VI.  OPERATIONS, consequences of

      Remedy to be selected according to the location and the nature of operation.  i.e. cleancut (Staphysagria), laceration (Calendula), stretching of the tissues (Arnica, Rhus toxicodendron),  much loss of blood (Ferrum phosphoricum, China) etc.

      In general, Arnica will minimise loss of blood and help resorption of post operative haematoma.

      Arnica & Quick Recovery Facelifts.

      New york Facial plastic surgeon Andrew JACONO, performs a short scar incision facelift and uses Arnica Montana three days before surgery to speed recovery time. [167]

      Aesculus hippocastanumfor haemorrhoid operation, for pre-operative anxiety as also post-operative rapid healing. [168]

      Ruta graveolenswhere cartilages or periosteum are involved.

      For such mental states as pre-operation “anticipatory anxiety before going to the physician, dentist: Calc., Gels., Mag-c., Phos., Tub. [169] fear of death. [170]   Sleeplessness from anxiety” [171] fear [172] there are good homœopathic remedies (see appropriate rubric in the Repertory).  Pierre SCHMIDT mentions Calcarea carbonica as the remedy for the fear before any operation. [173]

      FOUBISTER recommends Phosphorus 200, XM for pre-operative anticipation including dental operations. [174]

      Post operatively: Arnica comes in again.  Pierre SCHMIDT recommends Strontium carbonicum [175] (See the rubric ‘Shock from Injuries’ in the Repertory); also for post-operative shock; FOUBISTER recommends Arnica also after abdominal operations. [176]  We must differentiate between remedies keeping in mind other symptoms of the patient including the concomitants.

      “Post operative complications” – Rhus toxicodendran [177]

      Arnica: It is very beneficial in the most severe wounds by bullets and blunt weapons, as also in the pains and other ailments consequent on extracting the teeth, and in other surgical operations whereby sensitive parts have been violently stretched, as also after dislocations of the joints, after setting fractures of the bones, & etc. [178] 

      After tonsillectomy – Carcinosin. [179]

      Circumcision abscess – Carcinosin. [180]

      Post or vaccinal surgical Keloids  Carcinosin. [181]

      Reduces incidence of Keloid scaris given pre-operatively two patients undergoing plastic surgery. [182]

      Post-surgery Acute

     SKELTON Betsy Brucker

     The author underwent surgery for removal of a nasal polyps which were extensive and blocking nasal breathing.  After surgery felt groggy and sleepy and as if “drunk”.  Slept for 2 hours and got up to walk about 12 feet to the bathroom.  Sat down in the bath room and started to shake!  This became worser, teeth  chattering, violent tremors of the body, unable to talk normally and eyelids felt heavy and wanted to keep the eyes closed.  The homoeopath suggested (over the phone) Gelsemium 6  and within 5 minutes of taking it, a calm came over, took a real deep breath, tremors stopped, eyes opened ; felt fully well. [183]

      DEWEY mentions Veratrum album, Camphor, Arsenicum, Digitalis, Carbo vegetabilis, China, Arnica, Opium and Hypericum for operation shock. (injury)

      Flatulence after abdominal operation (Gastrotomy, Gastroenterectomy) will be helped by Carbo vegetabilis(better for eructations). [184]  This remedy is also helpful for weakness and also if after the operation vitality goes down, coldness, cold sweat, collapse, etc. follow.  Lycopodium may be compared for flatulence after operation i.e. if flatulence is in the lower abdomen.  FOUBISTER recommends Lycopodium for ailments after Gallbladder surgery while KUNZLI recommends Phosphorus after Cholecystectomy, Chinafor flatulence involving the whole abdomen and particularly if there has been much blood-loss in the operation.

      Raphanus for post-operative pains, atony of the bowels, also more related to the genital organs.

      BOERICKE mentions Staphysagria for “pain and nervousness after extraction of teeth”. [185]

      Bellis perennis, affinity to female pelvis; like Arnica, (sore, beaten pains); after gynaecological operation.  “First remedy for injuries to the deeper tissues, after major surgical work.  Results  of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing.  …. Traumatism of the pelvic organs, auto-traumatism, expresses the condition calling for this remedy.  ….. Excellent remedy for sprains and bruises.” [186]

      Ferrum metallicum (vomiting after tonsillectomy), [187] Causticum(urinary retention after operation) also Rhus toxicodendron if the bladder muscles have been stretched  much. [188]  Ferrum phosphoricum controls  soreness and bleeding after operations”.

      Bismuthum subnitricum (nausea, vomiting, indescribable stomach pains). [189]

      Hyoscyamus for hiccups after abdominal operations. [190]

      Acetic acid (effects of anaesthesia, weakness). [191]

      Sticta pulmonaria (sleeplessness after injuries) [192] also Arnica, Rhus toxicondronafter

injuries or after operation [193] and Aconite according to Margaret TYLER. [194]

      For amputation neuralgia: Allium cepa, Hypericum [195].

      After tapping Ascites returns continually – Apis mellifica [196]

      Dental operations: the repertory is rich in this.  Arnica, Aconitum for panic, fear of operation, profuse bleeding after extraction, pains after extraction, Hypericum (for nerve pains), Staphisagria (clean cut).  Nux vomica (inability to bear the anaethesia), Ledum(injection, injury from pointed instrument), Silica (Gum swelling after tooth extraction).  Calendula  for quick healing.

      Loss of memory, nausea, vomiting after anaesthesia: Phosphorus.

      Acetic acid and Sulphuric acid (see H.C.ALLEN).  Acetic acid is antidote for all anaesthetic gases (HERING).

      Extreme unbearable pains: Ledum, Crotallus horridus(see SR. II).

[167] Medical Devices and Surgical Technology Week, February 18, 2007.

[168] FOUBISTER, D.M.: op cit.

[169] SR. I, p.53.

[170] SR. I, p.487.

[171] SR. I, p. 144.

[172] SR. I, p.156.

[173] SR. I, p.515.

[174] FOUBISTER, D.M.: op cit. p.193.

[175] SCHMIDT Pierre:  Sports Injuries

[176] FOUBISTER, D.M.: op cit. p.190

[177] BOERICKE, W.: op cit. p.535.

[178] Materia Medica Pura, S.HAHNEMANN. Vol.I. p.89.

[179] A Select Homœopathic Materia Medica Part I – P. Ishwardas Tarkas & Ajit K. Kulkarni.

[180]A Select Homœopathic Materia Medica Part I – P. Ishwardas Tarkas & Ajit K. Kulkarni.

[181] A Select Homœopathic Materia Medica Part I – P. Ishwardas Tarkas & Ajit K. Kulkarni.

[182] A Select Homœopathic Materia Medica Part I – P. Ishwardas Tarkas & Ajit K. Kulkarni.

[183] (HT,16,2/1996)

[184] FOUBISTER, D.M.: op cit. p.195.

[185] BOERICKE, W.: op cit.   p.607.

[186] BOERICKE, W.: op cit. p.115.

[187] FOUBISTER, D.M.: op cit. p.192

[188] FOUBISTER, D.M.: op cit. p.190

[189] KÜNZLI J.: op cit. p.461.

[190] KÜNZLI J.: op cit. p. 445.

[191] ALLEN, H.C.: Key Notes. p.13

[192] PHATAK, S.R.  op cit. p.559

[193] KNERR, C.B.:  op cit. p.1067.

[194] TYLER, M.L.: Pointers to the Common Remedies p. 278

[195] SR. II, p.331, RG. p.822.

[196] GS. p.480