Homœopaths should be able to bring rapid relief in sporting accidents.  These do not differ essentially from other accidents, but one must know:

  1.  if the sports man can continue his game,

  2.  if he can recover completely after a certain time. 

Excessive anxiety before a competition or a tournament: Gelsemium 10M (one dose).

Browse injuries from below sports :




Ice Hockey - Cricket - Tennis - Ball games





A skier who sprained his ankle in the Swiss Alps received Rhus toxicodendron 200 and after local massage he was able to finish the race which was planned, twenty-four hours after his accident.

Shocks:  All accidents have a certain amount of shock.  Arnica 200 gives very good results, or Arnica 200, 1M, 10M, in progression six hours apart.

Wounds:  Make a dressing with Calendula, and give Calendula 200 every six hours.  If the wound is more important make a dressing of gauze saturated with Hamamelis lotion, Witch Hazel.

Fractures Symphytum 30 right from the beginning stops pseudoarthrosis.

A dressing of clay and cabbage leaves and homœopathic Symphytum taken orally cured a case of pseudoarthrosis in the knee in a patient who had been hospitalized for a year with this complaint.


Shocks:  Arnica 10M, two doses twenty-four hours apart. 

Nervous shock, Nervous fright before a fight:  two doses of Gelsemium 200.

Wounds, Contusions, and Fractures:  For the wounds, a tight dressing with Calendula Ø diluted in a soupspoon of water.  This will stop bleeding, favor healing, prevent infection.

For bruises on soft parts of the body, with or without ecchymosis, Arnica 30, or 200, three globules every half hour until the pain diminishes.  Contusion of hard parts of the body, such as bones, needs Ruta 200, one or two doses one hour apart;  as you know, this is a great remedy for the bones and  the periosteum.

For joints, Ruta 30, 200, and 1M one hour apart, and let it act.

Fractures of the Bones of the Hand or the Fingers:  They will repair much more quickly with Symphytum 30, two or three times a day for one week.

But if the ends of fingers have been crushed, with pain along with the nerves, we give one dose of Hypericum 10M, or elseHypericum 30, morning and evening for several days.  If the nervous system is involved, the high dilutions are very successful.  I remember a dentist who perforated the end of his finger with one of his instruments; he had a very painful neuritis which nothing could alleviate: one dose of Hypericum 10M and everything was over in forty-eight hours.

Sprains:  With distension or tearing of the ligaments or the tendons,  Rhus toxicodendron 30, three globules morning and evening for several days.

Black Eye:  When there is a strong ecchymosis which is better from cold water, Ledum 200, two or three doses several hours apart.  If the black eye came in a moment of anger or rage during the fight, the patient needs Staphysagria, which will work in the same way but much better:  One will notice that when Staphysagria is needed there is usually no amelioration from cold water.

If there are no modalities,  of course the specific for a black eye is always Symphytum 200, two or three doses two hours apart.  If that is not enough,  Arnica 10M, two doses twenty-four hours apart.

Ruta acts on the eye also, but differently:  it acts on the sight, on the focusing of the eye, but not on ocular bruises.

If  the pain is particularly intense, think also of Hypericum 200, if Symphytum has not helped.

If one gets an insect in the eye, or some small foreign object, it will be rapidly eliminated, or the conjunctiva reaction will be very much relieved, by Coccus cacti 200.  One needs to have this remedy in one’s pocket when one travels in a convertible or on a railway which still uses coal.  There is something else which helps; massage the other eye, and this helps the eye that was injured:  this is the Chinese way of symmetrical treatment.

Contusion of the Head, blows, shocks, from the blows of boxing: immediately, Arnica 10M two doses half an hour apart.  If the blow was more violent and one suspects concussion,  Natrum sulphuricum 10M should be considered, one dose, or perhapsCicuta, if there are convulsions.

The after-effects of concussion, which sometimes manifest years after the blow, can be cured sometimes with Natrum sulph., or according to some authors, with Lobelia acetum 200 and 1M, twenty-four hours apart.

Contusion of the Base of the spine, from falling on the Seat: Of course one thinks of Hypericum 10M administered immediately and again one or two hours later.  One has similar contusions of the coccyx frequently in horse riding or ice hockey.  One should in such cases massage locally with oil of Millepertuis.

