of use of Eup.perf. in
pains of fractures.--K.S.S]
Volume II
E.Shevin, M.D
(Presented April 7, 1984, in Santa Barbara, California, before a joint meeting of the
The National Center for Homoeopathy, The California State Homoeopathic Medical Society,
The American Inst. of Homoeopathy and The International Foundation for Homoeopathy)
It is generally understood that after the administration of the simillimum the recipient
should improve, perhaps after an initial aggravation. This improvement is to occur most
importantly in the deepest aspects of the person, namely the mental and emotional levels, as well
as generally. However it has been my observation on many occasions that the remedy which
ultimately proved to have been the simillimum did not always act so smoothly. I have seen very
turbulent emotional states persist and resolve only after intervention was applied through
counseling or psycho therapy. It seems to me that situation is much more likely to occur when
the precipitating trauma has been very strong or where no “normal pattern” of relating to people
is present. Imagine a child raised in a violent, distorted family, who has-image may be present,
but can one expect, without any intervention save the administration of the remedy, for this to
become a loving, affectionate, trusting child?
Psychotherapy can be seen as helping the patient to develop a more useful pattern first in
his relationship with the therapist and then later promoting or allowing the resurfacing of
emotional therapy trauma into an arena where it can be successfully resolved. Such therapy is
intellectual, involving reasoning and talking, but it may not be sufficient. If the person can re-
experience his feelings, great changes are possible. The re-emergence of feelings can be brought
about in therapy by presenting the person with stimuli of visual, verbal, or other material which
can evoke the original situation. This method bears a striking similarity to homoeopathic
prescribing, and can cause the re-emergence of old physical symptoms as well.
In this paper I will present several cases which suggest that the homoeopathic simillimum
and psychotherapy may be needed in tandem to bring about deep-seated improvement.
SW, a 13 month old boy, the third child born to an unmarried woman who has had a
different father for each child. She is a severely emotionally compromised woman who suffered
child abuse and developed a multiple personality disorder with a strong hysterical component.
This child, like her previous two, was slow to develop in all ways, including gross and fine motor
control, the appearance of teeth, verbalization etc. Like his two brothers before him, he
responded nicely to Calcerea carbonica given every few months. This response included a more
alert aspect, more activity and the appearance of several teeth, at first rapidly, then when age
appropriate. Eventually the mother's pathology became more extreme and the children were
placed with her sister in a much better environment. After the move, there was a very striking
change in the child. He gained weight as never before, became much more outgoing, alert, and
curious. I discuss this case because it showed in a very graphic way how one must remove the
cause, in this case the lack of nurturing and stimulation that should have been provided by the
mother. The remedy did act, without question, but not nearly so well as did placing the child in a
proper home environment.
CASE: AG. DOB: 17/11/1949; date of visit 9/7/1983:
Year 1985
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In July 1983, after having missed two menstrual periods, she had an apparently normal
menses except that the flow never completely stopped. Spotting alternated with a few days of
menstrual-like flow and this continued up to the clay prior to the consultation. The week before
she had her usual pre-menstrual feelings, i.e. a heaviness and hardness in the low abdomen "like
a basketball", sensitive breasts, and irritability. Usually these symptoms let up with the onset of
flow. This period they did not cease until day 5. The abnormal bleeding, however, continued.
She otherwise felt well and had no complaints.
Her menarche occurred at age 17, and was not followed by another menses until one year
after she started oral contraceptives to regulate her cycle.
She continued on the pill for four years, after which her menses remained irregular until
the birth of her first child, after which they became quite regular. A second child died in the 5th
month of gestation for unknown reasons. She usually slept on her stomach, liked a cool room,
the outdoors, especially the ocean, and was at her best around 8--9 p.m. She said she was
"definitely a night person". She was averse to fat and fond of cottage cheese. When ill she liked
to be up and working. She wept a fair amount: at the movies, and when she saw other people in
pain. She said, "It works best for me to be alone and cry, because then it doesn't make other
people uncomfortable." On questioning she very much seemed to want consolation at these
times. "I'm more willing to do something which will please someone else than to please myself,"
she said. Pulsatilla 1M was given.
She had a normal menstruation one month later without any intervening bleeding. She
felt more energetic and positive in general. Her energy was now more even. She was more aware
of the need to take care of herself and had become more assertive and directive in her life.
This is a case in which Pulsatilla acted very well. On her follow-up visit the
spontaneously stated that she was decidedly more assertive than before.
Only indirect questioning had elicited any symptoms of mildness at the initial interview.
Apparently, in her case, Pulsatilla acted to strengthen her self-confidence which had been only
mildly compromised.
This case shows that when there are no deep conflicts or feelings that need to emerge and
be resolved, then the simillimum can restore the person to a greater level of freedom in her inter-
personal expression. Unfortunately, in homoeopathy we cannot go back and retreat the patient in
another way to see what might have happened. It seems to me, however, that in other cases
similar personality trait have improved even when they were not discussed in tale initial
interview. In cases where my prescription was not correct, the elicitation of the personality trait
alone has not really changed anything. I do feel, however, without any firm data to back it up,
that there can be synergistic effect of the remedy coupled with elicitation and discussion of
personality traits and emotional issues. I have certainly seen cases where the velocity of
improvement in psychotherapy drastically increased following the administration of the
CASE: DB, 41/ yr. old, female: date of visits 30/10/1981:
Volume II
4 years previously she had been attacked and beaten on her front porch by a psychotic
neighbor. At one point she was thrown backward and struck her back - between the spine and
right shoulder blade - on the doorknob.
She experienced some nightmares afterwards and several weeks later developed a severe
pain in the injured area. The pain was much worse with any motion, better lying on the painful
side, better by heat and worse from cold. Experiencing no relief from conventional medical
treatment, having received two myelograms and two surgical procedures, she gradually lost the
use of the arm, experiencing a severe coarse intention tremor and constant, severe upper back
She was generally cold, although she felt "done in' on hot days. She became rather
depressed on cloudy days, especially since her mother died unexpectedly one year prior to the
injury. Lately, she tended to stay indoors, wanting to be left alone. She was irritable. She told us
of problems with some house guests who were definitely over-staying their welcome and not
contributing to the upkeep and maintenance of the house. In narrating this story, she smiled
never showing any of the anger I felt that she must be experiencing.
