ORGANOTROPY              NERVOUS SYSTEM, HEART-                                                                CIRCULATORY-ORGANS, MUCOUS                                                           MEMBRANES OF THE RESPIRATORY 
                                             PASSAGES, DIGESTIVE ORGANS, LIVER, 
                                             SPLEEN, Urinary organs, muscles, Skin 


Head:                                   HEADACHES IN OCCIPUT, worse               nights 
(Neuralgias)                          from lying on the back or on the                        left-side 
Eyes:                                    Heavy, sleepy. Burning. Vision weak, 
                                             dulled.  Pain inner angle                                    right 
Ears:                                     Drawing pain, external ear                                 right 
Heart-circulatory:                 Palpitation, shaking, 
                                             extending to neck while                                     leaning head 
                                             SENSATION OF CHILLINESS,                        on lt hand 
                                             from the feet, rising 
                                             up to the whole body 
Respiratory passage:            A constricted feeling at the root of nose. 
(Rhinitis, Bronchitis,            Yellow, blood-streaked secretion from 
Tuberculosis)                        the posterior nares                                              mornings 
                                             Burning pains in the chest; Burning in left          
                                             chest from                                                          10 A. M. 
                                             during the whole day, radiating 
                                             to the shoulder.  RESPIRATION WEAK, 
                                             slow, shallow.  HACKING, EXPLOSIVE 
                                             COUGH, from                                                   talking, motion 
Digestive organs:                 Dry lips: feeling of dryness in mouth, despite 
(Enterocolitis, Infantile        viscid saliva.  Toothache in upper jaw.  
Toxicosis, Hepatocolitis       Tongue coated, with brown line in center. 
Cholecystitis, Spleen            PEPPERY TASTE ON THE TIP OF TONGUE; 
tumour)                                BITTER TASTE.  Aversion to food.   Will not 
                                             dare to eat, the thought of it sickens.  Frequent 
                                             pyrosis.  Nausea.  Burning and rumbling in the 
                                             stomach  and abdomen.  PAINS, in umbilical 
                                             region, with sensation of heat and heaviness 
                                             in abdomen.  PAINS, dull, throbbing, in right 
                                             upper abdomen, worse from                                 sitting, lying 
                                             better from                                                            slow walking          



Trunk and Extremities:        BACK AND LIMB PAINS, dull with feeling 
(Neuralgias)                          of tiredness 
                                             Neck, painful                                                     moving head 
                                             Pains with paralyzed feeling of the arms, 
                                             hands.  Lumbar ache as if it would break, 
                                             radiating to the hips.  Pain in the (external)       left 
                                             hip radiating into the leg.  Pains drawing 
                                             from knee to the neck without perspiration, 
                                             better                                                                  lying    
Skin:                                     Dry, yellowish 


Mind and Emotion:              GENERAL SENSE OF EXHAUSTION, 
(Hypochondriasis,                Stuporous, loss of will as if paralyzed, 
Asthenia,                              with sensation of pricking the whole body. 
Fever delirium)                     Sighing, restless.  Fear of becoming crazy. 
                                             FEVER-DELIRIUM, nights, towards morning, 
                                             sings and talks and finds no rest                        
General:                                PALE, WEAK, as after long illness. 
(Convalescence, after           Desires to stretch; to keep lying, not 
Malaria, Malta fever,            to be moved.  HEADACHE, in OCCIPUT with

Rheumatism, Anaemia)        VERTIGO and feeling UNWELL COLD

                                             SENSATION, ascending from feet to

                                             the whole body.  FEVER, periodical, 
                                             beginning at noon, night and towards 
                                             morning with fast pulse, with 
Thermo-regulation:               COLDNESS, first up in the hips and then 
                                              in the whole body; then 
Disposition to Perspiration:  COPIOUS PERSPIRATION, worse from drinking 
Desire for:                            COLD DRINKS, SOUR THINGS, POTATOES, 
                                             BEEF STEAK

Aversion to:                         Loss of appetite

Stool evacuation:                 MORNING DIARRHOEA, BLOODY, 
                                             Constipation no urge 
Urination:                             Scanty.  Urination difficult, with false urging 
Sleep:                                   RESTLESS, unrefreshing.  Awakes tired, GIDDY 
                                             Rolling sensation while falling asleep. 
                                             Sleepy throughout the day, yawning          
Menstruation:                       Strength: 
Stool:                                    DIARRHOEIC, BLOOD STREAKED, slimy 
                                             evacuations, 4 - 5 times daily.  Constipated 
Urine:                                   Dark, like tea; ammoniacal smelling 
Perspiration:                         PROFUSE PERSPIRATION, from least exertion; 
                                             of the back, lower half of the body,                              
                                             on the flexional folds. Night.                    

Agg:                                     From MOTION

                                             From LEAST EXERTION

                                             In CLOSED ROOM 
Amel:                                   From REST 
                                             From HEAVY PRESSURE 
                                             From FRESH AIR