Suppurating wounds on the head:  They heal more quickly if the patient takes Calendula 200 in addition to usual local dressing.  Think also perhaps of Pyrogenium 10M.

Nasal haemorrhage:  Arnica 200 every five minutes and dab the nose with gauze moistened with a solution of Calendula, two drops to a soupspoon of cold water.  For a nose bleed which has not been caused by a blow, Calendula is not indicated as much as China 6 or 200, which should be given every five or ten minutes.  If this doesn’t help, some drops of Ferrum phos 6 on a wad which one introduces into the nostril.

Vipera redii 200 also acts very well, especially if the patient has varicose veins on the legs.

Cramps of the Calves:  Cuprum 200 ten minutes before the fight will obviate this inconvenience.

A blow over the Heart:  This can bring atrocious pain, with the feeling that the heart is clamped in a vise. Arnica 200 for the blow, and compresses of cold water to which ten drops of tincture of Arnica have been added, to be applied over the heart.  If this does not help, Cactus 200 every half hour.


In offering the following advice we do not mean in any way to belittle the competence of those who follow and tend professional soccer teams and know the accidents which can happen, or the usual kind of first aid which is given in these accidents.  But it can greatly help their task and bring about much more rapid relief.

Sprains and Straining of the Ligaments:  These are the accidents in which one finds most often, shock, blows all over the body and especially on the bottom of the shins: there are also the results of overstraining the muscles in running rapidly.  These are very rapidly relieved with Rhus toxicodendron 200, morning and evening, or Rhus toxicodendron 30, 200, and 1M, four hours apart.  Locally one can apply a few drops of Rhus toxicodendron ø in alcohol, gently rubbing the sprained part.  I haven’t tried this but HAHNEMANN advises local application of Rhus toxicodendron, in dilution.  Remember that Rhus is the remedy of articular rheumatism aggravated by cold and damp, and that is more suited to soccer  players who have had accidents before.  If, on the contrary, cold dampness ameliorates, give Ledum 30, 200, and 1M same doses.

Old sprains which bring after-effects: intermittent pain, swelling, unexpected recurrences, all these call for a remarkable remedy, which is Strontium carbonicum; it should be given in potencies of 30, 200, 1M, successively.  Remember also that Strontium carbonicum is a chosen remedy in all grave shock after abdominal surgery.

Kicks:  Muscular ecchymosis of soft parts of the body: calves, legs, thighs, buttocks, respond to Arnica given in the same way asRhus, especially since every violent blow brings a nervous shock, which Arnica, especially in high dilutions, handles perfectly well.

If Arnica or Rhus do not give rapid results, think of a remedy which is not often used in these cases, but which is to be found in the third degree in the Repertory:  Conium 30, 200, and 1M.

If Conium does not give results, which would be most surprising, give Bellis perennis, also in ascending doses.  This is the remedy of blows on the breast of a woman.

Synovitis: Almost always after a sprain or a stretching of a ligament one will administer three doses of Rhus toxicodendron 30, 200, 1M, one after the other.  If this involves a blow on the knee or on the heel, with periostitis, give Ruta in the same doses.

Dislocations, Luxations:  They are to be treated after reduction with Arnica 200, three globules morning and evening for several days, and after this, if necessary, by Rhus toxicodendron 200 same dosage.  One may have to continue the medication for several days.

Fractures will heal more rapidly if you give Symphytum 30, three globules morning and evening for a week or more.

If the patient says to you after a sprain or a fracture, “since my accident I haven’t been sleeping too well”, give him a dose of Sticta pulmonaria 200, which will make him sleep.  This remedy has the following characteristics:  it does not usually act upon insomnia, except after fractures and accidents.

Contusions or blows from a collision of the head against someone else’s head or a blow from a ball: Arnica 30 or 200, every half hour for three or four hours.

Epistaxis from a blow during a match:  Ferrum phos 200 succeeds very well and allows the patient to continue playing, otherwise think of Arnica 200.

Tendinitis: A remarkable remedy for tendinitis, of the same family as Rhus, is Anacardium 200, one dose morning and evening for several days; it soothes the inflammation.  If not, one can always try Rhus toxicodendron, which generally succeeds better with horses, whilst Anacardium is  more successful with men.