She seemed generally tense and with a lot of repressed anger. I gave Bryonia 200 and had
her enter psychotherapy and massage. The remedy definitely helped, without any worsening of
her condition generally. I felt that Sepia was her constitutional remedy, but I was concerned
about the ability to handle the feelings that might come up. Two months later I felt that her
relationship with the psychotherapist was good enough and I gave Sepia 200.
There was not much immediate reaction. She seemed to feel somewhat better, but we
noticed much more emotional content in the psychotherapy sessions. She mentioned for the first
time that she was very reluctant to participate in a previously normal sexual relationship with her
husband, and in particular she could not tolerate his touching her on the breasts, an area which
her neighbour had specifically and viciously attacked. She was sent home with the exercise that
her husband should caress her breasts and she was to see what emotions "came up". The result
was 90 minutes of "hysterical crying and screaming, after which I felt I better so we did it again.
I cried and screamed for about an hour and then the back pain went completely away." it
returned 2 weeks later after a psychotherapy session failed to resolve her symptom of difficult
swallowing. We learned that during the beating she had been strangled. At the next session,
while the patient was pushing the therapist's hand away from her neck finger marks appeared on
the patient’s neck. Her feelings were resolved in the session, and the back pain cleared again,
never to return.
Six months later her energy was de dropping, and headaches, which the remedy had
cleared, were returning. Sepia 200 was repeated with a good response. Four months later she
worked through some old anger towards her father. On 14/2/83 I gave Sepia 1M on a return of
premenstrual symptoms and lower energy, but there was no real response. She became
increasingly fatigued, short tempered, completely lost her sexual desire, had an enormous
appetite, especially for sweets, and stated here energy was better “Under pressure”. I gave Calc.
carb. 1M and she did very well there after. Later she needed a dose of Natrum mur.
Year 1985
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Her inability to express anger and her tendency to suppress that anger (e.g. towards her
houseguests) did not serve her well when she became the victim of a violent, unprovoked assault.
She must have been very angry, but apparently never expressed it. That she did in tact suppress
the feelings was clearly demonstrated in her response to treatment. Bryonia acted superficially to
provide some relief from pain. That no suppression from this remedy occurred is shown by the
fact that she did not experience any deeper symptoms indicative of worsening. A trusting
relationship and some detachment skills were developed in psychotherapy and when we judged
that patient to be ready, Sepia was given. This resulted in a release of more meaningful material
which surfaced in therapy at a very rapid rate as compared to previous sessions. As the patient
later went on to need other remedies which corresponded to symptom complexes that existed
prior to the attack, we felt that Sepia was in fact the simillimum. Without the psychotherapeutic
intervention I wonder if the patient could have been helped so easily, if at all. The combination
of homoeopathy and psychotherapy permanently cleared a pain in four months that had existed
for four years.
Giving Sepia did result in improvement in general symptoms, but I do not believe that her
pain would have cleared until she re-experienced the original repressed feelings that the pain
represented Four years after the original injury it seemed unlikely that there could be any
physiological reason the tissues could not heal. She retained the pain in lieu of experiencing and
working through the emotions. The remedy allowed her to begin to re-experience her feelings of
repressed sexuality and she improved.
In another case where anger could not be expressed in to certain family dynamics, a
chronic pain syndrome emerged together with an accompanying multiple personality disorder.
The process of integrating the multiple personalities was painful. It meant remembering the
repressed details of the trauma contained in the “alternate” personality becoming angry, fighting,
crying and only then forgiving. A few years before my therapy with her, this patient had, as part
of a sincere acceptance of Christianity, forgiven all those whom she knew had hurt her. Her
“forgiveness’’ did not really help her, however, until she remembered the details and openly
expressed the anger. Then she was able to cry, really forgive, eliminate the pain by obviating the
need far it, and integrate the "alternate". Repression of negative emotions leads to illness.
CASE: DF: DOB: 20/11/1956: date of visit: 27/4/1981:
I had treated her for one year previously with Cantharis 30 for an acute cystitis. In the
interim she had entered psychotherapy primarily for marital problems, which finally culminated
in divorce. She then consulted me for feelings of exhaustion, anorexia, and a "burning"
sensation, in a "fine line down the center of the chest to the pubic bone." She was restless and
complained of bad dreams of being pursued. She would wake almost hourly, occasionally yelling
and perspiring. She was eating frequent meals and following a "hypoglycemic diet" which made
her feel better in general. She had seasonal allergies. A sympathetic person, she would wake in
the morning weeping for no apparent reason, and crying definitely made her feel better. She had
recently been thinking a lot about the death of her grand-parents 10 years earlier, which had
affected her greatly. Ignatia 1M was given.
Her energy improved, and any hypoglycemic reactions she had been heaving improved as well
and she was able to eat more normally. She was somewhat less tearful, but was now waking at
Volume II
night with some fear, thinking about her father, and needing to have the light on. At these times
she would think about past unpleasant events in her life. (Originally, she had told me how
supportive and loving her family had always been to her.) She developed a strong craving for
salt. With these symptoms I gave, on 6.3.1981 Natrum mur 1M. She had a very definite general
improvement, and her sleep became much better. This improvement continued, but she
developed frequent sore throats, and old problem of childhood and adolescence. She seemed to
become angry without recognizing it and when, in therapy, she was able to express anger, her
sore throats would clear. The salt craving cleared and was replaced by a rather strong sweet
craving, and she had more problems with hunger, an acrid yellow vaginal leucorrhoea developed
and on 27/8/1981 Sepia 1M was given. Her angry, sleep and all symptoms improved
dramatically without aggravation, but she started to remember more unpleasant thing about her
childhood including physical, sexual and emotional abuse by her parents. She realized that they
had never been supportive or loving to her. These realizations were very disconcerting to her,
and her psychotherapy sessions became very charged. Over the next few months she began to
talk about her "fantasy family", which consisted of three members besides herself who lived in
New Jersey. One of the members was more assertive than she, and another was more "laid back".
It soon became clear that these family members were alternate personalities of the patient
Sepia was continued at intervals as needed by her general condition. She coped with the
leucorrhea for a long time, never demanding that we treat it, as she seemed to understand that
homoeopathic treatment was helping her and we should not interfere. She improved greatly on
all levels and discontinued psychotherapy.
