
Wheals in the skin of young children which are worse in the warmth of the bed.  The distress of the child is so great that it got hardly any proper sleep.6

Coppery eruption of scalp.6

Chronic insomnia, forgetful, sleepless, restless, foul breath, Liver slightly enlarged.6  Spleen large and very hard.6

Eczema of bend of knees – worse in warmth of bed.6

Enlarged cervical glands.6

Flat Papilloma in the anal region its soreness preventing sleep at night – worse at 2 a.m.6

Dusky skin, yellow discharge from the vagina.9

Ovarian tumour and most severe and distressing Leucorrhoea and much dragging down in lower abdomen.9

Nocturnal headaches.9

Craving for salt.9  Sleepless nights.6, 9   Hair loss.9

Has the power to free stunted children from this constitutional blight. 23

Large brown patch on forehead.9

Small tumour of right testis.9

Hard lump on the middle of the shaft of the penis.9

Congenital vascular tumour to the right of the spinal column and below the angle of the scapula.9

Nocturnal exacerbation (in general), dusky coloration of skin.9

Temporary yielding to Merc.9

Dreadful pain in the tumour of left ovary.9

Nightmare; hands go dead.9

Gets pain in the uterine tumour after she had been in bed a few minutes.9

Much pain in vagina, worse at night.9