Muscle pains, wrenched muscles, sprains Arnica 200 morning and evening.  If this doesn’t help, Rhus toxicodendron in successively higher potencies.

Blows Directly On The Head: from a ball or a bat, Natrum sulph. 30, 200, 1M, four hours apart.

Blows on the legs: with a bat, are also generally treated with Ruta 200

Blows on the fingers, which often happen in ball games: if the end of the finger is crushed or torn, Hypericum 30 or 200.  Apply local dressing with Hypericum Ø in alcohol solution.

Sunstroke: Glonine 30, 200, 1M, one hour apart, otherwise Belladona 200.

Tennis Ball in the eye Symphytum 30 every half hour.  If that doesn’t work, Hypericum in the same way.  Consult an oculist to see if there is hemorrhage of the eye or of the chamber of the eye:  massage around the eye and, if Symphytum and Hypericum have not acted, give Bothrops 200 or Crotalus 200 which are admirable when there is a simple hyphaema (haemorrhage of the anterior chamber of the eye)

Tennis elbow,  Epicondylitis: very good results with Rhus toxicodendron 10M, also acupuncture.  The English recommendAgaricus 6, three globules per day for two weeks.  The repertory indicates especially Ambra grisea.

Traumatism to the Genitals:  from a tennis ball: one thinks first of all of Arnica.  If the pain is very bad, Hypericum.


In addition to ecchymosis, strains, distensions, sprains, and tendinitis, mentioned above, athletics can cause different kinds of lesions.

Coup De Fouet:  This is an excruciating pain in the calves which runners get, and it is a great handicap to them.  It happens especially after excessive training.  Agaricus 6, three globules morning and evening for one week, and even during training to avoid a new attack.  When this condition is so intense, that the patient cannot even move,  Bryonia 30, three globules every half hour until sedation.

Cramps in the Calves or in any other part of the leg, especially after forced exertion:  Cramps from flexion are excessively rare.  Most patients have their cramp when they stretch in the morning, for instance, in bed.  The remedy is Cuprum 200, three globules every ten minutes until the condition disappears.  It is a good idea to place a large key in the bed  at the feet. ( Roger A.SCHMIDT, M.D.,  recommended Calcarea carbonica, as being almost specific for charley horse.)

Wounds from shoe spikes:  Runners have this problem.  It  is very painful and causes infection sometimes.  Calendula mother tincture, two drops in a little boiled water will often stop the bleeding and the infection.  If the bleeding is not pronounced and if the infected part is white, swollen, and cold, use Ledum every hour until the pain goes  away.  If, on the contrary, there is strong bleeding, Crotalus horridus 30 or 200 in the same way.

Over Exertion of runners:  Arnica 30, 200, 1M, four hours apart or after a race, will permit the continuation of intensive training.

Weakness of the Knees: in runners who suddenly feel as if their knees would give way or bend:  Calcarea phosphoricum 30 or 200 morning and evening for several days.

Weakness of the Ankles: same as for knees.

Wounds of the feet, suppurations of which  are long to heal: one dose of Silicea 10M


Swimming has its own pathological manifestation in additions to cuts, blows, and strain common to all sports.

Exhaustion:  One dose of Arnica 10M taken during the race itself will act very rapidly.

Cramps in swimmers are helped by Cuprum 200 every ten minutes, or preventively.

Sting from Sea Anemones, Blue-bottles, or Jellyfish Ledum  30 or 200, three globules every quarter of an hour until the pain eases.  If this remedy isn’t enough the specific remedy is Acetic acidum 200, once or twice a day for several days.  An English doctor reports that this remedy cured an incipient cataract caused by the sting of  a jelly fish.

Sea sickness can affect the swimmers if the sea is too rough.  There are two kinds to consider: the kind that starts with cold sweat and a constant desire to swallow his saliva will be healed with Tabacum 30, three globules every hour.  The other kind:  strong nausea, vertigo, tendency to faint, sudden loss of orientation, will respond to Cocculus 200, every half hour, or three doses before the race.


Tetanus is today a very unusual complication of wounds.  From the beginning Arnica 10M if the tetanus manifests, the specific isStramonium 10M or 200 (opisthotonus), then Tetanotoxin 10M, three doses every twenty-four hours.

The Layman Speaks, September 1977