On 11/9/1982 she consulted me for an old childhood problem,namely, asthma. She was
craving salt again and her sleep was accompanied by somnambulism, with talking. I gave
Natrum mur.1M and urged her to re-enter therapy. She did not, but very shortly thereafter, the
multiple personalities completely integrated and she has been completely well since, except for a
recent bout of tonsillitis, a very , early childhood problem, which responded well to a dose of
This is a ease where the initial history contained statements such as "My parents are very
supportive of me, and very good to me." After the administration of Ignatia, she started to have
disturbing dreams, the first sign of emerging feelings and memories. She later went on to need
Natrum mur., .after which she started to remember consciously, with great distress, parental
physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Later, after reaching and apparently stable but
unintegrated state, she dropped out of therapy for several months. Then a pre-existing condition
developed, namely asthma, and Natrum mur was again called for. Within days the asthma
cleared and she fully integrated the multiple personalities. She has done very well since,
approximately 18 months.
Sexual abuse, especially of a child, and even more so if the parents are the abusers, is
emotionally devastating. If not handled properly at the time, which is rare, the adaptations made
in subsequent inter-personal relationship tend to be very limiting, especially those involving later
marital and sexual off balance and the person can become ill, on one or many levels. A remedy
image can be discerned.
Year 1985
81 / 101
What determines which "remedy image" emerges? Certainly there are genetic factors which
operate to a greater or lesser degree. Some children require treatment at birth or in later years in
the absence of significant environmental stress factors, presumably owing to miasmatic
influences passed through the genetic mechanism. And what role does stress play? Paragraph 31
of the Organon (VI edition) states: "The psychic and physical influences that we encounter in the
world and that we call disease agents do not have an absolute power to untune our organism. We
fall ill under their influence only when the organism is disposed and susceptible enough to their
attack for its feelings and functions to be altered and untuned from the normal. Thus these agents
do not make everybody sick each time." In pars 77 Hahnemann states that disease induced by
chronic emotional stress is not a true chronic disease in that it clears with correction of the stress.
Para 78 describes the vital principle becoming "run down by debilitating passions, grief, and
worry and especially by unsuitable medical treatment."
The patients discussed in this paper were poorly equipped to handle life's stresses except
through excessive anxiety, fear and worry. Physiologic mechanisms respond to such emotional
states with adrenal stress reactions leading to known detrimental effects on the remainder of the
glandular system. In addition, the immune response and other bodily functions can become
The homoeopathic remedy acts on the dynamic plane of the individual and so affects the
physiology as well as the emotions. Some new measure of freedom is obtained, which allows the
possibility for a different response. Psychotherapy, whether formal as in most cases discussed
here or informal through the interaction with the prescriber, friends, etc. can provide the
possibility of feedback which can reinforce the simillimum. But if sufficient positive
reinforcement is not forthcoming, the person has no choice but to adopt the former defensive
repressions and ways of feeling and acting. These simply continue to be the best available
responses. The action of the remedy may be overpowered. In such cases, I have found
homoeopathy and psychotherapy synergistic.
CASE: PB: DOB.15/1/1948: date of visit: 4/1/1981:
As a child she had chronic headaches with difficulty breathing through the nose in warm
weather. A few years later migraine-type headaches developed, requiring Cafergot. Still later
symptoms more obviously related to nasal allergy developed, more noticeable working outdoors.
She had several intranasal irrigations with corticosteroids. In 1981 she developed pins and
needles sensations in both hands, for which she received B12 shots, which were initially
effective but the symptoms recurred despite continued therapy.
At the initial visit, she was finding it difficult to breathe through the nose in hot weather.
Heat fatigued her and she preferred to be slightly cool. She had to eat every 2 - 4 hours;
otherwise, she said she was "shaky" and "not feeling well." If angry, she either "withdrew" or
"attacked". These negative emotions were helped by exertion. She felt better outside.
She disliked being alone in the house, where she often felt irritable, angry, and tearful.
She had severe dysmenorrhoea beginning with the onset of flow, and before the menses
sometimes felt depressed or "variable" in her moods.
Volume II
There was a family history of Tb. She had had a tonsillectomy. Two cousins were
asthmatic. She was given Pulsatilla 30.
Her energy and emotional state improved, despite a fair amount of stress at work. The
dysmenorrhea improved, and headache frequency diminished. There was no apparent
aggravation except possibly for prolonged menses (she had inadvertently taken the-remedy on
the 2nd day of flow, and it had continued for another 16 days). She didn't feel such a strong need
to go outside and exercise and felt less restless in general. On 15/4/1982 she noted more anger
was co wing up. She said, "I need sometime alone now." Two months later no further
improvement was apparent and I repeated Pulsatilla 30 . Nothing happened and I gave
Tuberculinum 1M which made her feel "terrific!”. One month later Pulsatilla 200 was given
without effect. Tuberculinum 10M was given in December 1982 and she seemed to improve
gradually, still however having pre-menstrual mood changes of fairly strong intensity.
Phosphorous 1M was given in April 1983 without effect. On 31/10/1983 Natrum mur. 1M was
given. She had stated, “people think I am an extravert but I’m not.” Also that time she had
feeling "terrible". She was more depressed, wanted to sit by herself in a corner and not be
bothered and was full of tears and rage. This was apparent just by looking at her, but what was
very different was how much more open she was to me about her feelings, and how much she
cried at the consultation. We discussed her family life very extensively, and the patterns of her
On 13/2/1984 she returned. Her last menstrual period, two weeks earlier, had come without any
of the previous emotional and mental symptoms. She told me that she had a lifelong pattern of
not telling anyone her feelings. Now, however, she felt much more open towards me and the
psychotherapist she had been seeing since we had last talked.
This is a case which initially seemed to respond to Pulsatilla but I searched for another
remedy when, after one year of treatment, her level of health had not really changed. I gave
Natrum mur. and on return visit she stated that she was more depressed than ever. I was able,
however, to get a much better picture of her early life (an alchoholic father whom she hated
intensely by age 13, and a first husband who rejected her after his return from Vietnam. She
admitted attacking him several times with a knife). She continued to be very angry, especially
before her menses, and she would physically attack her second husband, who would briefly try to
hold her, and then let go. Although she wanted to be held, she could not ask for it and instead
pushed away.
