Welcome to Homeoxls!

22.06.12 02:33 PM By Srinivasan

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the new web-site, Homeoxls.com.  I will be putting in my thoughts in this blog; you are welcome to discuss the matters carried in this.  First for some ‘news’:  Dr.Klaus-Henning GYPSER of Glees, Germany visited Chennai on 7-10 March 2011 to spend two days in discussions with me on matters homoeopathic.  We have known each other since nearly 25 years!  Dr. GYPSER si a strict ‘Hahnemannian’, he was a student of late Drs. Will KLUNKER, then KUNZLI, and von KELLER, each of them were very well-known.    Dr. GYPSER has the largest homoeopathic library – over 9000 volumes! most of them rare!  He has also embarked upon a project of revision of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica – Materia Medica Revisia Homoopathiae – and this grand work has been going on since two years; it is going at great speed and vigour.  

So far about 20 Monographs have come – at one Monograph for one remedy, rarely two remedies; these volumes are in German, since they are verifications of the ‘proving’ symptoms duly verified and vouched by very dependable sources,  Such of you who have been reading my Quarterly Homoeopathic Digst (QHD)  would surely have read my brief reviews of these Monographs. 

Dr. GYPSER told me that 20 to 25 homoeopaths are involved in this work and at any time not less than 20 are at work!  We felt that this great work will be of universal use only if they are made available in English language and for that purpose we must find someone who has sound knowledge of German and English so that the translation does not lose the ‘spirit’ of the expressions.  He was prepared to train any willing young homoeopath who will stay in Germany for an year at least and work intensely and his board and lodge would be taken care of. Well, we are looking about.


In future I will be putting in our QHD in this ‘site’ henceforth and all are ‘free’ to browse the journal; you are welcome to post your views.


I also propose to provide in this ‘web site’, as early as possible, all the past issues of the QHD; I am sure that you will find great treasure in these pages. Enough for the day