Dr. P. Schmidt
3. Pierre-Schmidt-The-concepts-of-truth-and-law-in-medicine.html
4. Remedies for the emergency kit
5. Homœopathic remedies for asthma
6. The life of Dr. James Tyler Kent
8. Some case histories with passing comments on points of interest
9. Remedies against the three chronic miasms of HAHNEMANN (Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis)
10. Thorny tale of splinters, slivers, and nails
11. Little doses - big results! Homœopathy for animals
12. Therapeutic and Pathologic diagnosis – The Physician’s Responsibility
13. Pierre-Schmidt-On-potency-choice-and-homœopathic-potentisation.html
14. Pierre-Schmidt-Some-Opthalmological-Cases-treated-with-high-homœopathic-potencies.html
15. Pierre-Schmidt-The-Dosage-used-by-HAHNEMANN.html
The aim and objectives of the ‘Centre” is self-evident – achieving excellence in Homœopathy especially in the field of therapeutics. The road to excellence has been cut by our pioneers and their true followers. We have only to go along that road – no doubt we have even now amongst us many who continue to strengthen our Art so that we can go ahead easily.
The last century gave us some great teachers like James Tyler KENT, Stuart CLOSE,Cyrus BOGER, Herbert ROBERTS, M.L.TYLER, J.H. CLARKE, Pierre SCHMIDT and manymore. We are quite familiar withmost of them through their writings. But the contributions of Pierre SCHMIDT who spanned almost the entirecentury – 1920s to 1980s have not been compiled and made available tous. His teachings are available inthe journals. The list of sucharticles (French, German and some in English) is quite long. Pierre SCHMIDT’s teachings are the mostextensive and modern. In the lastdecade we have seen the rise of new ideas which are very fascinating. These new ideashave found a great following. Thoseof us who have been taught in accordance with masters like von BOENNINGHAUSEN,HERING, LIPPE, WELLS, ALLENs, KENT, BOGER et al. have found no deficiency inthem. It is also our experience that the new ideas do not lead to anysignificant ‘improvement’ in cure of diseases.
Other new ideas: ‘Revolutionary’ Homœopathy, ‘Rediscovered’ Homœopathy and‘Predictive’ Homœopathy, and so on, have also sprung up each claiming to besuperior to the established therapeutic techniques!
It is the innate strength of Homœopathy as laid down by HAHNEMANN and practised bythe great Masters of the 19th & early 20th Centuries,that notwithstanding all these Neo-homœopathy, genuine Homœopathy is growing stronger.
I thought that it will be good service to provide as many articles of PierreSCHMIDT as I could collect, translate some, and give them all in oneplace. Towards this end, Part I containing 15 articles are brought out now. The Part II likely to be ready soon, will contain many more, most of them yet to be translated into English..
Possibly some of you would have read some articles in this collection already. Still I am endeavouring to give many articles of SCHMIDT in one place and it is better that way. I am sure that these teachings would help every homœopath to become better homœopath and cure the sick which is his/her only calling.
“Much as I own Iowe
The passers ofthe past
Because their to and fro
Has cut this roadto last,
I owe them moretoday
Because they’vegone away”
-Robert Frost.