This case illustrates how the homoeopathic remedy appeared to create an increased level of
emotional distress. At the same time, however, the patient became much more open and made
more progress in therapy. She has continued to improve both in general as well as in particular
symptoms and she has made some important life decisions, in particular, she has gained enough
insight to see how her present marriage represents a variation on previous themes and has
decided to obtain a divorce. She continues, however, to be unhappy on the emotional level and
still experiences life as a struggle. Another point is illustrated here. I believe that as part of
personal development were drawn to, or create, situations which present the problems we need to
overcome. From this perspective, elicitation of the life history can point to necessary action on
the emotional and social plane.
Year 1985
83 / 101
1984, slightly condensed for private communication only]
Volume II
A 48 year old woman fell on some steps, struck her head on concrete and was found
semi-conscious by co-workers. She was reluctant to go to the Emergency Room and went only
after strong persuasion.
On arrival at the E.R., she was found to have changing levels of consciousness, replying sensibly
to a question one minute and falling asleep inappropriately the next. Physical examination
showed a bruise over the right temporal area and a bloody ear-drum. There were no lateralizing
signs. Over the next two hours her condition worsened as she became less arousable. A CAT
scan revealed a large right-sided sub-dural hematoma. There was no evidence of a skull fracture.
She was transferred to a neurosurgical hospital for emergency surgery.
Within 36 hours post-operatively, she developed seizures of the grand mal type and she
was placed on phenobarbital and Dilantin. On day four she developed e dyspnoea and
haemoptysis, all while remaining comatose.
Cardiac evaluation showed no prior history of heart disease. There had been no problem
with excessive intravenous fluid therapy. A lung scan showed no pulmonary emboli. She was
diagnosed with congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema, etiology unknown, and treated
with diuretics and digitalis.
Because of the persistent mental obtundation of the patient, she was re-evaluated for a recurrence
of the subdural, hematoma. None was found.
On the eighth day after surgery she had still not regained consciousness. Arnica 30X
three times a day was begun via nasogastric tube. Within 24 hrs. the hemoptysis stopped and
within 48 hrs. She woke up and the N-G tube was removed. By day 12 she was out of the
intensive care Unit.---John Reed, M.D., Phoenix, AZ.
and No.2—
The two characteristic symptoms of Arnica have once again been verified in this case—
(i.)The reluctance of the patient to go to the emergency room when she was seriously ill "Well”,
says she is, when actually very ill and (ii) answering one question properly but falling asleep the
next "Answers, stupor returns quickly after". If only First-aid and Ambulance Vans are equipped
with the homoeopathic remedy Arnica! -- Dr.K.S.S]
Year 1985
85 / 101
4.4 VERIFICATIONS by K.n.Gypser.
The old English language Journals contain many gold nuggets clinically verified which are
valuable to us. The symptoms cited below are: 1. Symptoms clinically corroborated; 2. Symptoms which
have not appeared in any provings, but nevertheless being cured.
Only cures with potencies from 30 upwards have been considered.
From each step, the sensation
That the tip of the nose would
Bell. (H.Farrington, Hom,1913,p.410)
Fall off
Constant burning pains ,from inguinal region
to inguinal region extending over the
Lil.tig.(H.Farrington,HOM, 1913,p.411)
Salivation during pergnancy
Jab.(H.Farrington, HOM, 1913,p.411
Ars.i., Lap
a.(A.E.Austin, HOM, 1914, p.20)
Nose, perspiration
Cina.(H.Farrington, JH.,1902, p.77)
Lies with legs
Rhod.(A.A.Pompe, HR 1933, p.104)
Cutting in stomach as from a knife,
during eating or drinking. Cough
from tickling in throat; tickling of the palate;
fluent coryza causing sore
cup.ar. (E.W. Berridge, JH, 1899,p.454)
Sensation as if standi
ng on head
Webster, HR,1936, p.405)
Stinking foot
Webste.HR, p.26)
Desire celery
Webster, HR,1940,p.26)
cold feet
Webster, HR, 1940, p.14)
Myoma of uterus
HR. 1940, p.14)
Hair fall in spots; the bald spots covered by
Vinc. (H.Farrington HR 1940
Volume II
fluffy hair
Muscle atrophy
Calc.p.(J.M.Green, 1948,p.139)
Asthma after suppressed skin eruption
Graph.(H.Farrington HR, HR, 1945, p.297)
Burning and itching of s
oft palate and
conjunctiva in a hay fever patient
Arundo. (E.E. Case, IHA 1897 p.20)
Daily nose bleed with red face; heat and pains
in the forehead, nosebleed am.; perspires
easily; stinking foot sweat
Bufo. (E.E.case, IHA 1897 p.20)
Nightly seminal emi
ssion, following erections;
palpitation from the least exertion
Grat. (C.M.Boger, IHA, 1897 p.21)
Red, periodically suppurating eruptions on the
prepuce; rheumatism of knees and thumbs,
agg. Evening, agg.damp weather, am.
continuous motion
(E.E.Case, IHA, 1897, p.21)
Persistent vertigo after epileptic attacks
Visc. (C.M.Boger, IHA 1897, p.20)
Podo.(J.B.Bell, NAJ 1920, p.348)
Pinching pain in malar bone; continual pain in
left ear with the feeling as if it was obstructed;
stitch in inner ear as soon as the jaw moved
Verb. (E.E.Case, NAJ 1983, p.701)
Phos. (P.Schmidt, HT,1933, p.701)
Sensation of a foreign body in right outer
canthus; while closing the eyes it appears as
though it moved to the rt.inner angle, while
opening eyes again back in its earlier place
Sulphuric acid.( E.W.Berridge, BHR, 1908, p.100)
Constipation; stool dark, thick, sometimes
mixed with blood, must strain so much that
the face becomes red and the head seems to
Indigo.( E.W.Berridge, BHR, 1908, p.160)
Burning pains in the rt.ileo
sacral region
Com. (R.G.Miller, BJ, 1917, p.80)
Menses during lactation period
Tub. (G.H.Thatcher, HR, 1928, p.466)
Pain in rt. Knee, agg.at commencement of
motion; agg. Change of weather; am.
Continued motion; generally well in fresh air
Radi.br. (W.H. Dieffenbach, BJ, 1919, p.205)
aches after taking cheese
Sepia.(J.Hutchinson, HR, 1922, p.205)
Year 1985
87 / 101
Uterine myoma
Nat.c (T.Paschero, BJ, 1962, p.9)
Dros. (M.L.Tyler, BJ 1727, p.143)
When he wants to walk he must run, so that
he doesnot fall down
Mang. (F.H.Lutze, HR, 1923, p.220)
Nausea after travel
Cob. (R.E.S. Hayes, HR, 1943, p.220)
Verrucinum (H. Farrington, HR, 1944, p.437)
Sensation in the nipple as if a sting twisted
around it which was being pulled; thirst for
small quantities; burning in stomach after the
drinking (of water)
Pyrog. (M.Burgess-webster, HR, 1939, p.13)
Sleeplessness till 7 hrs. morning
Cypr. (E. Wrignt
hubbard, HR, 1937, p.435)
Pressing pain in the
temples as from vice
Carb.s. (E.Wright
hubbare, HR, 1937, p.435)
Tumour in the right breast
Phel. (E.Wright
hubbare, HR, 1937, p.436)
Amelioration from cold applications
Bell.p (R.E.S.Hayes. HR, 1940, p.3)
Thirst less in fever; sensation as if the eyes
were heavy balls; pain root of nose, with
obstructed nose; frequent micturition;
exhaustion; joint pains; weakness in the knees;
Adaxukah ( a proving of the remedy is available in
the Hom.Recorder, Jan. 1928.—R.E.S. Hayes, HR,
1940, p.4)
Dark urine
( F. Kraft, NAJ, 1890, p.20)
Menses prolonged, bright red, gushes, agg.
During micturition pain in the inguinal region;
weakness in the lower extremities during the
Trill. (R.E.S. Hayes, HR, 1940, p.5)
Cough agg. Lying, agg.night; nausea night
iola.o (R.E.S. Hayes, HR, 1940, p.6)
Slimy, foul secretion from the umbilicus
Medorrhinum. (M.Burgess
webster, HR, 1940,
Sensation as if the heart is
Psorinum (M.Burgess
webster, HR, 1940, p.28)
External dropsy
Podo. (K.A.McLaren, HR, 1940, p.15)
Severe pains in lt.eye, extending from the
inner to outer canthus, agg.light, am. Pressure
Cinnb. (E.E.Case, NAJ, 1893, p.699)
Nipples drawn in
Cadm.m ( A.H. Grimmer, HR 1929, p.613)
Volume II
Anaemia and cachexia after
Phos . ( A.H.Grimmer, HR, 1941, p.163)
Bibliography: (HOM) The Homoeopathician
(JH) The Journal d Homoeopathics
(HR) The Homoeopathic Recorder
(IHA) Transactions of the Int.Hahnemannian Association
(NAJ) North American Homoeopathic Journal
(BHR) The British Homoeopathic Review
(HT) Health and you
(BJ) The British Homoeopathic Journal.
Heft 6 Nov.Dec.1931--translated from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for PRIVATE
Year 1985
89 / 101
1.Child 6 yrs. suffering from frequent pharyngitis. BCG vaccination after which she gained only
80 g.weight in months. Appetite wanting, easy satiety, cannot endure anything hot. Does not
fall asleep, fears to be alone. Light must be on in the corridor.
Very sensitive, esp. pain and also for noise mostly. Anxious character. Fears insects, anything
new, unaccustomed. Repertorisation: 1.Fear dark (2.43); 2.Fear being alone (p.43); 3.Easy satiety
(p.476);4. Smell, acute (p.349); 5.Aversion, to undertaking new things, cannot bear to see
anything new (Boericke p.409: Lyc.).
Prescription: Lyc.15 CH, one dose on empty stomach. Six weeks later 9CH, 15CH,
30 CH. After 2½ years the mother reported that the child did not suffer from the catarrh
anymore. Comment: Go to the Materia Medica.
2.28 yrs. old truck driver complained of: 1.Sinusitis (chronic yellow secretion with nightly
cough), 2.Back-ache (jolts during driving, agg.) and 3.Footsweat. Interrogation: Drinks plenty of
beer, cannot tolerate anything hot; talks in sleep; lies on abdomen or on the left side; aversion to
warmth of bed; perspiration least reason; profuse, stinking foot-sweat; nervous irritability;
extreme conscientiousness in the maintenance of his truck;
Consolation not tolerated. Repertorisation: 1.conscientiouness (p.16); 2. Consolation agg. (p.16);
3. Aversion warm food (p.481); 4. Perspiration, Slight exertion (p.1297)
5. Perspiration, foot, offensive (p.1183), profuse (p.1184);
result: Lyc.5/11, Sil.5/13. Choice Sil. Because of conscientiousness and perspiration. 3.7.1976:
Sil. 7CH - 9CH - 15CH in three days interval.
10.5.1980: since 4 yrs. neither sinusitis nor back-ache. No other illnesses. Now he has again
sinus complaint. 3. 13 yrs. old girl with sprained ankle. Tiepe Telephonic consultation:
prescription of Ruta 5CH thrice daily. After two days no improvement. Patient came to the
clinic. After removing the tight bandage (which am. the pain) a swelling of the joint region
without a specific point of pain, was observed. Letting the leg hang down agg. the pains
Repertorisation: 1.Injuries (p.1568); 2.Extremities, letting the leg hang down agg. (p.1009); 3.
Pressure (p.1392). Prescription: Puls. 7CH for three days, morning and evening, to stop when
improvement sets in. After 2 ½ days amelioration. The girl jumps, dances and runs about without
any difficulty. Comment: The two characteristic symptoms were considered (Para 153). This
case easily and briefly teaches that repertorisation is not always a difficult job.
[All three cases reported by Dr.B.Py in the L'HOMOEOPATHIE FRANCAISE 69, 1981 and
referred to in the ZEITSCRIFT FUR KLASSISCHE H0MEOPATHIE, Band 25/1981, Heft 4;
translated from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras for PRIVATE COMMUNICATION
Volume II
--Comments: These cases show as Dr.Py has commented that repertorisation leads to the remedy
even in acute conditions like sprains. Regarding the first case viz. Lyc. the rubric 'Aversion to
undertaking new things, cannot bear to see anything new’ is given in Boericke's MM; the Kent's
Repertory has the rubric ‘Fear, undertaking anything’: Arg.n., Ars., Lyc.(p.47) all in 2nd grade.
We may add, below it 'undertaking anything new’: Lyc.' All the three cases show the value of
working from Generals to particulars. The third case is a beauty. Who amongst us have
prescribed Puls. for sprain? And yet it is there in the Repertory in top grade! Those who know
the French school's mode of prescription will understand the prescription of such potencies as 9,
15 etc. --Dr.K.S.S]
Year 1985
91 / 101
An imposing and corpulent gentleman, a civil servant, visited me in 1942 from
Since an year he has a continuous, increasing anxiety because since that time both his
heels have been paining. He had done everything possible but till now nothing succeeded.
Actually it was his Achilles tendons which caused more pains; it is not the tendon sheaths
but tendon periosteum inflammation. We also know that this inflammation results when the
periosteum or when the leg, is put on strain.
Just as the Tendoperiostosis of the fore-arm is caused only when the arm is affected by
innervation due to intervertebral affections, or is strained due to arrest of blood circulation or
nutrition, in the same manner the Achilles tendons and periosteum of heels, are affected only
when there is lumbar vertebral damage.
This knowledge plays a lesser role in our choice of homoeopathic medicine. We must
concern ourselves with the symptoms of the patients and so I question the patient for details. He
said that the great pain was in the heel but actually it was drawing pain from the popliteal space
down. Further he has; the pain mostly at the commencement of movement which after a few
steps gets better. Walking on tip-toes was particularly painful.
All these symptoms point out Kali bichromicum which we also know has particular
relationship to Achilles tendon. "Achilles tendons pain, continuous movement am." (KR/1076
two marks); "Achilles tendons pain when walking on tip toes" (KR/1076 only remedy;" from the
popliteal space pain going down to Achilles tendon (KR/1074 only remedy with one mark)
We also know that Kalium bichromicum his affinity not only to the Achilles tendon but
also to the nasal sinuses and so I was tempted to straightaway tell him that he must be having this
affection also. The patient had, naturally, the sinus affections and he further asked me whether I
can help his fistula in anus which he has since long, and which had been operated five times. The
secretion is yellow green. In this rubric also kali-bi is given and so it was sufficient when I fixed
a single medicine, namely kalium bichromicum for all the ailments of the patient, which I gave
in the C30 and repeated. It is unnecessary to say that it cured all the ailments.
ARZNEIPOTEN¬ZIoUNG, 5/1983; Translated from the German by Dr.K.S.Sriniyasan, Madras,
Volume II
by H.V Muller.
A 58 yrs.old woman complained that since my treatment of her with cupping glass she has been
suffering from a burning of skin of back. 14 days after the treatment by cupping glass this
burning was still felt, day and night. It is so agonising and tormenting that she is on the verge of
committing suicide. The only relief was by cold bathing. She could not say more. I could not
make myself believe that the cupping was responsible for this. Since 15 years I have been
applying in all painful conditions, in cervico-shoulder-syndrome, sciaticas, dorsalgias, inter-
costal neuralgias and other pains from the vertebral column this beautiful device. In my practice I
use one from Russia. I have used it on many thousands of patients and have observed quick and
surprising results but never adversely.
The therapy with symptom-oriented medicines did not bring about any result.
To the question about previous ailments, it was revealed that two years ago, in 1978, had
a Herpes zoster and indeed in the sixth inter-costal space on the right side back. This place is still
now particularly sensitive to pressure, and I must therefore under-stand that the cupping has
activated an old shingles. It is striking that while the right side of back has been afflicted worse,
the pain however has spread to the left side.
REMEDY CHOICE: This case shows that in homoeopathy the symptoms are indeed the
foundation pillar but that the aetiology factor can play a decisive role.
So, in this case, the Herpes zoster was the cause of the pain. I searched for 'consequences'
in the Kent. I found only little in that:
Stitching back pains, after herpes zoster: Lachesis 2 marks (KR.936)
Chest pain, after herpes zoster: Mezereum and Ranunculous bulbosus, both 2 marks each.
None of these medicines suit the symptom "burning back pains"; besides none of them with
"better by cold bathing" (KR.1346)
Finally I succeeded by referring to Voisin's "Practical Homoeotherapy" in which I found at
p.321, only Mezereum with "painful states after Herpes zoster" out of these three remedies, with
two marks. Of course, there is agg. by bathing but I did not consider it as valid. In Kent (p.1345),
Mezereum, is given under "bathing am."
THERAPY AND PROGRESS: After Mezereum D6 (thrice daily one tablet) the burning was
relieved in the three weeks.
Reference: Kent, J.T.Repertorium
Voisin, H.: Praktische Hoomeotherapie I Edition, Amb Amsberg/Westfalen, 1969, Selbstverlag
der ilbersetzer Stockebrand, F.U.P.Hamm.-/Westfalen.
Year 1985
93 / 101
Nov./Dec.--Translated from German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private communication
only -- We may add "Pains, burning, after herpes zoster: Mez." at p.1379 of KR. and below that
"am. by cold washing"- K.S.S]
Volume II
by L.Wecker.
Bryonia: Diarrhoea from summer heat or change from cold to warm weather. Worse by
movement and morning. Much thirst.
China: Diarrhoea in hot weather after taking fruits. Watery. Stool contains undigested. Weakness
and much flatulence. Pale face and eyes have dark rings.
Croton tiglium: Stools are yellowish-green and watery. Passed with much force. Least eating
cause renewed urge for stool.
Gambogia_gutti: Like China, however, eating and drinking do not agg.
Gratiola: Children particularly, who have taken too much of cold water.
Iris versicolor: Nightly, painful, with nausea and vomiting. Sometimes migrainous headache
Nux moschata: Mush distended abdomen, as if the food eaten had all turned into gas. Sleepiness
and stupefaction.
Oleander: Stool containing undigested which is itself passed in small while passing flatus.
Podophyllum: Much stool passed in early mornings. Squirting. Abdominal cramps and retching.
Potency must be suited to the individual experience.
[From MODERNES LEBEN, NATURLICHES HEILEN, 105, Aug.1980- p.235--Extracted in
AHZ, Band.226, Heft 6/1981; translated from the German by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras,
for private communication only]
Year 1985
95 / 101
4.9 Abrotanum-by L.Gent.
The author--veterinary doctor--gives the indications for Abrotanum in veterinary medicine.
Generally, it is for emaciated animals, with bad skin, hanging abdomen and joint ailments.
Despite good appetite it continues to emaciate, suffer from diarrhoea and is undernourished.
Frequently there is tuberculousis, or parasitosis. The medicine can be administered with other
Volume II
by H.Escobar.
These cases are of special interest for our veterinary doctors because it may not be that in
Germany we experience such treatment. After the dog had been treated unsuccessfully with anti-
biotics for 14 days, the owner decided to allow it to be treated by homoeopathy before killing it.
After treatment with Aconitum napellus D6 and Arsenicum D6 hourly, the high fever (40°) came
down, as Belladonna D6 replaced Aconitum. The animal took water after 48 hours. The nervous
condition improved obviously until only some motor incoordination was there which was treated
with Cocculus D6, Conium D6 and Sulphur.
[From DIVULGACION DE LA HOMEOPATIA, 34, H.201, (1980), S.7 Translated from the
AHZ, Band 226, Heft 6/1981 for private communication only]
Year 1985
97 / 101
Patient 50 yrs from a family of hypotensives who after the death of his son 6 yrs ago has
been in anxious state with impotence and and hypotension (80/50). An increasing neuro-
muscular weakness constrained his work as a store-keeper. Organically nothing evident. All
therapy including homoeopathic (ph-ac.) were of no success. The patients could not either walk,
sit or hold his head without external support. Further symptoms: extreme anxiety; desire for
company; weakness of memory and poor concentration; difficulties in verbal expressions;
melancholy with weariness of life. Coldness and shivering. Stool like sheep dung. Tiresomeness;
increasing weakness of vision, disturbances of accommodation. Hoarseness. Standing aggravates
much. Trembling of hands. The picture suited Thioproperazin. 16.3.77: Thioproperazin 200;
little improvement. After two weeks Thiop.10 M with improvement never expected in such a
serious condition. After 14 days took up work for half days, after two weeks full days work
without tiredness. Complete recoupment of mental state. Confesses now that he wanted to
hang himself (symptom does not appear in the proving), stool normal, pressure from 80/50 to
100/60 increased. After 8 months once again Thiop.200. Because of ailments of head, neuralgias
and new symptoms on 2.12.78 and 11.1.79 Nat-m. 10M, on 13.10.79 Nat-m.50 M. Free from
ailments including the hitherto therapy-resistant impotence.
[From REV. BELGE D'HOMEOPATHIE (1981) 14: 47-51. Extract in the KH, Band 25/1981,
Heft 5, Sept./Oct.; translated by Dr.K.S. SRINIVASAN, Madras, for private communication
Volume II
by Gerd-Witte
On 6th May 1980, H.P. 35 yrs. farmer's wife consulted for treated of obstructed nose. She
was using nasal drops since 11 yrs. and wanted to get over it. The nose is mostly obstructed at
nights out and with the drops she cannot sleep. It had begun with an usual cold for which her
doctor prescribed, amongst others, nasal drops.
For further symptom: before the menses, she becomes almost pale, she was mostly
otherwise pale, but very particularly so then. Since sometime she had a strange feeling in the
head as though while stooping something in the head fell to and fro. This feeling however did not
exist at the commencement of the treatment.
Since many years, during the menses there were convulsive pains in the abdomen during
stool. The right hand shoed round„ about a rough skin without reddening, but nevertheless with
considerable desquamation. This variation of skin stretched up to over the wrist and existed since
two--three years.
Prescription of Ammonium carb.10M one dose, with request to avoid the nasal drops.
After a week: against my advice she had used the nasal drops for further three days as she
did not want to rite of not being able to go to sleep; however, after three days she said that the
nasal drops was not needed any more. The right had hand appeared a little better, the skin was
somewhat less rough and did not desquamate so heavily although the patient as always had been
rubbing Locacorten ointment and had kept the hand covered through-out the night which really
made the skin soft, but which till now has not worked as a cure.
After 24 days: nose further more free, rash on the right hand clearly small, now without
application of die cortison. After two months no menstrual abdominal pains during stool. After
six months: the nose was all right throughout this time, the slightly heavy roughness of the palm
of the right hand is also alright while the back of the hand is completely smooth. The paleness
before the menses is still there and the abdominal pain during periods appeared again lightly.
Repetition of Ammonium carb. 10M one dose.
The symptoms of my patient are to be found in Hahnemann's Chronic diseases, Vol.2:
Symptom No.442 'the nose is so obstructed at nights that she could breathe only through the
mouth'. 429 'before and during menses, face pale'. 81 'on moving the head feeling as though the
brain fell to and fro, towards the side she stooped'. The abdominal pain during stool and during
menses are similar in form and also as already found in HAFINEMANN, only not in this exact
combination. Lastly 577: 'the skin on a child's hands becomes much hard and chapped, the
fissures being very deep’. 578: ‘the skin of the palm of the hands peels off’. It may be noted
further that the nasal drops and the cortison salve did not stop the action of the high potency.
ARZNEI¬POTENZIERUNG, Band. 2 a 1/1981, Jan.-Feb.; translated from the German by
Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for personal communication only]
Year 1985
99 / 101
by Dr.C.D.G.Johnson
This is a short paper, using various case-histories, to illustrate the principle of "the
simillimum" in treatment. I shall discuss them in the alphabetical order of the remedies used.
APIS MEL: Mr.J.McD, aged 64--seen on 20.7.76 having been stung by a bee on the right ear 4
days previously, when he became unconscious for an unknown period. Since then he has reduced
flexion at the right elbow, a degree of tremor and uncontrolled movement in the right hand.
Tablets Apis 30c, one every hour that day, then 4 times a day before meals for 2 days. Seen on
23rd July-power much improved though fine movements still poor. On 24th July "90%
improved", and discharged on the 30th July, cured.
DIPHTHERINUM: Mr.T.F.W, aged 65--seen 13.7.78 complaining of lumbar pain for many
years, since his teens. Osteoarthritis in hips and knees also for many years. At age 10 he
contracted diphtheria, was in bed for several weeks, and grew to his present height of 6'4",
having been the normal height for his age: Powders Diphtherinum 30c, one night and morning
for 3 powders, i.e., split dose. Seen 31.7.78 much improved and well satisfied, for “the treatment
has done me a lot of good", were his words. On 4.4.81 saw his nephew who confirmed that the
patient continued well.
Mrs.E.S., aged 60--seen 8.11.80 complaining of asthma since her teens, following a severe
diphtheria at age 12. Constitutionally she is Pulsatilla. Powders Diphtherinum 200c, one night
and A morning for 3 powders, i.e., split dose, which developed an aggravation the next day and
lasted for most of the next week. Since then she continued to improve and when seen on 4.12.80
she "felt better than she had done for years" (her comments). She went through that winter well,
needing only powders Pulsatilla 10m, one every 2 hours for 6 doses for an acute, though less
severe than usual, episode on 5.1.81. Previously she had been given a frequent course of
antibiotics and Prednisone + Phyllocontin + Ventolin Inhaler. She now uses Ventolin Inhaler
only, and that only occasionally (2.5.81)
OPIUM: Mrs.M.McC, aged 25--seen 9.10.75 complaining cf bed-wetting, usually about 3 a.m.
since very early childhood, apart from the duration of her two pregnancies. Many investigations
have all been negative. In early childhood and for many years, she and her brother were made to
witness her father bating up her mother, as a regular occurrence. Constitutionally she is
Lycopodium, but received, because of the repeated shocks, powders Opium 30c, one night and
morning for 3 powders. Seen 8 days later (17.10.75) she was "dry" and had been so since the
first dose. Last seen on 20.4.76, when6he moved away, and was still dry.
SCARLATINA:. Miss Y.M., aged 7--seen 16.6.80 complaining of "never well" since Scarlatina
in February, 1980, with a dry persistent cough leading to retching. The cough is worse for
running, laughing, inspired cold air, or lying down, and at 2 a.m. She is constitutionally Natrum
mur. though she has only powders Scarlatinum 200c, one right and morning for 3 powders on her
first visit, and has been well since. Mr.H.D., aged 50--seen 14.4.80 complaining of painful
wrists, ankles and low back. Rheumatoid Arthritis confirmed by blood test with positive reading
1/80 ESR 46. Brother, eldest sister and parents have "rheumatism". Scarlatina at age 5, with
recurrent summer "throats" until late teens. Powders Natrum mur 200c, one night and morning
Volume II
for 3 powders (constitutional). This resulted in less severe and shorter spells of pain, and no
further ankle stiffness on waking. On 7.7.80 powders Scarlatinum200c, one night and morning
for 3 powders were given and this has resulted in a steady improvement since.
SILICEA: Mr.J.S., aged 63--seen on 18.11.74--diagnosis o.' Silicosis He had worked all his life
in a local mine and had been diagnosed the week before by the National Coal Board Medical
Department, including x-ray examination-no treatment, Powders Silicea 30c "split dose" one
night and morning 3 powders administered, and on 19.2.75 he attended the Silicosis Board--
Chest x-ray was found to be clear and no signs or symptoms: Much to their wonderment and his
joy he restarted work instead of premature retirement.
STAPHYLOCOCCIN: Mr. M.T., aged 56--seen on 20.3.74, complaining of generalised eczema,
particularly on shins, ever since he was given a course of. Injections prepared from pus taken
from a crop of carbuncles some 27 years before. Powders Stapylococcin 30c "split dose", one
night and morning for 3 powders produced an immediate and marked aggravation, which
subsided over 8 days. He was then very much better, until 4 months later when he developed a
recurrence, not as severe, seen by partner (I was then in the NHS), who prescribed
Oxytetracycline and Betnovate ointment. He moved away before I was able to see him, which
was very disappointing, for I am convinced that he would have been much improved by sensible
homoeopathic management.
T.A.B: Miss G.C., aged 24--seen on 19.12.80 complaining of 8 weeks amenorrhoea following an
injection for T.A.B., 2 weeks after her last period. Sae was not pregnant. She had also
experienced a return of jelly-like vaginal discharge and hot, sore, itching clitoris, which had
improved greatly with Phosphorus (her constitutional), and Thuja several months before. Period
reappeared 3 yrs later on 22nd December, 1980, and has had normal menses since.(T.A.B-
Salmonella typhi, Paratyphi A, Paratyphi B)
VARIOLIUM: Mr.J.C., aged 17-seen on 13.11.81--referred by his GP with a diagnosis of
Essential Hypertension after hypertensive encephalopathy at age 12 years 11 months, on 12.8.76,
with blood pressure 260/160, preceded by a history over 3 yrs. of increasingly severe and
frequent headaches since a severe bout of chicken-pox at age 9. Current treatment Inderal 40mg.
night and morning and BP (sitting) 170/100. I prescribed powders Variolinum 200c "split dose"
one night and morning for 3 powders. Subsequnt blood pressure readings by GP were:
18.3.81 150/90
24.3.81 145/80 sitting down--the last being normal
1.4.81 120/80
There has been no change in his allopathic no further homoeopathic treatment. It is early
days yet (8.3.81) but it is encouraging.
Mr.E.G. aged 54--seen 27.1.81 complaining of severe blinding headaches. At age 5 had
severe chicken-pox, then diphtheria at age 8. His symptoms started after the Variola (chicken-
pox) and continued until he was 18, then very few until after he had
Year 1985
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severe malaria at age 31. Powders Variolinum 200c "split dose" one night and morning for 3
powders. Since then, despite a new and demanding job with a lot of car driving, he has had no
head-aches, apart from 2 mild episodes this last fortnight. These have responded well to
Belladonna, the indicated remedy (8.5.81)
BACILLUS WELCHII: Mr.J.H.G.S., aged 43--seen 12.12.80 complaining of continuing low
back pain since age 19. The symptoms are intermittent, variable, but can be severe and always
restrict his activities. He had Scarlatina at age 5, and after a fall from his bike at age 7, he
developed what appeared to be a "clostridial" infection in his left leg, which resulted in
septicaemia and hospitalisation for several weeks. Since then the left leg has been stiffer than the
right. Powders Bac.Welchii 30c "split dose" (one night and morning for 3 powders) was
administered and on 23.1.81 seen again--very well, after aggravation 8.5.81 still well.
[From HOMOEOPATHY, 1982, pp.20--22; private communication only]